# SparseOperationKit Release Notes # The release notes for SparseOperationKit. ## What's new in Version 1.1.1 ## + Add Auto-Mixed-Precision training support + Add uint32 key dtype support + Add TensorFlow initializers support + Add DLRM benchmark results ## What's new in Version 1.1.0 ## + Supports TensorFlow 1.15. + Supports configuring visible devices via `tf.config.set_visible_devices`. + Added a dedicated CUDA stream for SOK's Ops. + Supports pip installation. + Fixed hanging issue in `tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy` when TensorFlow version greater than 2.4. ## What's new in Version 1.0.1 ## + Supports Horovod as the synchronized training communication tool. + Supports dynamic input in All2AllDenseEmbedding, which means `unique->lookup->gather` pattern can be used. + Supports IdentityHashtable, which means no hash-mapping during inserting new keys. + Added TF Distributed Embedding totally with TF's ops. ## What's new in Version 1.0.0 ## + Implemented a new framework that can be used to easily integrate different embedding algorithms to common DL frameworks. + Supports single-node & multi-node synchronized training with TensorFlow. + Integrated HugeCTR's DistributedSparseEmbedding algorithm. + Integrated All2AllDenseEmbedding algorithm. + Added custom Adam optimizer for SOK when TF version <= 2.4.