Source code for nvtabular.framework_utils.tensorflow.layers.embedding

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.feature_column import feature_column_v2 as fc

# pylint has issues with TF array ops, so disable checks until fixed:
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter, unexpected-keyword-arg

def _sort_columns(feature_columns):
    return sorted(feature_columns, key=lambda col:

def _validate_numeric_column(feature_column):
    if len(feature_column.shape) > 1:
        return "Matrix numeric features are not allowed, " "found feature {} with shape {}".format(
            feature_column.key, feature_column.shape

def _validate_categorical_column(feature_column):
    if not isinstance(feature_column, fc.IdentityCategoricalColumn):
        return (
            "Only acceptable categorical columns for feeding "
            "embeddings are identity, found column {} of type {}. "
            "Consider using NVTabular online preprocessing to perform "
            "categorical transformations".format(, type(feature_column).__name__)

def _validate_dense_feature_columns(feature_columns):
    _errors = []
    for feature_column in feature_columns:
        if isinstance(feature_column, fc.CategoricalColumn):
            if not isinstance(feature_column, fc.BucketizedColumn):
                    "All feature columns must be dense, found categorical "
                    "column {} of type {}. Please wrap categorical columns "
                    "in embedding or indicator columns before passing".format(
              , type(feature_column).__name__
                    "Found bucketized column {}. DenseFeatures layer "
                    "cannot apply bucketization preprocessing. Consider using "
                    "NVTabular to do preprocessing offline".format(
        elif isinstance(feature_column, (fc.EmbeddingColumn, fc.IndicatorColumn)):

        elif isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn):

    _errors = list(filter(lambda e: e is not None, _errors))
    if len(_errors) > 0:
        msg = "Found issues with columns passed to DenseFeatures:"
        msg += "\n\t".join(_errors)
        raise ValueError(_errors)

def _validate_stack_dimensions(feature_columns):
    dims = []
    for feature_column in feature_columns:
        if isinstance(feature_column, fc.EmbeddingColumn):
            dimension = feature_column.dimension
        elif isinstance(feature_column, fc.IndicatorColumn):
            dimension = feature_column.categorical_column.num_buckets
            dimension = feature_column.shape[0]


    dim0 = dims[0]
    if not all(dim == dim0 for dim in dims[1:]):
        dims = ", ".join(map(str, dims))
        raise ValueError(
            "'stack' aggregation requires all categorical "
            "embeddings and continuous features to have same "
            "size. Found dimensions {}".format(dims)

def _categorical_embedding_lookup(table, inputs, feature_name, combiner):
    # check for sparse embeddings by name
    # build values and nnz tensors into ragged array, convert to sparse
    if isinstance(inputs[feature_name], tuple):
        values = inputs[feature_name][0][:, 0]
        row_lengths = inputs[feature_name][1][:, 0]
        x = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(values, row_lengths).to_sparse()

        # use ragged array for sparse embedding lookup.
        # note we're using safe_embedding_lookup_sparse to handle empty rows
        # ( )
        embeddings = tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(table, x, None, combiner=combiner)
        embeddings = tf.gather(table, inputs[feature_name][:, 0])

    return embeddings

def _handle_continuous_feature(inputs, feature_column):
    if feature_column.shape[0] > 1:
        x = inputs[]
        if isinstance(x, tuple):
            x = x[0]
        return tf.reshape(x, (-1, feature_column.shape[0]))
    return inputs[]

[docs]class DenseFeatures(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Layer which maps a dictionary of input tensors to a dense, continuous vector digestible by a neural network. Meant to reproduce the API exposed by `tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures` while reducing overhead for the case of one-hot categorical and scalar numeric features. Uses TensorFlow `feature_column` to represent inputs to the layer, but does not perform any preprocessing associated with those columns. As such, it should only be passed `numeric_column` objects and their subclasses, `embedding_column` and `indicator_column`. Preprocessing functionality should be moved to NVTabular. For multi-hot categorical or vector continuous data, represent the data for a feature with a dictionary entry `"<feature_name>__values"` corresponding to the flattened array of all values in the batch. For multi-hot categorical data, there should be a corresponding `"<feature_name>__nnzs"` entry that describes how many categories are present in each sample (and so has length `batch_size`). Note that categorical columns should be wrapped in embedding or indicator columns first, consistent with the API used by `tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures`. Example usage:: column_a = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("a", (1,)) column_b = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity("b", 100) column_b_embedding = tf.feature_column.embedding_column(column_b, 4) inputs = { "a": tf.keras.Input(name="a", shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32), "b": tf.keras.Input(name="b", shape=(1,), dtype=tf.int64) } x = DenseFeatures([column_a, column_b_embedding])(inputs) Parameters ---------- feature_columns : list of `tf.feature_column` feature columns describing the inputs to the layer aggregation : str in ("concat", "stack") how to combine the embeddings from multiple features """ def __init__(self, feature_columns, aggregation="concat", name=None, **kwargs): # sort feature columns to make layer independent of column order feature_columns = _sort_columns(feature_columns) _validate_dense_feature_columns(feature_columns) if aggregation == "stack": _validate_stack_dimensions(feature_columns) elif aggregation != "concat": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized aggregation {}, must be stack or concat".format(aggregation) ) self.feature_columns = feature_columns self.aggregation = aggregation super(DenseFeatures, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): assert all(shape[1] == 1 for shape in input_shapes.values() if not isinstance(shape, tuple)) assert all(shape[0][1] == 1 for shape in input_shapes.values() if isinstance(shape, tuple)) self.embedding_tables = {} for feature_column in self.feature_columns: if isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn): continue feature_name = feature_column.categorical_column.key num_buckets = feature_column.categorical_column.num_buckets if isinstance(feature_column, fc.EmbeddingColumn): self.embedding_tables[feature_name] = self.add_weight( name="{}/embedding_weights".format(feature_name), trainable=True, initializer="glorot_normal", shape=(num_buckets, feature_column.dimension), ) else: self.embedding_tables[feature_name] = self.add_weight( name="{}/embedding_weights".format(feature_name), trainable=False, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(np.eye(num_buckets)), shape=(num_buckets, num_buckets), ) self.built = True
[docs] def call(self, inputs): features = [] for feature_column in self.feature_columns: if isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn): x = _handle_continuous_feature(inputs, feature_column) features.append(x) else: feature_name = table = self.embedding_tables[feature_name] combiner = getattr(feature_column, "combiner", "sum") embeddings = _categorical_embedding_lookup(table, inputs, feature_name, combiner) features.append(embeddings) if self.aggregation == "stack": return tf.stack(features, axis=1) return tf.concat(features, axis=1)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): input_shape = list(input_shapes.values())[0] if self.aggregation == "concat": output_dim = len(self.numeric_features) + sum( [shape[-1] for shape in self.embedding_shapes.values()] ) return (input_shape[0], output_dim) else: embedding_dim = list(self.embedding_shapes.values())[0] return (input_shape[0], len(self.embedding_shapes), embedding_dim)
[docs] def get_config(self): return { "feature_columns": self.feature_columns, "aggregation": self.aggregation, }
def _validate_linear_feature_columns(feature_columns): _errors = [] for feature_column in feature_columns: if isinstance(feature_column, (fc.EmbeddingColumn, fc.IndicatorColumn)): _errors.append( "Only pass categorical or numeric columns to ScalarLinearFeatures " "layer, found column {} of type".format(feature_column) ) elif isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn): _errors.append(_validate_numeric_column(feature_column)) else: _errors.append(_validate_categorical_column(feature_column)) _errors = list(filter(lambda e: e is not None, _errors)) if len(_errors) > 0: msg = "Found issues with columns passed to ScalarDenseFeatures:" msg += "\n\t".join(_errors) raise ValueError(_errors) # TODO: is there a clean way to combine these two layers # into one, maybe with a "sum" aggregation? Major differences # seem to be whether categorical columns are wrapped in # embeddings and the numeric matmul, both of which seem # reasonably easy to check. At the very least, we should # be able to subclass I think?
[docs]class LinearFeatures(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Layer which implements a linear combination of one-hot categorical and scalar numeric features. Based on the "wide" branch of the Wide & Deep network architecture. Uses TensorFlow ``feature_column``s to represent inputs to the layer, but does not perform any preprocessing associated with those columns. As such, it should only be passed ``numeric_column`` and ``categorical_column_with_identity``. Preprocessing functionality should be moved to NVTabular. Also note that, unlike ScalarDenseFeatures, categorical columns should NOT be wrapped in embedding or indicator columns first. Example usage:: column_a = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("a", (1,)) column_b = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity("b", 100) inputs = { "a": tf.keras.Input(name="a", shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32), "b": tf.keras.Input(name="b", shape=(1,), dtype=tf.int64) } x = ScalarLinearFeatures([column_a, column_b])(inputs) Parameters ---------- feature_columns : list of tf.feature_column feature columns describing the inputs to the layer """ def __init__(self, feature_columns, name=None, **kwargs): feature_columns = _sort_columns(feature_columns) _validate_linear_feature_columns(feature_columns) self.feature_columns = feature_columns super(LinearFeatures, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): assert all(shape[1] == 1 for shape in input_shapes.values() if not isinstance(shape, tuple)) assert all(shape[0][1] == 1 for shape in input_shapes.values() if isinstance(shape, tuple)) # TODO: I've tried combining all the categorical tables # into a single giant lookup op, but it ends up turning # out the adding the offsets to lookup indices at call # time ends up being much slower due to kernel overhead # Still, a better (and probably custom) solutions would # probably be desirable numeric_kernel_dim = 0 self.embedding_tables = {} for feature_column in self.feature_columns: if isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn): numeric_kernel_dim += feature_column.shape[0] continue self.embedding_tables[feature_column.key] = self.add_weight( name="{}/embedding_weights".format(feature_column.key), initializer="zeros", trainable=True, shape=(feature_column.num_buckets, 1), ) if numeric_kernel_dim > 0: self.embedding_tables["numeric"] = self.add_weight( name="numeric/embedding_weights", initializer="zeros", trainable=True, shape=(numeric_kernel_dim, 1), ) self.bias = self.add_weight(name="bias", initializer="zeros", trainable=True, shape=(1,)) self.built = True
[docs] def call(self, inputs): x = self.bias numeric_inputs = [] for feature_column in self.feature_columns: if isinstance(feature_column, fc.NumericColumn): numeric_inputs.append(_handle_continuous_feature(inputs, feature_column)) else: table = self.embedding_tables[feature_column.key] embeddings = _categorical_embedding_lookup(table, inputs, feature_column.key, "sum") x = x + embeddings if len(numeric_inputs) > 0: numerics = tf.concat(numeric_inputs, axis=1) x = x + tf.matmul(numerics, self.embedding_tables["numeric"]) return x
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): batch_size = list(input_shapes.values())[0].shape[0] return (batch_size, 1)
[docs] def get_config(self): return { "feature_columns": self.feature_columns, }