Source code for nvtabular.ops.difference_lag

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy

from nvtabular.dispatch import DataFrameType, _is_dataframe_object, annotate

from ..tags import Tags
from .operator import ColumnSelector, Operator

[docs]class DifferenceLag(Operator): """Calculates the difference between two consecutive rows of the dataset. For instance, this operator can calculate the time since a user last had another interaction. This requires a dataset partitioned by one set of columns (userid) and sorted further by another set (userid, timestamp). The dataset must already be partitioned and sorted before being passed to the workflow. This can be easily done using dask-cudf:: # get a nvt dataset and convert to a dask dataframe ddf = nvtabular.Dataset(PATHS).to_ddf() # partition the dask dataframe by userid, then sort by userid/timestamp ddf = ddf.shuffle("userid").sort_values(["userid", "timestamp"]) # create a new nvtabular dataset on the partitioned/sorted values dataset = nvtabular.Dataset(ddf) Once passed an appropriate dataset, this operator can be used to create a workflow to compute the lagged difference within a partition:: # compute the delta in timestamp for each users session diff_features = ["quantity"] >> ops.DifferenceLag(partition_cols=["userid"], shift=[1, -1]) processor = nvtabular.Workflow(diff_features) Parameters ----------- partition_cols : str or list of str Column or Columns that are used to partition the data. shift : int, default 1 The number of rows to look backwards when computing the difference lag. Negative values indicate the number of rows to look forwards, making this compute the lead instead of lag. """ def __init__(self, partition_cols, shift=1): super(DifferenceLag, self).__init__() self.partition_cols = partition_cols self.shifts = [shift] if isinstance(shift, int) else shift
[docs] @annotate("DifferenceLag_op", color="darkgreen", domain="nvt_python") def transform(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, df: DataFrameType) -> DataFrameType: # compute a mask indicating partition boundaries, handling multiple partition_cols # represent partition boundaries by None values output = {} for shift in self.shifts: mask = df[self.partition_cols] == df[self.partition_cols].shift(shift) if _is_dataframe_object(mask): mask = mask.fillna(False).all(axis=1) mask[mask == False] = None # noqa pylint: disable=singleton-comparison for col in col_selector.names: output[self._column_name(col, shift)] = (df[col] - df[col].shift(shift)) * mask return type(df)(output)
transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__
[docs] def dependencies(self): return self.partition_cols
[docs] def output_column_names(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector) -> ColumnSelector: return ColumnSelector( [self._column_name(col, shift) for shift in self.shifts for col in col_selector.names] )
def _column_name(self, col, shift): return f"{col}_difference_lag_{shift}"
[docs] def output_tags(self): return [Tags.CONTINUOUS]
def _dtype(self): return numpy.float