Source code for nvtabular.ops.lambdaop

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from inspect import getsourcelines, signature

from merlin.core.dispatch import DataFrameType, annotate

from .operator import ColumnSelector, Operator

[docs]class LambdaOp(Operator): """ LambdaOp allows you to apply row level functions to an NVTabular workflow. Example usage 1:: # Define a ColumnSelector that LamdaOp will apply to # then define a custom function, e.g. extract first 5 character from a string lambda_feature = ColumnSelector(["col1"]) new_lambda_feature = lambda_feature >> LambdaOp(lambda col: col.str.slice(0, 5)) workflow = nvtabular.Workflow(new_lambda_feature + 'label') Example usage 2:: # define a custom function e.g. calculate probability for different events. # Rename the each new feature column name. lambda_features = ColumnSelector(['event1', 'event2', 'event3']), # columns, f is applied to def cond_prob(col, gdf): col = col.astype(np.float32) col = col / gdf['total_events'] return col new_lambda_features = lambda_features >> LambdaOp(cond_prob, dependency=["total_events"]) \ >> Rename(postfix="_cond") workflow = nvtabular.Workflow(new_lambda_features + 'label') Parameters ----------- f : callable Defines a function that takes a Series and an optional DataFrame as input, and returns a new Series as the output. dependency : list, default None Whether to provide a dependency column or not. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f, dependency=None, label=None, dtype=None, tags=None, properties=None): super().__init__() if f is None: raise ValueError("f cannot be None. LambdaOp op applies f to dataframe") self.f = f self._param_count = len(signature(self.f).parameters) if self._param_count not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("lambda function must accept either one or two parameters") self.dependency = dependency self._label = label self._dtype = dtype self._tags = tags or [] self._properties = properties or {}
[docs] @annotate("DFLambda_op", color="darkgreen", domain="nvt_python") def transform(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, df: DataFrameType) -> DataFrameType: new_df = type(df)() for col in col_selector.names: if self._param_count == 2: new_df[col] = self.f(df[col], df) elif self._param_count == 1: new_df[col] = self.f(df[col]) else: # shouldn't ever happen, raise RuntimeError(f"unhandled lambda param count {self._param_count}") return new_df
transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__ @property def dependencies(self): return self.dependency @property def label(self): # if we're given an explicit label to use, return it if self._label: return self._label # if we have a named function (not a lambda) return the function name name = self.f.__name__ if name != "<lambda>": return name else: # otherwise get the lambda source code from the inspect module if possible source = getsourcelines(self.f)[0][0] lambdas = [op.strip() for op in source.split(">>") if "lambda " in op] if len(lambdas) == 1 and lambdas[0].count("lambda") == 1: return lambdas[0] # Failed to figure out the source return "LambdaOp"
[docs] def column_mapping(self, col_selector): filtered_selector = self._remove_deps(col_selector, self.dependencies) return super().column_mapping(filtered_selector)
def _remove_deps(self, col_selector, dependencies): dependencies = dependencies or [] to_skip = ColumnSelector( [ dep if isinstance(dep, str) else dep.output_schema.column_names for dep in dependencies ] ) return col_selector.filter_columns(to_skip) @property def dynamic_dtypes(self): return True @property def output_dtype(self): return self._dtype @property def output_tags(self): return self._tags @property def output_properties(self): return self._properties