Source code for nvtabular.ops.normalize

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy

from ..dispatch import DataFrameType, annotate
from ..tags import Tags
from .moments import _custom_moments
from .operator import ColumnSelector, Operator, Supports
from .stat_operator import StatOperator

[docs]class Normalize(StatOperator): """ Standardizing the features around 0 with a standard deviation of 1 is a common technique to compare measurements that have different units. This operation can be added to the workflow to standardize the features. It performs Normalization using the mean std method. Example usage:: # Use Normalize to define a NVTabular workflow cont_features = CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS >> ops.Normalize() processor = nvtabular.Workflow(cont_features) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.means = {} self.stds = {}
[docs] @annotate("Normalize_fit", color="green", domain="nvt_python") def fit(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, ddf: dd.DataFrame): return _custom_moments(ddf[col_selector.names])
[docs] def fit_finalize(self, dask_stats): for col in dask_stats.index: self.means[col] = float(dask_stats["mean"].loc[col]) self.stds[col] = float(dask_stats["std"].loc[col])
[docs] @annotate("Normalize_op", color="darkgreen", domain="nvt_python") def transform(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, df: DataFrameType) -> DataFrameType: new_df = type(df)() for name in col_selector.names: if self.stds[name] > 0: new_df[name] = (df[name] - self.means[name]) / (self.stds[name]) else: new_df[name] = df[name] - self.means[name] new_df[name] = new_df[name].astype("float32") return new_df
@property def supports(self): return ( Supports.CPU_DICT_ARRAY | Supports.GPU_DICT_ARRAY | Supports.CPU_DATAFRAME | Supports.GPU_DATAFRAME )
[docs] def clear(self): self.means = {} self.stds = {}
[docs] def output_tags(self): return [Tags.CONTINUOUS]
def _get_dtypes(self): return numpy.float transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__ fit.__doc__ = fit_finalize.__doc__ = StatOperator.fit_finalize.__doc__
[docs]class NormalizeMinMax(StatOperator): """ This operator standardizes continuous features such that they are between 0 and 1. Example usage:: # Use NormalizeMinMax to define a NVTabular workflow cont_features = CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS >> ops.NormalizeMinMax() processor = nvtabular.Workflow(cont_features) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.mins = {} self.maxs = {}
[docs] @annotate("NormalizeMinMax_op", color="darkgreen", domain="nvt_python") def transform(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, df: DataFrameType): # TODO: should we clip values if they are out of bounds (below 0 or 1) # (could happen in validation dataset if datapoint) new_df = type(df)() for name in col_selector.names: dif = self.maxs[name] - self.mins[name] if dif > 0: new_df[name] = (df[name] - self.mins[name]) / dif elif dif == 0: new_df[name] = df[name] / (2 * df[name]) new_df[name] = new_df[name].astype("float32") return new_df
transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__
[docs] @annotate("NormalizeMinMax_fit", color="green", domain="nvt_python") def fit(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, ddf): return { "mins": ddf[col_selector.names].min(), "maxs": ddf[col_selector.names].max(), }
[docs] @annotate("NormalizeMinMax_finalize", color="green", domain="nvt_python") def fit_finalize(self, dask_stats): index = dask_stats["mins"].index cols = index.values_host if hasattr(index, "values_host") else index.values for col in cols: self.mins[col] = dask_stats["mins"][col] self.maxs[col] = dask_stats["maxs"][col]
[docs] def clear(self): self.mins = {} self.maxs = {}
@property def supports(self): return ( Supports.CPU_DICT_ARRAY | Supports.GPU_DICT_ARRAY | Supports.CPU_DATAFRAME | Supports.GPU_DATAFRAME )
[docs] def output_tags(self): return [Tags.CONTINUOUS]
def _get_dtypes(self): return numpy.float transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__ fit.__doc__ = fit_finalize.__doc__ = StatOperator.fit_finalize.__doc__