Program Listing for File merlin_hashtable.cuh
↰ Return to documentation for file (merlin_hashtable.cuh
* Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include "merlin/allocator.cuh"
#include "merlin/array_kernels.cuh"
#include "merlin/core_kernels.cuh"
#include "merlin/flexible_buffer.cuh"
#include "merlin/group_lock.cuh"
#include "merlin/memory_pool.cuh"
#include "merlin/types.cuh"
#include "merlin/utils.cuh"
namespace nv {
namespace merlin {
struct EvictStrategy {
enum EvictStrategyEnum {
kLru = 0,
kLfu = 1,
kEpochLru = 2,
kEpochLfu = 3,
kCustomized = 4,
struct HashTableOptions {
size_t init_capacity = 0;
size_t max_capacity = 0;
size_t max_hbm_for_vectors = 0;
size_t max_bucket_size = 128;
size_t dim = 64;
float max_load_factor = 0.5f;
int block_size = 128;
int io_block_size = 1024;
int device_id = -1;
bool io_by_cpu = false;
bool use_constant_memory = false;
* reserved_key_start_bit = 0, is the default behavior, HKV reserves
* internal using. if the default one conflicted with your keys, change the
* reserved_key_start_bit value to a numbers between 1 and 62,
* reserved_key_start_bit = 1 means using the insignificant bits index 1 and 2
* as the keys as the reserved keys and the index 0 bit is 0 and all the other
* bits are 1, the new reserved keys are `FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE`,
* console log prints the reserved keys during the table initialization.
int reserved_key_start_bit = 0;
size_t num_of_buckets_per_alloc = 1;
template <class K, class S>
using EraseIfPredict = bool (*)(
const K& key,
S& score,
const K& pattern,
const S& threshold
#if THRUST_VERSION >= 101600
static constexpr auto& thrust_par = thrust::cuda::par_nosync;
static constexpr auto& thrust_par = thrust::cuda::par;
template <typename K, typename V, typename S = uint64_t>
class HashTableBase {
using size_type = size_t;
using key_type = K;
using value_type = V;
using score_type = S;
using allocator_type = BaseAllocator;
virtual ~HashTableBase() {}
virtual void init(const HashTableOptions& options,
allocator_type* allocator = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void insert_or_assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) = 0;
virtual void insert_and_evict(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores, // (n)
key_type* evicted_keys, // (n)
value_type* evicted_values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* evicted_scores, // (n)
size_type* d_evicted_counter, // (1)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) = 0;
virtual size_type insert_and_evict(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores, // (n)
key_type* evicted_keys, // (n)
value_type* evicted_values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* evicted_scores, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) = 0;
virtual void accum_or_assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* value_or_deltas, // (n, DIM)
const bool* accum_or_assigns, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) = 0;
virtual void find_or_insert(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n * DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) = 0;
virtual void find_or_insert(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type** values, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false,
key_type** locked_key_ptrs = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void unlock_keys(const size_type n,
key_type** locked_key_ptrs, // (n)
const key_type* keys, // (n)
bool* flags = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) = 0;
virtual void assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) = 0;
virtual void assign_scores(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
bool unique_key = true) = 0;
virtual void assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) = 0;
virtual void assign_values(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
bool unique_key = true) = 0;
virtual void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
key_type* missed_keys, // (n)
int* missed_indices, // (n)
int* missed_size, // scalar
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type** values, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) const = 0;
virtual void contains(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual void erase(const size_type n, const key_type* keys,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) = 0;
virtual void clear(cudaStream_t stream = 0) = 0;
virtual void export_batch(size_type n, const size_type offset,
size_type* d_counter, // (1)
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual size_type export_batch(const size_type n, const size_type offset,
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual bool empty(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual size_type size(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual size_type capacity() const = 0;
virtual void reserve(const size_type new_capacity,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) = 0;
virtual float load_factor(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual void set_max_capacity(size_type new_max_capacity) = 0;
virtual size_type dim() const noexcept = 0;
virtual size_type max_bucket_size() const noexcept = 0;
virtual size_type bucket_count() const noexcept = 0;
virtual size_type save(BaseKVFile<K, V, S>* file,
const size_t max_workspace_size = 1L * 1024 * 1024,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const = 0;
virtual size_type load(BaseKVFile<K, V, S>* file,
const size_t max_workspace_size = 1L * 1024 * 1024,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) = 0;
virtual void set_global_epoch(const uint64_t epoch) = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename S = uint64_t,
int Strategy = EvictStrategy::kLru, typename ArchTag = Sm80>
class HashTable : public HashTableBase<K, V, S> {
using size_type = size_t;
using key_type = K;
using value_type = V;
using score_type = S;
static constexpr int evict_strategy = Strategy;
using Pred = EraseIfPredict<key_type, score_type>;
using allocator_type = BaseAllocator;
using TableCore = nv::merlin::Table<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
static constexpr unsigned int TILE_SIZE = 4;
using DeviceMemoryPool = MemoryPool<DeviceAllocator<char>>;
using HostMemoryPool = MemoryPool<HostAllocator<char>>;
HashTable() {
static_assert((std::is_same<key_type, int64_t>::value ||
std::is_same<key_type, uint64_t>::value),
"The key_type must be int64_t or uint64_t.");
static_assert(std::is_same<score_type, uint64_t>::value,
"The key_type must be uint64_t.");
~HashTable() {
if (initialized_) {
initialized_ = false;
destroy_table<key_type, value_type, score_type>(&table_, allocator_);
allocator_->free(MemoryType::Device, d_table_);
if (default_allocator_ && allocator_ != nullptr) {
delete allocator_;
HashTable(const HashTable&) = delete;
HashTable& operator=(const HashTable&) = delete;
HashTable(HashTable&&) = delete;
HashTable& operator=(HashTable&&) = delete;
void init(const HashTableOptions& options,
allocator_type* allocator = nullptr) {
if (initialized_) {
options_ = options;
MERLIN_CHECK(options.reserved_key_start_bit >= 0 &&
options.reserved_key_start_bit <= MAX_RESERVED_KEY_BIT,
"options.reserved_key_start_bit should >= 0 and <= 62.");
default_allocator_ = (allocator == nullptr);
allocator_ = (allocator == nullptr) ? (new DefaultAllocator()) : allocator;
if (options_.device_id >= 0) {
} else {
"Bucket size should be the pow of 2");
"Then `num_of_buckets_per_alloc` should be the pow of 2");
MERLIN_CHECK(options_.init_capacity >= options_.num_of_buckets_per_alloc *
"Then `num_of_buckets_per_alloc` must be equal or less than "
"initial required buckets number");
options_.block_size = SAFE_GET_BLOCK_SIZE(options_.block_size);
(((options_.max_bucket_size * (sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(score_type))) %
128) == 0),
"Storage size of keys and scores in one bucket should be the mutiple "
"of cache line size");
// Construct table.
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, options_.device_id));
shared_mem_size_ = deviceProp.sharedMemPerBlock;
sm_cnt_ = deviceProp.multiProcessorCount;
max_threads_per_block_ = deviceProp.maxThreadsPerBlock;
create_table<key_type, value_type, score_type>(
&table_, allocator_, options_.dim, options_.init_capacity,
options_.max_capacity, options_.max_hbm_for_vectors,
options_.max_bucket_size, options_.num_of_buckets_per_alloc);
options_.block_size = SAFE_GET_BLOCK_SIZE(options_.block_size);
reach_max_capacity_ = (options_.init_capacity * 2 > options_.max_capacity);
MERLIN_CHECK((!(options_.io_by_cpu && options_.max_hbm_for_vectors != 0)),
"[HierarchicalKV] `io_by_cpu` should not be true when "
"`max_hbm_for_vectors` is not 0!");
allocator_->alloc(MemoryType::Device, (void**)&(d_table_),
// Create memory pools.
dev_mem_pool_ = std::make_unique<MemoryPool<DeviceAllocator<char>>>(
options_.device_memory_pool, allocator_);
host_mem_pool_ = std::make_unique<MemoryPool<HostAllocator<char>>>(
options_.host_memory_pool, allocator_);
initialized_ = true;
void insert_or_assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) {
if (n == 0) {
while (!reach_max_capacity_ &&
fast_load_factor(n, stream) > options_.max_load_factor) {
reserve(capacity() * 2, stream);
if (!ignore_evict_strategy) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector = KernelSelector_Upsert<key_type, value_type, score_type,
evict_strategy, ArchTag>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim), keys, values, scores, n,
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector = SelectUpsertKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type,
score_type, evict_strategy>;
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, reinterpret_cast<const value_type*>(values),
scores, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{
n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(key_type*))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_dst{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto keys_ptr{reinterpret_cast<key_type**>(d_dst + n)};
auto d_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(keys_ptr + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_dst, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
unique_key && options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter &&
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
upsert_kernel_lock_key_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type,
BLOCK_SIZE, evict_strategy>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.max_bucket_size, options_.dim, keys, d_dst, scores,
keys_ptr, d_src_offset, n, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
upsert_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, evict_strategy,
TILE_SIZE><<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, d_dst, scores,
d_src_offset, global_epoch_, N);
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> d_dst_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> d_src_offset_ptr(d_src_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), d_dst_ptr,
d_dst_ptr + n, d_src_offset_ptr,
if (filter_condition) {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel_unlock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), keys, keys_ptr, N);
} else if (options_.io_by_cpu) {
const size_type host_ws_size{dev_ws_size +
n * sizeof(value_type) * dim()};
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(host_ws_size, stream)};
auto h_dst{host_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto h_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(h_dst + n)};
auto h_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_src_offset + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_dst, d_dst, dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_values, values, host_ws_size - dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
write_by_cpu<value_type>(h_dst, h_values, h_src_offset, dim(), n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), N);
void insert_and_evict(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores, // (n)
key_type* evicted_keys, // (n)
value_type* evicted_values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* evicted_scores, // (n)
size_type* d_evicted_counter, // (1)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) {
if (n == 0) {
while (!reach_max_capacity_ &&
fast_load_factor(n, stream) > options_.max_load_factor) {
reserve(capacity() * 2, stream);
if (!ignore_evict_strategy) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
// TODO: Currently only need eviction when using HashTable as HBM cache.
if (!is_fast_mode()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Only allow insert_and_evict in pure HBM mode.");
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector =
KernelSelector_UpsertAndEvict<key_type, value_type, score_type,
evict_strategy, ArchTag>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size,
table_->buckets_num, static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.max_bucket_size),
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim), keys, values, scores,
evicted_keys, evicted_values, evicted_scores, n, d_evicted_counter,
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
// always use max tile to avoid data-deps as possible.
const int TILE_SIZE = 32;
size_t n_offsets = (n + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
const size_type dev_ws_size =
n_offsets * sizeof(int64_t) + n * sizeof(bool) + sizeof(size_type);
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_offsets{dev_ws.get<int64_t*>(0)};
auto d_masks = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(d_offsets + n_offsets);
cudaMemsetAsync(d_offsets, 0, n_offsets * sizeof(int64_t), stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_masks, 0, n * sizeof(bool), stream));
size_type block_size = options_.block_size;
size_type grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size);
CUDA_CHECK(memset64Async(evicted_keys, EMPTY_KEY_CPU, n, stream));
using Selector =
SelectUpsertAndEvictKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type, score_type,
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, evicted_keys, evicted_values,
evicted_scores, global_epoch_);
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(evicted_keys, d_masks, n);
gpu_boolean_mask<K, V, S, int64_t, TILE_SIZE>(
grid_size, block_size, d_masks, n, d_evicted_counter, d_offsets,
evicted_keys, evicted_values, evicted_scores, dim(), stream);
size_type insert_and_evict(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores, // (n)
key_type* evicted_keys, // (n)
value_type* evicted_values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* evicted_scores, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(sizeof(size_type), stream)};
size_type* d_evicted_counter{dev_ws.get<size_type*>(0)};
cudaMemsetAsync(d_evicted_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
insert_and_evict(n, keys, values, scores, evicted_keys, evicted_values,
evicted_scores, d_evicted_counter, stream, unique_key,
size_type h_evicted_counter = 0;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(&h_evicted_counter, d_evicted_counter,
sizeof(size_type), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
return h_evicted_counter;
void accum_or_assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* value_or_deltas, // (n, DIM)
const bool* accum_or_assigns, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) {
if (n == 0) {
while (!reach_max_capacity_ &&
fast_load_factor(n, stream) > options_.max_load_factor) {
reserve(capacity() * 2, stream);
if (!ignore_evict_strategy) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
using Selector =
SelectAccumOrAssignKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type, score_type,
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, dim(), stream, n, d_table_, keys,
value_or_deltas, scores, accum_or_assigns, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{
n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(bool))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto dst{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(dst + n)};
auto founds{reinterpret_cast<bool*>(src_offset + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(dst, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
accum_or_assign_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, evict_strategy,
TILE_SIZE><<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num, dim(),
keys, dst, scores, accum_or_assigns, src_offset, founds,
global_epoch_, N);
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> dst_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> src_offset_ptr(src_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), dst_ptr,
dst_ptr + n, src_offset_ptr,
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_with_accum_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(value_or_deltas, dst,
accum_or_assigns, founds,
src_offset, dim(), N);
void find_or_insert(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n * DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false) {
if (n == 0) {
while (!reach_max_capacity_ &&
fast_load_factor(n, stream) > options_.max_load_factor) {
reserve(capacity() * 2, stream);
if (!ignore_evict_strategy) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector =
KernelSelector_FindOrInsert<key_type, value_type, score_type,
evict_strategy, ArchTag>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim), keys, values, scores, n,
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector =
SelectFindOrInsertKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type, score_type,
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(int) +
sizeof(bool) + sizeof(key_type*))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_table_value_addrs{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto keys_ptr{reinterpret_cast<key_type**>(d_table_value_addrs + n)};
auto param_key_index{reinterpret_cast<int*>(keys_ptr + n)};
auto founds{reinterpret_cast<bool*>(param_key_index + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_table_value_addrs, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
unique_key && options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter &&
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
find_or_insert_kernel_lock_key_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type,
BLOCK_SIZE, evict_strategy>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.max_bucket_size, options_.dim, keys,
d_table_value_addrs, scores, keys_ptr, param_key_index, founds,
n, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
find_or_insert_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, evict_strategy,
TILE_SIZE><<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, d_table_value_addrs,
scores, founds, param_key_index, global_epoch_, N);
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> table_value_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> param_key_index_ptr(param_key_index);
table_value_ptr, table_value_ptr + n,
param_key_index_ptr, thrust::less<uintptr_t>());
if (filter_condition) {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
read_or_write_kernel_unlock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type, V>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(d_table_value_addrs, values,
founds, param_key_index,
keys_ptr, keys, dim(), N);
} else if (options_.io_by_cpu) {
const size_type host_ws_size{
dev_ws_size + n * (sizeof(bool) + sizeof(value_type) * dim())};
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(host_ws_size, stream)};
auto h_table_value_addrs{host_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto h_param_key_index{reinterpret_cast<int*>(h_table_value_addrs + n)};
auto h_founds{reinterpret_cast<bool*>(h_param_key_index + n)};
auto h_param_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_founds + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_table_value_addrs, d_table_value_addrs,
dev_ws_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_founds, founds, n * sizeof(bool),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_param_values, values,
n * sizeof(value_type) * dim(),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
read_or_write_by_cpu<value_type>(h_table_value_addrs, h_param_values,
h_param_key_index, h_founds, dim(), n);
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(values, h_param_values,
n * sizeof(value_type) * dim(),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
read_or_write_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_value_addrs, values, founds, param_key_index, dim(), N);
void find_or_insert(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type** values, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true,
bool ignore_evict_strategy = false,
key_type** locked_key_ptrs = nullptr) {
if (n == 0) {
while (!reach_max_capacity_ &&
fast_load_factor(n, stream) > options_.max_load_factor) {
reserve(capacity() * 2, stream);
if (!ignore_evict_strategy) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter = sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
if (locked_key_ptrs != nullptr) {
if (!unique_key || options_.max_bucket_size < MinBucketCapacityFilter) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"unique_key should be true and max_bucket_size should be larger.");
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
find_or_insert_ptr_kernel_lock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type,
BLOCK_SIZE, evict_strategy>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.max_bucket_size, options_.dim, keys, values, scores,
locked_key_ptrs, n, founds, global_epoch_);
if (unique_key && options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
const size_type dev_ws_size{n * sizeof(key_type**)};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto keys_ptr{dev_ws.get<key_type**>(0)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(keys_ptr, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
find_or_insert_ptr_kernel_lock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type,
BLOCK_SIZE, evict_strategy>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.max_bucket_size, options_.dim, keys, values, scores,
keys_ptr, n, founds, global_epoch_);
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
keys, keys_ptr, n);
} else {
using Selector = SelectFindOrInsertPtrKernel<key_type, value_type,
score_type, evict_strategy>;
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, founds, global_epoch_);
void unlock_keys(const size_type n, key_type** locked_key_ptrs, // (n)
const key_type* keys, // (n)
bool* flags = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
if (n == 0) {
insert_unique_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
n, locked_key_ptrs, keys, flags);
void assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) {
if (n == 0) {
update_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector = KernelSelector_Update<key_type, value_type, score_type,
evict_strategy, ArchTag>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim), keys, values, scores, n,
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector = SelectUpdateKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type,
score_type, evict_strategy>;
load_factor, options_.block_size, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, global_epoch_);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{
n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(int))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_dst{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto keys_ptr{reinterpret_cast<key_type**>(d_dst + n)};
auto d_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(keys_ptr + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_dst, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter &&
!options_.io_by_cpu && unique_key;
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
tlp_update_kernel_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type,
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, options_.max_bucket_size,
options_.dim, keys, d_dst, scores, keys_ptr, d_src_offset,
global_epoch_, n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
update_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, evict_strategy,
TILE_SIZE><<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, d_dst, scores,
d_src_offset, global_epoch_, N);
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> d_dst_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> d_src_offset_ptr(d_src_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), d_dst_ptr,
d_dst_ptr + n, d_src_offset_ptr,
if (filter_condition) {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel_unlock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), keys, keys_ptr, N);
} else if (options_.io_by_cpu) {
const size_type host_ws_size{dev_ws_size +
n * sizeof(value_type) * dim()};
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(host_ws_size, stream)};
auto h_dst{host_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto h_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(h_dst + n)};
auto h_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_src_offset + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_dst, d_dst, dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_values, values, host_ws_size - dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
write_by_cpu<value_type>(h_dst, h_values, h_src_offset, dim(), n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), N);
void assign_scores(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) {
if (n == 0) {
update_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector = KernelSelector_UpdateScore<key_type, value_type,
score_type, evict_strategy>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.max_bucket_size))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.max_bucket_size), keys, scores, n,
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector = SelectUpdateScoreKernel<key_type, value_type,
score_type, evict_strategy>;
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
stream, n, d_table_, table_->buckets, keys,
scores, global_epoch_);
void assign(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) {
assign_scores(n, keys, scores, stream, unique_key);
void assign_values(const size_type n,
const key_type* keys, // (n)
const value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) {
if (n == 0) {
update_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
using Selector = KernelSelector_UpdateValues<key_type, value_type,
score_type, ArchTag>;
if (Selector::callable(unique_key,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim))) {
typename Selector::Params kernelParams(
load_factor, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num,
static_cast<uint32_t>(options_.dim), keys, values, n);
Selector::select_kernel(kernelParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector =
SelectUpdateValuesKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{
n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(int))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_dst{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto keys_ptr{reinterpret_cast<key_type**>(d_dst + n)};
auto d_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(keys_ptr + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_dst, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter &&
!options_.io_by_cpu && unique_key;
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
tlp_update_values_kernel_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, options_.max_bucket_size,
options_.dim, keys, d_dst, keys_ptr, d_src_offset, n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
update_values_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, TILE_SIZE>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, d_dst, d_src_offset,
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> d_dst_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> d_src_offset_ptr(d_src_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), d_dst_ptr,
d_dst_ptr + n, d_src_offset_ptr,
if (filter_condition) {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel_unlock_key<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), keys, keys_ptr, N);
} else if (options_.io_by_cpu) {
const size_type host_ws_size{dev_ws_size +
n * sizeof(value_type) * dim()};
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(host_ws_size, stream)};
auto h_dst{host_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto h_src_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(h_dst + n)};
auto h_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_src_offset + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_dst, d_dst, dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_values, values, host_ws_size - dev_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
write_by_cpu<value_type>(h_dst, h_values, h_src_offset, dim(), n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
write_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(values, d_dst, d_src_offset,
dim(), N);
void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
if (n == 0) {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(founds, 0, n * sizeof(bool), stream));
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
const uint32_t value_size = dim() * sizeof(V);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
using Selector = SelectPipelineLookupKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type,
score_type, ArchTag>;
const uint32_t pipeline_max_size = Selector::max_value_size();
// Pipeline lookup kernel only supports "bucket_size = 128".
if (options_.max_bucket_size == 128 && value_size <= pipeline_max_size) {
LookupKernelParams<key_type, value_type, score_type> lookupParams(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, static_cast<uint32_t>(dim()),
keys, values, scores, founds, n);
Selector::select_kernel(lookupParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector =
SelectLookupKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, founds);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(int))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto src{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto dst_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(src + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(src, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter;
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
tlp_lookup_kernel_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, options_.max_bucket_size,
options_.dim, keys, src, scores, dst_offset, founds, n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
lookup_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, TILE_SIZE>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, src, scores, founds,
dst_offset, N);
if (values != nullptr) {
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> src_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> dst_offset_ptr(dst_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), src_ptr,
src_ptr + n, dst_offset_ptr,
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
read_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(src, values, founds,
dst_offset, dim(), N);
void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
key_type* missed_keys, // (n)
int* missed_indices, // (n)
int* missed_size, // scalar
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
if (n == 0) {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(missed_size, 0, sizeof(*missed_size), stream));
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
const uint32_t value_size = options_.dim * sizeof(V);
if (is_fast_mode()) {
using Selector = SelectPipelineLookupKernelWithIO<key_type, value_type,
score_type, ArchTag>;
const uint32_t pipeline_max_size = Selector::max_value_size();
// Pipeline lookup kernel only supports "bucket_size = 128".
if (options_.max_bucket_size == 128 && value_size <= pipeline_max_size) {
LookupKernelParamsV2<key_type, value_type, score_type> lookupParams(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, static_cast<uint32_t>(dim()),
keys, values, scores, missed_keys, missed_indices, missed_size, n);
Selector::select_kernel(lookupParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector =
SelectLookupKernelWithIOV2<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores,
missed_keys, missed_indices, missed_size);
} else {
const size_type dev_ws_size{n * (sizeof(value_type*) + sizeof(int))};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto src{dev_ws.get<value_type**>(0)};
auto dst_offset{reinterpret_cast<int*>(src + n)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(src, 0, dev_ws_size, stream));
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter =
sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
bool filter_condition =
options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter;
if (filter_condition) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
tlp_lookup_kernel_hybrid<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, options_.max_bucket_size,
options_.dim, keys, src, scores, dst_offset, missed_keys,
missed_indices, missed_size, n);
} else {
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
lookup_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, TILE_SIZE>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, options_.max_bucket_size,
table_->buckets_num, options_.dim, keys, src, scores,
missed_keys, missed_indices, missed_size, dst_offset, N);
if (values != nullptr) {
thrust::device_ptr<uintptr_t> src_ptr(
thrust::device_ptr<int> dst_offset_ptr(dst_offset);
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream), src_ptr,
src_ptr + n, dst_offset_ptr,
const size_t block_size = options_.io_block_size;
const size_t N = n * dim();
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
read_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(src, values, dst_offset,
dim(), N);
void find(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type** values, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0, bool unique_key = true) const {
if (n == 0) {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(founds, 0, n * sizeof(bool), stream));
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
constexpr uint32_t MinBucketCapacityFilter = sizeof(VecD_Load) / sizeof(D);
if (unique_key && options_.max_bucket_size >= MinBucketCapacityFilter) {
constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 128U;
tlp_lookup_ptr_kernel_with_filter<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<(n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, stream>>>(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, options_.max_bucket_size,
options_.dim, keys, values, scores, founds, n);
} else {
using Selector = SelectLookupPtrKernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, founds);
void contains(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, // (n)
bool* founds, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
if (n == 0) {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (options_.max_bucket_size == 128) {
// Pipeline lookup kernel only supports "bucket_size = 128".
using Selector = SelectPipelineContainsKernel<key_type, value_type,
score_type, ArchTag>;
ContainsKernelParams<key_type, value_type, score_type> containsParams(
table_->buckets, table_->buckets_num, static_cast<uint32_t>(dim()),
keys, founds, n);
Selector::select_kernel(containsParams, stream);
} else {
using Selector = SelectContainsKernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>;
static thread_local int step_counter = 0;
static thread_local float load_factor = 0.0;
if (((step_counter++) % kernel_select_interval_) == 0) {
load_factor = fast_load_factor(0, stream, false);
Selector::execute_kernel(load_factor, options_.block_size,
options_.max_bucket_size, table_->buckets_num,
options_.dim, stream, n, d_table_,
table_->buckets, keys, founds);
void erase(const size_type n, const key_type* keys, cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
if (n == 0) {
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = n * TILE_SIZE;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
remove_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, TILE_SIZE>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, keys, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size,
table_->bucket_max_size, table_->buckets_num, N);
template <template <typename, typename> class PredFunctor>
size_type erase_if(const key_type& pattern, const score_type& threshold,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(sizeof(size_type), stream)};
auto d_count{dev_ws.get<size_type*>(0)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_count, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = table_->buckets_num;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
remove_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, pattern, threshold, d_count, table_->buckets,
table_->buckets_size, table_->bucket_max_size,
table_->buckets_num, N);
size_type count = 0;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(&count, d_count, sizeof(size_type),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
return count;
template <typename PredFunctor>
size_type erase_if_v2(PredFunctor& pred, cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(sizeof(size_type), stream)};
auto d_count{dev_ws.get<size_type*>(0)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_count, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
uint64_t dim = table_->dim;
uint64_t n = options_.max_capacity;
auto kernel = [&] {
if (dim >= 32 && n % 32 == 0) {
return remove_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor,
} else if (dim >= 16 && n % 16 == 0) {
return remove_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor,
} else if (dim >= 8 && n % 8 == 0) {
return remove_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor,
return remove_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor,
uint64_t block_size = 128UL;
uint64_t grid_size =
std::min(sm_cnt_ * max_threads_per_block_ / block_size,
SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size));
kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
n, 0, pred, table_->buckets, table_->buckets_size,
table_->bucket_max_size, table_->dim, d_count);
size_type count = 0;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(&count, d_count, sizeof(size_type),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
return count;
void clear(cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = table_->buckets_num * table_->bucket_max_size;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
clear_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(d_table_, table_->buckets, N);
void export_batch(size_type n, const size_type offset,
size_type* d_counter, // (1)
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
if (offset >= table_->capacity) {
n = std::min(table_->capacity - offset, n);
size_type shared_size;
size_type block_size;
std::tie(shared_size, block_size) =
dump_kernel_shared_memory_size<K, V, S>(shared_mem_size_);
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size);
dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, shared_size, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, keys, values, scores, offset, n,
size_type export_batch(const size_type n, const size_type offset,
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(sizeof(size_type), stream)};
auto d_counter{dev_ws.get<size_type*>(0)};
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
export_batch(n, offset, d_counter, keys, values, scores, stream);
size_type counter = 0;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(&counter, d_counter, sizeof(size_type),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
return counter;
template <template <typename, typename> class PredFunctor>
void export_batch_if(const key_type& pattern, const score_type& threshold,
size_type n, const size_type offset,
size_type* d_counter,
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
if (offset >= table_->capacity) {
n = std::min(table_->capacity - offset, n);
if (n == 0) {
bool match_fast_cond = true;
const size_t value_size = sizeof(V) * dim();
auto check_tile_size = [&](int tile_size) {
return options_.max_bucket_size % tile_size == 0 &&
options_.max_bucket_size >= tile_size && offset % tile_size == 0 &&
n % tile_size == 0;
auto select_tile_size = [&](auto vec) {
using VecV = decltype(vec);
size_t vec_dim = value_size / sizeof(VecV);
if (vec_dim >= 32 && check_tile_size(32)) {
return dump_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, VecV,
PredFunctor, 32>;
} else if (vec_dim >= 16 && check_tile_size(16)) {
return dump_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, VecV,
PredFunctor, 16>;
} else if (vec_dim >= 8 && check_tile_size(8)) {
return dump_kernel_v2<key_type, value_type, score_type, VecV,
PredFunctor, 8>;
match_fast_cond = false;
return dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor>;
auto kernel = [&] {
if (value_size >= sizeof(float4) * 8 &&
value_size % sizeof(float4) == 0) {
return select_tile_size(float4{});
} else if (value_size >= sizeof(float2) * 8 &&
value_size % sizeof(float2) == 0) {
return select_tile_size(float2{});
} else if (value_size >= sizeof(float) * 8 &&
value_size % sizeof(float) == 0) {
return select_tile_size(float{});
} else if (value_size >= sizeof(uint16_t) * 8 &&
value_size % sizeof(uint16_t) == 0) {
return select_tile_size(uint16_t{});
return select_tile_size(V{});
size_t grid_size = 0, block_size = 0, shared_size = 0;
if (match_fast_cond) {
block_size = options_.block_size;
grid_size = std::min(sm_cnt_ * max_threads_per_block_ / block_size,
SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size));
} else {
const size_t score_size = scores ? sizeof(score_type) : 0;
const size_t kvm_size =
sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(value_type) * dim() + score_size;
block_size = std::min(shared_mem_size_ / 2 / kvm_size, 1024UL);
block_size > 0,
"[HierarchicalKV] block_size <= 0, the K-V-S size may be too large!");
shared_size = kvm_size * block_size;
grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size);
kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, shared_size, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, pattern, threshold, keys, values, scores,
offset, n, d_counter);
template <typename PredFunctor>
void export_batch_if_v2(PredFunctor& pred, size_type n,
const size_type offset, size_type* d_counter,
key_type* keys, // (n)
value_type* values, // (n, DIM)
score_type* scores = nullptr, // (n)
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
if (offset >= table_->capacity) {
n = std::min(table_->capacity - offset, n);
if (n == 0) {
uint64_t dim = table_->dim;
auto kernel = [&] {
if (dim >= 32 && n % 32 == 0) {
return dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor, 32>;
} else if (dim >= 16 && n % 16 == 0) {
return dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor, 16>;
} else if (dim >= 8 && n % 8 == 0) {
return dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor, 8>;
return dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor, 1>;
uint64_t block_size = 128UL;
uint64_t grid_size = std::min(sm_cnt_ * max_threads_per_block_ / block_size,
SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size));
kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(
n, offset, pred, table_->buckets, table_->bucket_max_size, dim, keys,
values, scores, d_counter);
template <typename ExecutionFunc>
void for_each(const size_type first, const size_type last, ExecutionFunc& f,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
if (first >= table_->capacity or last > table_->capacity or first >= last) {
uint64_t n = last - first;
uint64_t dim = table_->dim;
auto kernel = [&] {
if (dim >= 32 && n % 32 == 0) {
return traverse_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, ExecutionFunc,
} else if (dim >= 16 && n % 16 == 0) {
return traverse_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, ExecutionFunc,
} else if (dim >= 8 && n % 8 == 0) {
return traverse_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, ExecutionFunc,
return traverse_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, ExecutionFunc,
uint64_t block_size = 128UL;
uint64_t grid_size = std::min(sm_cnt_ * max_threads_per_block_ / block_size,
SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size));
kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(n, first, f, table_->buckets,
table_->bucket_max_size, dim);
bool empty(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const { return size(stream) == 0; }
size_type size(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
size_type h_size = 0;
const size_type N = table_->buckets_num;
const size_type step = static_cast<size_type>(
std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / options_.max_bucket_size);
thrust::device_ptr<int> size_ptr(table_->buckets_size);
for (size_type start_i = 0; start_i < N; start_i += step) {
size_type end_i = std::min(start_i + step, N);
h_size += thrust::reduce(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream),
size_ptr + start_i, size_ptr + end_i, 0,
return h_size;
template <template <typename, typename> class PredFunctor>
void size_if(const key_type& pattern, const score_type& threshold,
size_type* d_counter, cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_counter, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(capacity(), options_.block_size);
grid_size = std::min(grid_size,
static_cast<size_t>(sm_cnt_ * max_threads_per_block_ /
size_if_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type, PredFunctor>
<<<grid_size, options_.block_size, 0, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, pattern, threshold, d_counter);
size_type capacity() const { return table_->capacity; }
void reserve(const size_type new_capacity, cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
if (reach_max_capacity_ || new_capacity > options_.max_capacity) {
reach_max_capacity_ = (capacity() * 2 > options_.max_capacity);
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
// Once we have exclusive access, make sure that pending GPU calls have
// been processed.
while (capacity() < new_capacity &&
capacity() * 2 <= options_.max_capacity) {
double_capacity<key_type, value_type, score_type>(&table_, allocator_);
const size_t block_size = options_.block_size;
const size_t N = TILE_SIZE * table_->buckets_num / 2;
const size_t grid_size = SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(N, block_size);
rehash_kernel_for_fast_mode<key_type, value_type, score_type, TILE_SIZE>
<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(d_table_, table_->buckets,
reach_max_capacity_ = (capacity() * 2 > options_.max_capacity);
float load_factor(cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
return static_cast<float>((size(stream) * 1.0) / (capacity() * 1.0));
void set_max_capacity(size_type new_max_capacity) {
if (!is_power(2, new_max_capacity)) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"None power-of-2 new_max_capacity is not supported.");
update_read_lock lock(mutex_);
if (new_max_capacity < capacity()) {
if (reach_max_capacity_) {
reach_max_capacity_ = false;
options_.max_capacity = new_max_capacity;
size_type dim() const noexcept { return options_.dim; }
size_type max_bucket_size() const noexcept {
return options_.max_bucket_size;
size_type bucket_count() const noexcept { return table_->buckets_num; }
size_type save(BaseKVFile<K, V, S>* file,
const size_t max_workspace_size = 1L * 1024 * 1024,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) const {
const size_type tuple_size{sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(score_type) +
sizeof(value_type) * dim()};
MERLIN_CHECK(max_workspace_size >= tuple_size,
"[HierarchicalKV] max_workspace_size is smaller than a single "
"`key + scoredata + value` tuple! Please set a larger value!");
size_type shared_size;
size_type block_size;
std::tie(shared_size, block_size) =
dump_kernel_shared_memory_size<K, V, S>(shared_mem_size_);
// Request exclusive access (to make sure capacity won't change anymore).
update_read_lock lock(mutex_, stream);
const size_type total_size{capacity()};
const size_type n{std::min(max_workspace_size / tuple_size, total_size)};
const size_type grid_size{SAFE_GET_GRID_SIZE(n, block_size)};
// Grab temporary device and host memory.
const size_type host_ws_size{n * tuple_size};
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(host_ws_size, stream)};
auto h_keys{host_ws.get<key_type*>(0)};
auto h_scores{reinterpret_cast<score_type*>(h_keys + n)};
auto h_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_scores + n)};
const size_type dev_ws_size{sizeof(size_type) + host_ws_size};
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(dev_ws_size, stream)};
auto d_count{dev_ws.get<size_type*>(0)};
auto d_keys{reinterpret_cast<key_type*>(d_count + 1)};
auto d_scores{reinterpret_cast<score_type*>(d_keys + n)};
auto d_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(d_scores + n)};
// Step through table, dumping contents in batches.
size_type total_count{0};
for (size_type i{0}; i < total_size; i += n) {
// Dump the next batch to workspace, and then write it to the file.
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemsetAsync(d_count, 0, sizeof(size_type), stream));
dump_kernel<key_type, value_type, score_type>
<<<grid_size, block_size, shared_size, stream>>>(
d_table_, table_->buckets, d_keys, d_values, d_scores, i,
std::min(total_size - i, n), d_count);
size_type count;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(&count, d_count, sizeof(size_type),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
if (count == n) {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_keys, d_keys, host_ws_size,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
} else {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_keys, d_keys, sizeof(key_type) * count,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_scores, d_scores,
sizeof(score_type) * count,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(h_values, d_values,
sizeof(value_type) * dim() * count,
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
file->write(count, dim(), h_keys, h_values, h_scores);
total_count += count;
return total_count;
size_type load(BaseKVFile<K, V, S>* file,
const size_t max_workspace_size = 1L * 1024 * 1024,
cudaStream_t stream = 0) {
const size_type tuple_size{sizeof(key_type) + sizeof(score_type) +
sizeof(value_type) * dim()};
MERLIN_CHECK(max_workspace_size >= tuple_size,
"[HierarchicalKV] max_workspace_size is smaller than a single "
"`key + score + value` tuple! Please set a larger value!");
const size_type n{max_workspace_size / tuple_size};
const size_type ws_size{n * tuple_size};
// Grab enough host memory to hold batch data.
auto host_ws{host_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(ws_size, stream)};
auto h_keys{host_ws.get<key_type*>(0)};
auto h_scores{reinterpret_cast<score_type*>(h_keys + n)};
auto h_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(h_scores + n)};
// Attempt a first read.
size_type count{file->read(n, dim(), h_keys, h_values, h_scores)};
if (count == 0) {
return 0;
// Grab equal amount of device memory as temporary storage.
auto dev_ws{dev_mem_pool_->get_workspace<1>(ws_size, stream)};
auto d_keys{dev_ws.get<key_type*>(0)};
auto d_scores{reinterpret_cast<score_type*>(d_keys + n)};
auto d_values{reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(d_scores + n)};
size_type total_count{0};
do {
if (count == n) {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(d_keys, h_keys, ws_size,
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
} else {
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(d_keys, h_keys, sizeof(key_type) * count,
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(d_scores, h_scores,
sizeof(score_type) * count,
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(d_values, h_values,
sizeof(value_type) * dim() * count,
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
insert_or_assign(count, d_keys, d_values, d_scores, stream, true, true);
total_count += count;
// Read next batch.
count = file->read(n, dim(), h_keys, h_values, h_scores);
} while (count > 0);
return total_count;
void set_global_epoch(const uint64_t epoch) { global_epoch_ = epoch; }
bool is_power(size_t base, size_t n) {
if (base < 2) {
throw std::invalid_argument("is_power with zero base.");
while (n > 1) {
if (n % base != 0) {
return false;
n /= base;
return true;
inline bool is_fast_mode() const noexcept { return table_->is_pure_hbm; }
inline float fast_load_factor(const size_type delta = 0,
cudaStream_t stream = 0,
const bool need_lock = true) const {
read_shared_lock lock(mutex_, std::defer_lock, stream);
if (need_lock) {
size_t N = std::min(table_->buckets_num, 1024UL);
thrust::device_ptr<int> size_ptr(table_->buckets_size);
int size = thrust::reduce(thrust_par(thrust_allocator_).on(stream),
size_ptr, size_ptr + N, 0, thrust::plus<int>());
return static_cast<float>((delta * 1.0) / (capacity() * 1.0) +
(size * 1.0) /
(options_.max_bucket_size * N * 1.0));
inline void check_evict_strategy(const score_type* scores) {
if (evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kLru ||
evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kEpochLru) {
MERLIN_CHECK(scores == nullptr,
"the scores should not be specified when running on "
"LRU or Epoch LRU mode.");
if (evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kLfu ||
evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kEpochLfu) {
MERLIN_CHECK(scores != nullptr,
"the scores should be specified when running on "
"LFU or Epoch LFU mode.");
if (evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kCustomized) {
MERLIN_CHECK(scores != nullptr,
"the scores should be specified when running on "
"customized mode.");
if ((evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kEpochLru ||
evict_strategy == EvictStrategy::kEpochLfu)) {
global_epoch_ != static_cast<S>(IGNORED_GLOBAL_EPOCH),
"the global_epoch is invalid and should be assigned by calling "
"`set_global_epoch` when running on "
"Epoch LRU or Epoch LFU mode.");
inline void sync_table_configuration() {
cudaMemcpy(d_table_, table_, sizeof(TableCore), cudaMemcpyDefault));
HashTableOptions options_;
TableCore* table_ = nullptr;
TableCore* d_table_ = nullptr;
size_t shared_mem_size_ = 0;
int sm_cnt_ = 0;
int max_threads_per_block_ = 0;
std::atomic_bool reach_max_capacity_{false};
bool initialized_ = false;
mutable group_shared_mutex mutex_;
const unsigned int kernel_select_interval_ = 7;
std::unique_ptr<DeviceMemoryPool> dev_mem_pool_;
std::unique_ptr<HostMemoryPool> host_mem_pool_;
allocator_type* allocator_;
ThrustAllocator<uint8_t> thrust_allocator_;
bool default_allocator_ = true;
std::atomic<uint64_t> global_epoch_{
} // namespace merlin
} // namespace nv