Source code for hierarchical_parameter_server.core.initialize

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from hierarchical_parameter_server import hps_lib
import tensorflow.distribute as tf_dist
from tensorflow import print as tf_print
from tensorflow import function
from tensorflow.python.framework import config
from tensorflow.dtypes import int32, int64
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops

MirroredStrategy = tf_dist.MirroredStrategy
    MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy = tf_dist.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy
except AttributeError:
    MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy = tf_dist.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy
import sys

[docs]def Init(**kwargs): """ Abbreviated as ``hps.Init(**kwargs)``. This function initializes the HPS for all the deployed models. It can be used explicitly or implicitly. When used explicitly, you must call the function only once and you must call it before any other HPS APIs. When used implicitly, ``ps_config_file`` and ``global_batch_size`` should be specified in the constructor of ``hps.SparseLookupLayer`` and ``hps.LookupLayer``. When the layer is executed for the first time, it triggers the internal HPS initialization implicitly in a thread-safe call-once manner. The implicit initialization is especially useful for deploying the SavedModels that leverage the HPS layers for online inference. HPS leverages all available GPUs for the current CPU process. Set ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`` or ``tf.config.set_visible_devices`` to specify which GPUs to use in this process before you launch the TensorFlow runtime and calling this function. Additionally, ensure that the ``deployed_device_list`` parameter in the HPS configuration JSON file matches the visible devices. In **TensorFlow 2.x**, HPS can be used with ``tf.distribute.Strategy`` or Horovod. When it is used with ``tf.distribute.Strategy``, you must call it under ``strategy.scope()`` as shown in the following code block. .. code-block:: python import hierarchical_parameter_server as hps with strategy.scope(): hps.Init(**kwargs) To use the function with Horovod, call it one for each time you initialize a Horovod process such as the following code block shows. .. code-block:: python import hierarchical_parameter_server as hps import horovod.tensorflow as hvd hvd.init() hps.Init(**kwargs) In **TensorFlow 1.15**, HPS can only work with Horovod. The returned status must be evaluated with ```` and it must be the first step before evaluating any other HPS APIs. .. code-block:: python import hierarchical_parameter_server as hps hps_init = hps.Init(**kwargs) with tf.Session() as sess: ... Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for this function. The dictionary must contain ``global_batch_size`` and ``ps_config_file``. * `global_batch_size`: int, the global batch size for HPS that is deployed on multiple GPUs. * `ps_config_file`: str, the JSON configuration file for HPS initialization. An example ``ps_config_file`` is as follows and ``global_batch_size`` can be configured as 16384 correspondingly: .. code-block:: python ps_config_file = { "supportlonglong" : True, "models" : [{ "model": "demo_model", "sparse_files": ["demo_model_sparse.model"], "num_of_worker_buffer_in_pool": 3, "embedding_table_names":["sparse_embedding0"], "embedding_vecsize_per_table": [16], "maxnum_catfeature_query_per_table_per_sample": [10], "default_value_for_each_table": [1.0], "deployed_device_list": [0], "max_batch_size": 16384, "cache_refresh_percentage_per_iteration": 0.2, "hit_rate_threshold": 1.0, "gpucacheper": 1.0, "gpucache": True }, { "model": "demo_model2", "sparse_files": ["demo_model2_sparse_0.model", "demo_model2_sparse_1.model"], "num_of_worker_buffer_in_pool": 3, "embedding_table_names":["sparse_embedding0", "sparse_embedding1"], "embedding_vecsize_per_table": [64, 32], "maxnum_catfeature_query_per_table_per_sample": [3, 5], "default_value_for_each_table": [1.0, 1.0], "deployed_device_list": [0], "max_batch_size": 16384, "cache_refresh_percentage_per_iteration": 0.2, "hit_rate_threshold": 1.0, "gpucacheper": 1.0, "gpucache": True}, ] } Returns ------- status: str On success, the function returns string with the value ``OK``. """ def _get_visible_devices(): gpus = config.get_visible_devices("GPU") assert len(gpus) > 0 visible_devices = [] for i in range(len(gpus)): visible_devices.append(int(gpus[i].name.split(":")[-1])) return array_ops.constant(visible_devices, dtype=int32) def _single_worker_init(**kwargs): replica_ctx = tf_dist.get_replica_context() replica_ctx.merge_call( lambda strategy: tf_print("You are using the plugin with MirroredStrategy.") ) global_id = replica_ctx.replica_id_in_sync_group visible_devices = _get_visible_devices() status = hps_lib.init( global_id, replica_ctx.num_replicas_in_sync, visible_devices, global_batch_size=kwargs["global_batch_size"], ps_config_file=kwargs["ps_config_file"], ) return status def _multi_worker_init(**kwargs): replica_ctx = tf_dist.get_replica_context() global_id = replica_ctx.replica_id_in_sync_group visible_devices = _get_visible_devices() status = hps_lib.init( global_id, replica_ctx.num_replicas_in_sync, visible_devices, global_batch_size=kwargs["global_batch_size"], ps_config_file=kwargs["ps_config_file"], ) return status def _horovod_init(**kwargs): local_rank = hvd.local_rank() visible_devices = _get_visible_devices() status = hps_lib.init( local_rank, hvd.size(), visible_devices, global_batch_size=kwargs["global_batch_size"], ps_config_file=kwargs["ps_config_file"], ) return status def _one_device_init(**kwargs): local_rank = 0 visible_devices = _get_visible_devices() status = hps_lib.init( local_rank, 1, visible_devices, global_batch_size=kwargs["global_batch_size"], ps_config_file=kwargs["ps_config_file"], ) return status if tf_dist.has_strategy(): strategy = tf_dist.get_strategy() @function def _init_wrapper(run_fn, init_fn, **kwargs): return run_fn(init_fn, kwargs=kwargs) if isinstance(strategy, MirroredStrategy): _init_fn = _single_worker_init elif isinstance(strategy, MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy): _init_fn = _multi_worker_init else: raise RuntimeError("This strategy type is not supported yet.") if not hps_lib.in_tensorflow2(): _run_fn = strategy.experimental_run_v2 else: _run_fn = _init_results = _init_wrapper(_run_fn, _init_fn, **kwargs) if hasattr(_init_results, "values"): _init_results = _init_results.values return _init_results elif "horovod.tensorflow" in sys.modules: import horovod.tensorflow as hvd if not hps_lib.in_tensorflow2(): @function def _init_wrapper(**kwargs): return _horovod_init(**kwargs) return _init_wrapper(**kwargs) else: return _horovod_init(**kwargs) else: return _one_device_init(**kwargs)