Struct HashTableOptions

Struct Documentation

struct nv::merlin::HashTableOptions

The options struct of HierarchicalKV.

Public Members

size_t init_capacity = 0

The initial capacity of the hash table.

size_t max_capacity = 0

The maximum capacity of the hash table.

size_t max_hbm_for_vectors = 0

The maximum HBM for vectors, in bytes.

size_t max_bucket_size = 128

The length of each bucket.

size_t dim = 64

The dimension of the vectors.

float max_load_factor = 0.5f

The max load factor before rehashing.

int block_size = 128

The default block size for CUDA kernels.

int io_block_size = 1024

The block size for IO CUDA kernels.

int device_id = -1

The ID of device.

bool io_by_cpu = false

The flag indicating if the CPU handles IO.

bool use_constant_memory = false


int reserved_key_start_bit = 0

The binary index of reserved key.

size_t num_of_buckets_per_alloc = 1

Number of buckets allocated in each HBM allocation, must be power of 2.

MemoryPoolOptions device_memory_pool

Configuration options for device memory pool.

MemoryPoolOptions host_memory_pool

Configuration options for host memory pool.