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"""Embedding ops."""
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.platform import resource_loader
from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops
ops = tf.load_op_library(resource_loader.get_path_to_datafile('_embedding_lookup_ops.so'))
def read_var_no_copy(res_var):
return ops.read_variable_no_copy(res_var.handle, dtype=res_var.dtype)
def _read_grad(_, grad):
"""Gradient for read op(no copy)."""
return grad
[docs]def embedding_lookup(param, ids, combiner=None):
"""Looks up embeddings for the given `ids` from a embedding tensor.
param (Tensor): A single tensor representing the complete embedding tensor.
ids (Tensor): A 2D `int32` or `int64` `Tensor` containing the ids to be looked up
in `param`. Also support `RaggedTensor` and `SparseTensor`.
combiner (string or None): Reduction method, ['sum', 'mean'] or None. Default None.
Tensor: A `Tensor` with the same type as the tensors in `param`.
.. note::
When combiner is None, returned tensor has shape: ``shape(ids) + shape(param)[1]``
Otherwise, embedding from same row is reduced and returned tensor has shape:
``shape(ids)[0] + shape(param)[1]``
Note when ids is RaggedTensor, its values and row_splits are col_index and row_index
of CSR format hotness matrix, thus can be directly constructed.
TypeError: If `param` is empty.
ValueError: If `ids` is not 2D tensor.
if not tf.is_tensor(param):
raise TypeError("param must be Tensor")
if ids.get_shape().ndims != 2:
raise ValueError("Only support 2D input")
if combiner is None:
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, ids)
if isinstance(ids, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
# assuming no empty sample. tf.shape may fail on earlier tf version with ragged input
dim_0 = tf.shape(ids, out_type=tf.int32)[0] if ids.shape[0] is None else ids.shape[0]
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
dim_0 = tf.shape(ids.row_splits,
out_type=tf.int32)[0] - 1 if ids.shape[0] is None else ids.shape[0]
num_input = tf.shape(
ids.values, out_type=tf.int32)[0] if ids.values.shape[0] is None else ids.values.shape[0]
if dim_0 == num_input:
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, ids.values)
return ops.embedding_lookup_variable_hotness(read_var_no_copy(param), ids.values,
ids.row_splits, combiner)
if isinstance(ids, tf.SparseTensor):
# sparse is ordered but may not be right-ragged. so we generate offset here
# avoid d2h copy in eager mode by using sparsetensor's shape directly
dim_0 = tf.shape(ids, out_type=tf.int32)[0] if ids.shape[0] is None else ids.shape[0]
num_input = tf.shape(
ids.values, out_type=tf.int32)[0] if ids.values.shape[0] is None else ids.values.shape[0]
if dim_0 == num_input:
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, ids.values)
# use custom op to avoid bad XLA bahavior and d2h copy caused by searchsorted
row_splits = ops.row_to_split(ids.indices, dim_0)
# we really want ids.values and row_splits to be same dtype to simplify things
# since max(row_splits) here is likely ~total hotness, int32 should be ok
# TODO(Deyu): fuse this cast into above row_to_split function and make always int32
return ops.embedding_lookup_variable_hotness(read_var_no_copy(param), ids.values,
tf.cast(row_splits, dtype=ids.values.dtype),
dim1 = tf.shape(ids, out_type=tf.int32)[1] if ids.shape[1] is None else ids.shape[1]
if dim1 == 1:
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, tf.squeeze(ids, [1]))
if combiner == 'sum':
return tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, ids), axis=1)
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(param, ids), axis=1)
def _embedding_lookup_variable_hotness_grad(op, grad):
"""The gradients for `embedding_lookup_variable_hotness`.
op (object): The `embedding_lookup_variable_hotness` `Operation` that we are differentiating,
which we can use to find the inputs and outputs of the original op.
grad (Tensor): Gradient with respect to the output of `embedding_lookup_variable_hotness`.
IndexedSlices: A `IndexedSlices` contain sparse gradients with respect to
the embedding parameter of `embedding_lookup_variable_hotness`.
param_shape = tf.shape(op.inputs[0])
flat_ids = tf.reshape(op.inputs[1], [-1])
offsets = op.inputs[2]
unique_ids, unique_grad = ops.embedding_lookup_variable_hotness_grad(
flat_ids, offsets, grad, op.inputs[0], combiner=op.get_attr('combiner'))
return (tf.IndexedSlices(unique_grad, unique_ids, param_shape), None, None)
def integer_lookup(table, count, keys, capacity):
return ops.integer_lookup(table.handle, count.handle, keys, capacity, count.dtype)