Source code for sparse_operation_kit.saver.Saver

 Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from sparse_operation_kit import kit_lib
from sparse_operation_kit.core.embedding_layer_handle import GraphKeys
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops

# TODO: make it inherit from trackable???
[docs]class Saver(object): """ Abbreviated as ``sok.Saver()``. """ def __init__(self): # TODO: how to get all emb_var from Model??? pass def __call__(self): pass
[docs] def dump_to_file(self, embedding_variable, filepath): """ This function is used to save the specified embedding variables to host file. When multiple CPU processes is used, this function must be called within each CPU processes. Parameters ---------- embedding_variable: sok.EmbeddingVariable, tf.DistributedVariable The variable from embedding layer which needs to be dumped to file. filepath: string The directory where the parameters will be dumped to. Returns ------- status: tf.Tensor If this op executed successfully, then 'OK' will be returned. """ # TODO: check whether embedding_variable is an instance of DistributedVariable if hasattr(embedding_variable, "emb_handle"): # horovod branch return kit_lib.dump_to_file(embedding_variable.emb_handle, filepath) else: # strategy branch return kit_lib.dump_to_file(embedding_variable.values[0].emb_handle, filepath)
[docs] def restore_from_file(self, embedding_variable, filepath): """ This function is used to restore dumped parameters to the specified embedding variable. When multiple CPU processes is used, this function must be called within each CPU processes. Parameters ---------- embedding_variable: sok.EmbeddingVariable, tf.DistributedVariable The embedding variable which needs to be restored from file. filepath: string The directory where the parameters will be restored from. Returns ------- status: tf.Tensor If this op executed successfully, then 'OK' will be returned. """ if kit_lib.in_tensorflow2(): context = ops.NullContextmanager initializers = None else: context = ops.control_dependencies # in case the embedding layer has not been created collections = ops.get_collection(GraphKeys.SparseOperationKitEmbeddingLayers) initializers = [collect.initializer for collect in collections] with context(initializers): if hasattr(embedding_variable, "emb_handle"): # horovod branch return kit_lib.restore_from_file(embedding_variable.emb_handle, filepath) else: # strategy branch return kit_lib.restore_from_file(embedding_variable.values[0].emb_handle, filepath)
[docs] def load_embedding_values(self, embedding_variable, tensors): """ This function is used to assign embedding_variable's value with tf.Tensors. When multiple CPU processes is used, this function must be called within each CPU processes. Parameters ---------- embedding_variable: sok.EmbeddingVariable, tf.DistributedVariable Which embedding_variable's value will be assigned. tensors: tf.Tensor, list of tf.Tensor, tuple of tf.Tensor Each tf.Tensor must be 2-rank and the shape must be `[None, embedding_vec_size]`, where the `embedding_vec_size` must be equal to that of embedding_variable's. All tf.Tensors make up to a big tensor, which just like they are stacked. For example: `[tf.Tensor(shape=(bs_0, embedding_vec_size)), tf.Tensor(shape=(bs_1, embedding_vec_size)),\ tf.Tensor(shape=(bs_2, embedding_vec_size))]` will be treated as `tf.Tensor(shape=(bs_0 + bs_1 + bs_2, embedding_vec_size))`. Returns ------- status: tf.Tensor If this op executed successfully, then 'OK' will be returned. """ if kit_lib.in_tensorflow2(): context = ops.NullContextmanager initializers = None else: context = ops.control_dependencies # in case the embedding layer has not been created collections = ops.get_collection(GraphKeys.SparseOperationKitEmbeddingLayers) initializers = [collect.initializer for collect in collections] if isinstance(tensors, list) or isinstance(tensors, tuple): # stack those tensors along dim-0 tensors = array_ops.concat(tensors, axis=0) with context(initializers): if hasattr(embedding_variable, "emb_handle"): # horovod branch return kit_lib.load_embedding_values(embedding_variable.emb_handle, tensors) else: # strategy branch return kit_lib.load_embedding_values( embedding_variable.values[0].emb_handle, tensors )