# Copyright 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================

# Each user is responsible for checking the content of datasets and the
# applicable licenses and determining if suitable for the intended use.

Merlin ETL, training, and inference with e-Commerce behavior data


In this tutorial, we use the eCommerce behavior data from multi category store from REES46 Marketing Platform as our dataset. This tutorial is built upon the NVIDIA RecSys 2020 tutorial.

This notebook provides the code to preprocess the dataset and generate the training, validation, and test sets for the remainder of the tutorial. We define our own goal and filter the dataset accordingly.

For our tutorial, we decided that our goal is to predict if a user purchased an item:

  • Positive: User purchased an item.

  • Negative: User added an item to the cart, but did not purchase it (in the same session).

We split the dataset into training, validation, and test set by the timestamp:

  • Training: October 2019 - February 2020

  • Validation: March 2020

  • Test: April 2020

We remove AddToCart Events from a session, if in the same session the same item was purchased.


To setup the environment, refer to HugeCTR Example Notebooks and follow the instructions there before running the following.


First, we download and unzip the raw data.

Note: the dataset is approximately 11 GB and can require several minutes to download.

export HOME=$PWD
pip install gdown --user
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-Rov9fFtGJqb7_ePc6qH-Rhzxn0cIcKB
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-Rov9fFtGJqb7_ePc6qH-Rhzxn0cIcKB
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1zr_RXpGvOWN2PrWI6itWL8HnRsCpyqz8
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1g5WoIgLe05UMdREbxAjh0bEFgVCjA1UL
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1qZIwMbMgMmgDC5EoMdJ8aI9lQPsWA3-P
~/.local/bin/gdown  https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1x5ohrrZNhWQN4Q-zww0RmXOwctKHH9PT
import glob  

list_files = glob.glob('*.csv.gz')

Data extraction and initial preprocessing

We extract a few relevant columns from the raw datasets and parse date columns into several atomic columns (day, month…).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

def process_files(file):
    df_tmp = pd.read_csv(file, compression='gzip')
    df_tmp['session_purchase'] =  df_tmp['user_session'] + '_' + df_tmp['product_id'].astype(str)
    df_purchase = df_tmp[df_tmp['event_type']=='purchase']
    df_cart = df_tmp[df_tmp['event_type']=='cart']
    df_purchase = df_purchase[df_purchase['session_purchase'].isin(df_cart['session_purchase'])]
    df_cart = df_cart[~(df_cart['session_purchase'].isin(df_purchase['session_purchase']))]
    df_cart['target'] = 0
    df_purchase['target'] = 1
    df = pd.concat([df_cart, df_purchase])
    df = df.drop('category_id', axis=1)
    df = df.drop('session_purchase', axis=1)
    df[['cat_0', 'cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3']] = df['category_code'].str.split("\.", n = 3, expand = True).fillna('NA')
    df['brand'] = df['brand'].fillna('NA')
    df = df.drop('category_code', axis=1)
    df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['event_time'].str.replace(' UTC', ''))
    df['ts_hour'] = df['timestamp'].dt.hour
    df['ts_minute'] = df['timestamp'].dt.minute
    df['ts_weekday'] = df['timestamp'].dt.weekday
    df['ts_day'] = df['timestamp'].dt.day
    df['ts_month'] = df['timestamp'].dt.month
    df['ts_year'] = df['timestamp'].dt.year
    df.to_csv('./dataset/' + file.replace('.gz', ''), index=False)
!mkdir ./dataset
for file in tqdm(list_files):
  0%|                                                                                   | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 20%|██████████████▊                                                           | 1/5 [04:16<17:05, 256.45s/it]
 40%|█████████████████████████████▌                                            | 2/5 [08:34<12:51, 257.29s/it]
 60%|████████████████████████████████████████████▍                             | 3/5 [12:02<07:49, 234.67s/it]
 80%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏              | 4/5 [15:30<03:44, 224.22s/it]
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [19:05<00:00, 229.04s/it]

Prepare the training, validation, and test datasets

Next, we split the data into training, validation, and test sets. We use 3 months for training, 1 month for validation, and 1 month for testing.

lp = []
list_files = glob.glob('./dataset/*.csv')
!ls -l ./dataset/*.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 479323170 Nov 16 22:47 ./dataset/2019-Dec.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 455992639 Nov 16 22:51 ./dataset/2020-Apr.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 453967664 Nov 16 22:58 ./dataset/2020-Feb.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 375205173 Nov 16 23:02 ./dataset/2020-Jan.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 403896607 Nov 16 22:55 ./dataset/2020-Mar.csv
for file in list_files:
df = pd.concat(lp)
(13184044, 19)
df_test = df[df['ts_month']==4]
df_valid = df[df['ts_month']==3]
df_train = df[(df['ts_month']!=3)&(df['ts_month']!=4)]
df_train.shape, df_valid.shape, df_test.shape
((7949839, 19), (2461719, 19), (2772486, 19))
!mkdir -p ./data
df_train.to_parquet('./data/train.parquet', index=False)
df_valid.to_parquet('./data/valid.parquet', index=False)
df_test.to_parquet('./data/test.parquet', index=False)
event_time event_type product_id brand price user_id user_session target cat_0 cat_1 cat_2 cat_3 timestamp ts_hour ts_minute ts_weekday ts_day ts_month ts_year
0 2020-02-01 00:00:18 UTC cart 100065078 xiaomi 568.61 526615078 5f0aab9f-f92e-4eff-b0d2-fcec5f553f01 0 construction tools light NaN 2020-02-01 00:00:18 0 0 5 1 2 2020
1 2020-02-01 00:00:18 UTC cart 5701246 NaN 24.43 563902689 76cc9152-8a9f-43e9-b98a-ee484510f379 0 electronics video tv NaN 2020-02-01 00:00:18 0 0 5 1 2 2020
2 2020-02-01 00:00:31 UTC cart 14701533 NaN 154.42 520953435 5f1c7752-cf92-41fc-9a16-e8897a90eee8 0 electronics video projector NaN 2020-02-01 00:00:31 0 0 5 1 2 2020
3 2020-02-01 00:00:40 UTC cart 1004855 xiaomi 123.30 519236281 e512f514-dc7f-4fc9-9042-e3955989d395 0 construction tools light NaN 2020-02-01 00:00:40 0 0 5 1 2 2020
4 2020-02-01 00:00:47 UTC cart 1005100 samsung 140.28 550305600 bd7a37b6-420d-4575-8852-ac825aff39b5 0 construction tools light NaN 2020-02-01 00:00:47 0 0 5 1 2 2020

Preprocessing with NVTabular

Next, we will use NVTabular for preprocessing and engineering more features.

But first, we need to import the necessary libraries and initialize a Dask GPU cluster for computation.

Initialize Dask GPU cluster

# Standard Libraries
import os
from time import time
import re
import shutil
import glob
import warnings

# External Dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cupy as cp
import cudf
import dask_cudf
from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster
from dask.distributed import Client
from dask.utils import parse_bytes
from dask.delayed import delayed
import rmm

# NVTabular
import nvtabular as nvt
import nvtabular.ops as ops
from nvtabular.io import Shuffle
from nvtabular.utils import device_mem_size

# define some information about where to get our data
BASE_DIR = "./nvtabular_temp"
!rm -r $BASE_DIR && mkdir $BASE_DIR
input_path = './dataset'
dask_workdir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "workdir")
output_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "output")
stats_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "stats")
rm: cannot remove './nvtabular_temp': No such file or directory

This example was tested on a DGX server with 8 GPUs. If you have less GPUs, modify the NUM_GPUS variable accordingly.

NUM_GPUS = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
#NUM_GPUS = [0]

# Dask dashboard
dashboard_port = "8787"

# Deploy a Single-Machine Multi-GPU Cluster
protocol = "tcp"             # "tcp" or "ucx"
visible_devices = ",".join([str(n) for n in NUM_GPUS])  # Delect devices to place workers
device_limit_frac = 0.5      # Spill GPU-Worker memory to host at this limit.
device_pool_frac = 0.6
part_mem_frac = 0.05

# Use total device size to calculate args.device_limit_frac
device_size = device_mem_size(kind="total")
device_limit = int(device_limit_frac * device_size)
device_pool_size = int(device_pool_frac * device_size)
part_size = int(part_mem_frac * device_size)

# Check if any device memory is already occupied
for dev in visible_devices.split(","):
    fmem = _pynvml_mem_size(kind="free", index=int(dev))
    used = (device_size - fmem) / 1e9
    if used > 1.0:
        warnings.warn(f"BEWARE - {used} GB is already occupied on device {int(dev)}!")

cluster = None               # (Optional) Specify existing scheduler port
if cluster is None:
    cluster = LocalCUDACluster(
        protocol = protocol,
        CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = visible_devices,
        device_memory_limit = device_limit,
        dashboard_address=":" + dashboard_port,

# Create the distributed client
client = Client(cluster)
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize
distributed.preloading - INFO - Import preload module: dask_cuda.initialize



Connection method: Cluster object Cluster type: LocalCUDACluster

Cluster Info

Tue Nov 16 23:03:13 2021       
| NVIDIA-SMI 450.51.06    Driver Version: 450.51.06    CUDA Version: 11.4     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:06:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   41C    P0    44W / 300W |    508MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   1  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:07:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   38C    P0    41W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   2  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:0A:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   38C    P0    44W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   3  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:0B:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   39C    P0    45W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   4  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:85:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   43C    P0    43W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   5  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:86:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   44C    P0    44W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   6  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:89:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   39C    P0    44W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   7  Tesla P100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:8A:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   38C    P0    42W / 300W |    255MiB / 16280MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
# Initialize RMM pool on ALL workers
def _rmm_pool():
        # RMM may require the pool size to be a multiple of 256.
        initial_pool_size=(device_pool_size // 256) * 256, # Use default size
{'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None,
 'tcp://': None}

Define NVTabular dataset

train_paths = glob.glob('./data/train.parquet')
valid_paths = glob.glob('./data/valid.parquet')
test_paths = glob.glob('./data/test.parquet')

train_dataset = nvt.Dataset(train_paths, engine='parquet', part_mem_fraction=0.15)
valid_dataset = nvt.Dataset(valid_paths, engine='parquet', part_mem_fraction=0.15)
test_dataset = nvt.Dataset(test_paths, engine='parquet', part_mem_fraction=0.15)
event_time event_type product_id brand price user_id user_session target cat_0 cat_1 cat_2 cat_3 timestamp ts_hour ts_minute ts_weekday ts_day ts_month ts_year
0 2020-02-01 00:00:18 UTC cart 100065078 xiaomi 568.61 526615078 5f0aab9f-f92e-4eff-b0d2-fcec5f553f01 0 construction tools light <NA> 2020-02-01 00:00:18 0 0 5 1 2 2020
1 2020-02-01 00:00:18 UTC cart 5701246 <NA> 24.43 563902689 76cc9152-8a9f-43e9-b98a-ee484510f379 0 electronics video tv <NA> 2020-02-01 00:00:18 0 0 5 1 2 2020
2 2020-02-01 00:00:31 UTC cart 14701533 <NA> 154.42 520953435 5f1c7752-cf92-41fc-9a16-e8897a90eee8 0 electronics video projector <NA> 2020-02-01 00:00:31 0 0 5 1 2 2020
3 2020-02-01 00:00:40 UTC cart 1004855 xiaomi 123.30 519236281 e512f514-dc7f-4fc9-9042-e3955989d395 0 construction tools light <NA> 2020-02-01 00:00:40 0 0 5 1 2 2020
4 2020-02-01 00:00:47 UTC cart 1005100 samsung 140.28 550305600 bd7a37b6-420d-4575-8852-ac825aff39b5 0 construction tools light <NA> 2020-02-01 00:00:47 0 0 5 1 2 2020
Index(['event_time', 'event_type', 'product_id', 'brand', 'price', 'user_id',
       'user_session', 'target', 'cat_0', 'cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3',
       'timestamp', 'ts_hour', 'ts_minute', 'ts_weekday', 'ts_day', 'ts_month',

Preprocessing and feature engineering

In this notebook we will explore a few feature engineering technique with NVTabular:

  • Creating cross features, e.g. user_id and 'brand

  • Target encoding

The engineered features will then be preprocessed into a form suitable for machine learning model:

  • Fill missing values

  • Encoding categorical features into integer values

  • Normalization of numeric features

from nvtabular.ops import LambdaOp

# cross features
def user_id_cross_maker(col, gdf):
    return col.astype(str) + '_' + gdf['user_id'].astype(str)

user_id_cross_features = (
    nvt.ColumnGroup(['product_id', 'brand', 'ts_hour', 'ts_minute']) >>
    LambdaOp(user_id_cross_maker, dependency=['user_id'], dtype=object) >> 
    nvt.ops.Rename(postfix = '_user_id_cross')

def user_id_brand_cross_maker(col, gdf):
    return col.astype(str) + '_' + gdf['user_id'].astype(str) + '_' + gdf['brand'].astype(str)

user_id_brand_cross_features = (
    nvt.ColumnGroup(['ts_hour', 'ts_weekday', 'cat_0', 'cat_1', 'cat_2']) >>
    LambdaOp(user_id_brand_cross_maker, dependency=['user_id', 'brand'], dtype=object) >> 
    nvt.ops.Rename(postfix = '_user_id_brand_cross')

target_encode = (
    ['brand', 'user_id', 'product_id', 'cat_2', ['ts_weekday', 'ts_day']] >>

cat_feats = (user_id_brand_cross_features + user_id_cross_features) >> nvt.ops.Categorify()
cont_feats =  ['price', 'ts_weekday', 'ts_day', 'ts_month'] >> nvt.ops.FillMissing() >>  nvt.ops.Normalize()
cont_feats += target_encode >> nvt.ops.Rename(postfix = '_TE')
output = cat_feats + cont_feats + 'target'
proc = nvt.Workflow(output)
/nvtabular/nvtabular/workflow/workflow.py:89: UserWarning: A global dask.distributed client has been detected, but the single-threaded scheduler will be used for execution. Please use the `client` argument to initialize a `Workflow` object with distributed-execution enabled.

Visualize workflow as a DAG

!apt install -y graphviz

Executing the workflow

After having defined the workflow, calling the fit() method will start the actual computation to record the required statistics from the training data.

time_preproc_start = time()
time_preproc = time()-time_preproc_start
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/numba/cuda/compiler.py:865: NumbaPerformanceWarning: Grid size (1) < 2 * SM count (112) will likely result in GPU under utilization due to low occupancy.
CPU times: user 13.3 s, sys: 10.1 s, total: 23.4 s
Wall time: 26.8 s
CAT_FEATS = ['ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross',

CON_FEATS = ['price',

dict_dtypes = {}
for col in CAT_FEATS:
    dict_dtypes[col] = np.int64
for col in CON_FEATS:
    dict_dtypes[col] = np.float32

dict_dtypes['target'] = np.float32

Next, we call the transform() method to transform the datasets.

output_train_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'train/')
output_valid_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'valid/')
output_test_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'test/')
! rm -rf $output_train_dir && mkdir -p $output_train_dir
! rm -rf $output_valid_dir && mkdir -p $output_valid_dir
! rm -rf $output_test_dir && mkdir -p $output_test_dir

time_preproc_start = time()
proc.transform(train_dataset).to_parquet(output_path=output_train_dir, dtypes=dict_dtypes,
time_preproc += time()-time_preproc_start
/nvtabular/nvtabular/io/dask.py:375: UserWarning: A global dask.distributed client has been detected, but the single-threaded scheduler will be used for this write operation. Please use the `client` argument to initialize a `Dataset` and/or `Workflow` object with distributed-execution enabled.
CPU times: user 1.6 s, sys: 3.29 s, total: 4.89 s
Wall time: 5.79 s
!ls -l $output_train_dir
total 366131
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip        47 Nov 16 23:04 _file_list.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip     18283 Nov 16 23:04 _metadata
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip      1045 Nov 16 23:04 _metadata.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 706364298 Nov 16 23:04 part_0.parquet
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip      7975 Nov 16 23:04 schema.pbtxt

time_preproc_start = time()
proc.transform(valid_dataset).to_parquet(output_path=output_valid_dir, dtypes=dict_dtypes,
time_preproc += time()-time_preproc_start
CPU times: user 1.06 s, sys: 1.57 s, total: 2.63 s
Wall time: 2.83 s
!ls -l $output_valid_dir
total 100979
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip       47 Nov 16 23:04 _file_list.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip     8983 Nov 16 23:04 _metadata
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip     1045 Nov 16 23:04 _metadata.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip 92826604 Nov 16 23:04 part_0.parquet
-rw-r--r-- 1 root dip     7975 Nov 16 23:04 schema.pbtxt

time_preproc_start = time()
proc.transform(test_dataset).to_parquet(output_path=output_test_dir, dtypes=dict_dtypes,
time_preproc += time()-time_preproc_start
CPU times: user 1.05 s, sys: 1.64 s, total: 2.69 s
Wall time: 2.75 s

Verify the preprocessed data

Let’s quickly read the data back and verify that all fields have the expected format.

!ls $output_train_dir
_file_list.txt	_metadata  _metadata.json  part_0.parquet  schema.pbtxt
nvtdata = pd.read_parquet(output_train_dir+'/part_0.parquet')
ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross ts_weekday_user_id_brand_cross cat_0_user_id_brand_cross cat_1_user_id_brand_cross cat_2_user_id_brand_cross product_id_user_id_cross brand_user_id_cross ts_hour_user_id_cross ts_minute_user_id_cross price ts_weekday ts_day ts_month TE_brand_target_TE TE_user_id_target_TE TE_product_id_target_TE TE_cat_2_target_TE TE_ts_weekday_ts_day_target_TE target
0 817883 908980 0 0 0 1085846 855303 144463 5417827 -0.725652 -0.502085 0.235441 1.314784 0.199788 0.325234 0.227236 -1.284867 0.387063 0.0
1 4152058 2732403 1210052 712779 0 1360101 954962 731363 2230166 -0.836849 -0.007929 -0.802043 -0.864342 0.355313 0.266837 0.255486 -1.285741 0.420646 0.0
2 3204608 274365 30730 31144 25505 29457 32720 3039842 3062261 -0.184922 -0.007929 1.618752 -0.864342 0.466206 0.237990 0.414308 0.459563 0.239809 0.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 3464677 0 2467278 2493129 -0.841169 -0.007929 0.465993 -0.666240 -1.285569 0.390281 0.318047 -1.288352 0.376334 0.0
4 2665639 66327 19261 19397 16204 2497109 16447 2620458 2349810 3.510283 0.486228 0.581269 -0.666240 0.446405 0.533477 0.492186 0.459563 0.388496 0.0
!ls $output_valid_dir
_file_list.txt	_metadata  _metadata.json  part_0.parquet  schema.pbtxt
nvtdata_valid = pd.read_parquet(output_valid_dir+'/part_0.parquet')
ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross ts_weekday_user_id_brand_cross cat_0_user_id_brand_cross cat_1_user_id_brand_cross cat_2_user_id_brand_cross product_id_user_id_cross brand_user_id_cross ts_hour_user_id_cross ts_minute_user_id_cross price ts_weekday ts_day ts_month TE_brand_target_TE TE_user_id_target_TE TE_product_id_target_TE TE_cat_2_target_TE TE_ts_weekday_ts_day_target_TE target
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.107537 0.980384 -0.225663 -0.468138 0.372078 0.390281 0.427259 0.390176 0.353950 0.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.840005 0.980384 -0.225663 -0.468138 0.364968 0.390281 0.320797 -1.284867 0.352739 0.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.327548 -1.490397 -0.802043 -0.468138 0.466705 0.390281 0.498779 0.459734 0.380590 1.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.291189 -1.490397 -1.608975 -0.468138 0.446405 0.390281 0.303992 0.459563 0.408594 0.0
4 0 0 2677742 1812225 1033276 3759307 2828489 0 0 -0.738273 -0.007929 1.157649 -0.468138 0.277334 0.390281 0.326134 0.257637 0.409076 0.0

Getting the embedding size

Next, we need to get the embedding size for the categorical variables. This is an important input for defining the embedding table size to be used by HugeCTR.

embeddings = ops.get_embedding_sizes(proc)
{'ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross': (4427037, 512),
 'ts_weekday_user_id_brand_cross': (3961156, 512),
 'cat_0_user_id_brand_cross': (2877223, 512),
 'cat_1_user_id_brand_cross': (2890639, 512),
 'cat_2_user_id_brand_cross': (2159304, 512),
 'product_id_user_id_cross': (4398425, 512),
 'brand_user_id_cross': (3009092, 512),
 'ts_hour_user_id_cross': (3999369, 512),
 'ts_minute_user_id_cross': (5931061, 512)}
print([embeddings[x][0] for x in cat_feats.output_columns.names])
[4427037, 3961156, 2877223, 2890639, 2159304, 4398425, 3009092, 3999369, 5931061]
embedding_size_str = "{}".format([embeddings[x][0] for x in cat_feats.output_columns.names])
'[4427037, 3961156, 2877223, 2890639, 2159304, 4398425, 3009092, 3999369, 5931061]'
num_con_feates = len(CON_FEATS)
print([embeddings[x][0] for x in cat_feats.output_columns.names])
[4427037, 3961156, 2877223, 2890639, 2159304, 4398425, 3009092, 3999369, 5931061]

Next, we’ll shutdown our Dask client from earlier to free up some memory so that we can share it with HugeCTR.


Preparing the training Python script for HugeCTR

The HugeCTR model can be defined by Python API. The following Python script defines a DLRM model and specifies the training resources.

Several parameters that need to be edited to match this dataset are:

  • slot_size_array: cardinalities for the categorical variables

  • dense_dim: number of dense features

  • slot_num: number of categorical variables

The model graph can be saved into a JSON file by calling model.graph_to_json, which will be used for inference afterwards.

In the following code, we train the network using 8 GPUs and a workspace of 4000 MB per GPU. Note that the total embedding size is 33653306*128*4/(1024**3) = 16.432 GB.

%%writefile hugectr_dlrm_ecommerce.py
import hugectr
from mpi4py import MPI
solver = hugectr.CreateSolver(max_eval_batches = 2720,
                              batchsize_eval = 16384,
                              batchsize = 16384,
                              lr = 0.1,
                              warmup_steps = 8000,
                              decay_start = 48000,
                              decay_steps = 24000,
                              vvgpu = [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]],
                              repeat_dataset = True,
                              i64_input_key = True)
reader = hugectr.DataReaderParams(data_reader_type = hugectr.DataReaderType_t.Parquet,
                                  source = ["./nvtabular_temp/output/train/_file_list.txt"],
                                  eval_source = "./nvtabular_temp/output/valid/_file_list.txt",
                                  check_type = hugectr.Check_t.Non,
                                  slot_size_array = [4427037, 3961156, 2877223, 2890639, 2159304, 4398425, 3009092, 3999369, 5931061])
optimizer = hugectr.CreateOptimizer(optimizer_type = hugectr.Optimizer_t.SGD,
                                    update_type = hugectr.Update_t.Local,
                                    atomic_update = True)
model = hugectr.Model(solver, reader, optimizer)
model.add(hugectr.Input(label_dim = 1, label_name = "label",
                        dense_dim = 9, dense_name = "dense",
                        data_reader_sparse_param_array = 
                        [hugectr.DataReaderSparseParam("data1", 1, True, 9)]))
model.add(hugectr.SparseEmbedding(embedding_type = hugectr.Embedding_t.DistributedSlotSparseEmbeddingHash,
                            workspace_size_per_gpu_in_mb = 4000,
                            embedding_vec_size = 128,
                            combiner = 'sum',
                            sparse_embedding_name = "sparse_embedding1",
                            bottom_name = "data1",
                            optimizer = optimizer))
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["dense"],
                            top_names = ["fc1"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc1"],
                            top_names = ["relu1"]))                           
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu1"],
                            top_names = ["fc2"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc2"],
                            top_names = ["relu2"]))                            
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu2"],
                            top_names = ["fc3"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc3"],
                            top_names = ["relu3"]))                              
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Interaction,
                            bottom_names = ["relu3","sparse_embedding1"],
                            top_names = ["interaction1"]))
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["interaction1"],
                            top_names = ["fc4"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc4"],
                            top_names = ["relu4"]))                              
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu4"],
                            top_names = ["fc5"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc5"],
                            top_names = ["relu5"]))                              
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu5"],
                            top_names = ["fc6"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc6"],
                            top_names = ["relu6"]))                               
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu6"],
                            top_names = ["fc7"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU,
                            bottom_names = ["fc7"],
                            top_names = ["relu7"]))                                                                              
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct,
                            bottom_names = ["relu7"],
                            top_names = ["fc8"],
model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.BinaryCrossEntropyLoss,
                            bottom_names = ["fc8", "label"],
                            top_names = ["loss"]))
model.graph_to_json(graph_config_file = "dlrm_ecommerce.json")
model.fit(max_iter = 12000, display = 1000, eval_interval = 3000, snapshot = 10000, snapshot_prefix = "./")
Overwriting hugectr_dlrm_ecommerce.py

HugeCTR training

Now we are ready to train a DLRM model with HugeCTR.

!python3 hugectr_dlrm_ecommerce.py
HugeCTR Version: 3.2
====================================================Model Init=====================================================
[HUGECTR][23:17:45][INFO][RANK0]: Global seed is 1985961998
[HUGECTR][23:17:45][INFO][RANK0]: Device to NUMA mapping:
  GPU 0 ->  node 0
  GPU 1 ->  node 0
  GPU 2 ->  node 0
  GPU 3 ->  node 0
  GPU 4 ->  node 1
  GPU 5 ->  node 1
  GPU 6 ->  node 1
  GPU 7 ->  node 1

[HUGECTR][23:17:54][WARNING][RANK0]: Peer-to-peer access cannot be fully enabled.
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Start all2all warmup
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: End all2all warmup
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Using All-reduce algorithm: NCCL
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 0: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 1: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 2: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 3: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 4: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 5: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 6: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: Device 7: Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB
[HUGECTR][23:17:54][INFO][RANK0]: num of DataReader workers: 8
[HUGECTR][23:17:55][INFO][RANK0]: Vocabulary size: 33653306
[HUGECTR][23:17:55][INFO][RANK0]: max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu_=8192000
[HUGECTR][23:17:58][INFO][RANK0]: Graph analysis to resolve tensor dependency
===================================================Model Compile===================================================
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu0 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu1 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu6 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu2 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu7 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu5 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu3 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu4 start to init embedding
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu0 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu1 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu2 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu7 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu6 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu5 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu4 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: gpu3 init embedding done
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Starting AUC NCCL warm-up
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Warm-up done
===================================================Model Summary===================================================
label                                   Dense                         Sparse                        
label                                   dense                          data1                         
(None, 1)                               (None, 9)                               
Layer Type                              Input Name                    Output Name                   Output Shape                  
DistributedSlotSparseEmbeddingHash      data1                         sparse_embedding1             (None, 9, 128)                
InnerProduct                            dense                         fc1                           (None, 512)                   
ReLU                                    fc1                           relu1                         (None, 512)                   
InnerProduct                            relu1                         fc2                           (None, 256)                   
ReLU                                    fc2                           relu2                         (None, 256)                   
InnerProduct                            relu2                         fc3                           (None, 128)                   
ReLU                                    fc3                           relu3                         (None, 128)                   
Interaction                             relu3,sparse_embedding1       interaction1                  (None, 174)                   
InnerProduct                            interaction1                  fc4                           (None, 1024)                  
ReLU                                    fc4                           relu4                         (None, 1024)                  
InnerProduct                            relu4                         fc5                           (None, 1024)                  
ReLU                                    fc5                           relu5                         (None, 1024)                  
InnerProduct                            relu5                         fc6                           (None, 512)                   
ReLU                                    fc6                           relu6                         (None, 512)                   
InnerProduct                            relu6                         fc7                           (None, 256)                   
ReLU                                    fc7                           relu7                         (None, 256)                   
InnerProduct                            relu7                         fc8                           (None, 1)                     
BinaryCrossEntropyLoss                  fc8,label                     loss                                                        
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Save the model graph to dlrm_ecommerce.json successfully
=====================================================Model Fit=====================================================
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Use non-epoch mode with number of iterations: 12000
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Training batchsize: 16384, evaluation batchsize: 16384
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Evaluation interval: 3000, snapshot interval: 10000
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Sparse embedding trainable: 1, dense network trainable: 1
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Use mixed precision: 0, scaler: 1, use cuda graph: -875196854
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: lr: 0.100000, warmup_steps: 8000, decay_start: 48000, decay_steps: 24000, decay_power: 2.000000, end_lr: 0.000000
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Training source file: ./nvtabular_temp/output/train/_file_list.txt
[HUGECTR][23:18:12][INFO][RANK0]: Evaluation source file: ./nvtabular_temp/output/valid/_file_list.txt
[HUGECTR][23:18:20][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 1000 Time(1000 iters): 8.477706s Loss: 0.654302 lr:0.012512
[HUGECTR][23:18:29][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 2000 Time(1000 iters): 8.461642s Loss: 0.537260 lr:0.025013
[HUGECTR][23:18:37][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 3000 Time(1000 iters): 8.473848s Loss: 0.523659 lr:0.037512
[HUGECTR][23:18:47][INFO][RANK0]: Evaluation, AUC: 0.652278
[HUGECTR][23:18:47][INFO][RANK0]: Eval Time for 2720 iters: 9.794543s
[HUGECTR][23:18:56][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 4000 Time(1000 iters): 18.361339s Loss: 0.521578 lr:0.050012
[HUGECTR][23:19:04][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 5000 Time(1000 iters): 8.492043s Loss: 0.515692 lr:0.062513
[HUGECTR][23:19:13][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 6000 Time(1000 iters): 8.491605s Loss: 0.518826 lr:0.075013
[HUGECTR][23:19:22][INFO][RANK0]: Evaluation, AUC: 0.650539
[HUGECTR][23:19:22][INFO][RANK0]: Eval Time for 2720 iters: 9.814989s
[HUGECTR][23:19:31][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 7000 Time(1000 iters): 18.332924s Loss: 0.511855 lr:0.087513
[HUGECTR][23:19:39][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 8000 Time(1000 iters): 8.488666s Loss: 0.515189 lr:0.100000
[HUGECTR][23:19:48][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 9000 Time(1000 iters): 8.455840s Loss: 0.513654 lr:0.100000
[HUGECTR][23:19:58][INFO][RANK0]: Evaluation, AUC: 0.645823
[HUGECTR][23:19:58][INFO][RANK0]: Eval Time for 2720 iters: 9.750920s
[HUGECTR][23:20:06][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 10000 Time(1000 iters): 18.285750s Loss: 0.518827 lr:0.100000
[HUGECTR][23:20:15][INFO][RANK0]: Rank0: Write hash table to file
[HUGECTR][23:21:26][INFO][RANK0]: Dumping sparse weights to files, successful
[HUGECTR][23:21:26][INFO][RANK0]: Dumping sparse optimzer states to files, successful
[HUGECTR][23:21:26][INFO][RANK0]: Dumping dense weights to file, successful
[HUGECTR][23:21:26][INFO][RANK0]: Dumping dense optimizer states to file, successful
[HUGECTR][23:21:26][INFO][RANK0]: Dumping untrainable weights to file, successful
[HUGECTR][23:21:35][INFO][RANK0]: Iter: 11000 Time(1000 iters): 88.781702s Loss: 0.511783 lr:0.100000
[HUGECTR][23:21:43][INFO][RANK0]: Finish 12000 iterations with batchsize: 16384 in 211.67s.

HugeCTR inference

In this section, we read the test dataset and compute the AUC value.

We will utilize the saved model graph in JSON format for inference.

Prepare the inference session

import sys
from hugectr.inference import InferenceParams, CreateInferenceSession
from mpi4py import MPI
# create inference session
inference_params = InferenceParams(model_name = "dlrm",
                              max_batchsize = 4096,
                              hit_rate_threshold = 0.6,
                              dense_model_file = "./_dense_10000.model",
                              sparse_model_files = ["./0_sparse_10000.model"],
                              device_id = 0,
                              use_gpu_embedding_cache = True,
                              cache_size_percentage = 0.2,
                              i64_input_key = True)
inference_session = CreateInferenceSession("dlrm_ecommerce.json", inference_params)
[HUGECTR][23:21:46][INFO][RANK0]: default_emb_vec_value is not specified using default: 0.000000
[HUGECTR][23:21:46][INFO][RANK0]: Created parallel (16 partitions) blank database backend in local memory!
[HUGECTR][23:22:51][INFO][RANK0]: ParallelLocalMemory backend. Table: dlrm#0. Inserted 33653303 / 33653303 pairs.
[HUGECTR][23:22:51][INFO][RANK0]: Cached 0.000000 * 33653303 embeddings in CPU memory database!
[HUGECTR][23:22:52][INFO][RANK0]: Create embedding cache in device 0.
[HUGECTR][23:22:53][INFO][RANK0]: create_refreshspace2
[HUGECTR][23:22:53][INFO][RANK0]: Global seed is 813179416
[HUGECTR][23:22:53][INFO][RANK0]: Device to NUMA mapping:
  GPU 0 ->  node 0

[HUGECTR][23:22:54][WARNING][RANK0]: Peer-to-peer access cannot be fully enabled.
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: Start all2all warmup
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: End all2all warmup
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: Use mixed precision: 0
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: start create embedding for inference
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: sparse_input name data1
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: create embedding for inference success
[HUGECTR][23:22:54][INFO][RANK0]: Inference stage skip BinaryCrossEntropyLoss layer, replaced by Sigmoid layer

Reading and preparing the data

First, we read the NVTabular processed data.

import pandas as pd

nvtdata_test = pd.read_parquet('./nvtabular_temp/output/test/part_0.parquet')
ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross ts_weekday_user_id_brand_cross cat_0_user_id_brand_cross cat_1_user_id_brand_cross cat_2_user_id_brand_cross product_id_user_id_cross brand_user_id_cross ts_hour_user_id_cross ts_minute_user_id_cross price ts_weekday ts_day ts_month TE_brand_target_TE TE_user_id_target_TE TE_product_id_target_TE TE_cat_2_target_TE TE_ts_weekday_ts_day_target_TE target
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.823432 -1.490397 1.272925 -0.270035 -1.287369 0.390281 0.390281 -1.285848 0.445558 0.0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.627107 -0.996241 0.581269 -0.270035 0.306095 0.390281 0.339375 0.352659 0.396743 0.0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.299060 -0.996241 1.388201 -0.270035 0.364552 0.390281 0.443069 0.459563 0.433425 0.0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.037364 1.474540 -0.456215 -0.270035 0.466595 0.390281 0.431157 0.460040 0.407608 1.0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.704362 -0.502085 -0.917319 -0.270035 0.218853 0.390281 0.274339 -1.285741 0.428683 0.0
con_feats = ['price',
cat_feats = ['ts_hour_user_id_brand_cross',
emb_size = [4427037, 3961156, 2877223, 2890639, 2159304, 4398425, 3009092, 3999369, 5931061]

Converting data to CSR format

HugeCTR expects data in CSR format for inference. One important thing to note is that NVTabular requires categorical variables to occupy different integer ranges. For example, if there are 10 users and 10 items, then the users should be encoded in the 0-9 range, while items should be in the 10-19 range. NVTabular encodes both users and items in the 0-9 ranges.

For this reason, we need to shift the keys of the categorical variable produced by NVTabular to comply with HugeCTR.

import numpy as np
shift = np.insert(np.cumsum(emb_size), 0, 0)[:-1]
cat_data = nvtdata_test[cat_feats].values + shift
dense_data = nvtdata_test[con_feats].values
def infer_batch(inference_session, dense_data_batch, cat_data_batch):
    dense_features = list(dense_data_batch.flatten())
    embedding_columns = list(cat_data_batch.flatten())
    row_ptrs= list(range(0,len(embedding_columns)+1))
    output = inference_session.predict(dense_features, embedding_columns, row_ptrs)
    return output

Now we are ready to carry out inference on the test set.

batch_size = 4096
num_batches = (len(dense_data) // batch_size) + 1
batch_idx = np.array_split(np.arange(len(dense_data)), num_batches)
!pip install tqdm
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://pypi.ngc.nvidia.com
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (4.62.3)
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/usr/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
from tqdm import tqdm

labels = []
for batch_id in tqdm(batch_idx):
    dense_data_batch = dense_data[batch_id]
    cat_data_batch = cat_data[batch_id]
    results = infer_batch(inference_session, dense_data_batch, cat_data_batch)

Computing the test AUC value

ground_truth = nvtdata_test['target'].values
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

roc_auc_score(ground_truth, labels)


In this notebook, we have walked you through the process of preprocessing the data, train a DLRM model with HugeCTR, then carrying out inference with the HugeCTR Python interface. Try this workflow on your data and let us know your feedback.