Source code for nvtabular.workflow.workflow

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import logging
import sys
import time
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import cloudpickle
import fsspec

    import cudf
except ImportError:
    cudf = None
import pandas as pd

from merlin.dag import Graph
from import Dataset
from merlin.schema import Schema
from nvtabular.ops import StatOperator
from nvtabular.workflow.executor import MerlinDaskExecutor
from nvtabular.workflow.node import WorkflowNode

LOG = logging.getLogger("nvtabular")

    import distributed

[docs]class Workflow: """ The Workflow class applies a graph of operations onto a dataset, letting you transform datasets to do feature engineering and preprocessing operations. This class follows an API similar to Transformers in sklearn: we first ``fit`` the workflow by calculating statistics on the dataset, and then once fit we can ``transform`` datasets by applying these statistics. Example usage:: # define a graph of operations cat_features = CAT_COLUMNS >> nvtabular.ops.Categorify() cont_features = CONT_COLUMNS >> nvtabular.ops.FillMissing() >> nvtabular.ops.Normalize() workflow = nvtabular.Workflow(cat_features + cont_features + "label") # calculate statistics on the training dataset # transform the training and validation datasets and write out as parquet workflow.transform( workflow.transform( Parameters ---------- output_node: WorkflowNode The last node in the graph of operators this workflow should apply """
[docs] def __init__(self, output_node: WorkflowNode, client: Optional["distributed.Client"] = None): self.graph = Graph(output_node) self.executor = MerlinDaskExecutor(client)
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Dataset: """Transforms the dataset by applying the graph of operators to it. Requires the ``fit`` method to have already been called, or calculated statistics to be loaded from disk This method returns a Dataset object, with the transformations lazily loaded. None of the actual computation will happen until the produced Dataset is consumed, or written out to disk. Parameters ----------- dataset: Dataset Input dataset to transform Returns ------- Dataset Transformed Dataset with the workflow graph applied to it """ return self._transform_impl(dataset)
[docs] def fit_schema(self, input_schema: Schema): """Fits the schema onto the workflow, computing the Schema for each node in the Workflow Graph Parameters ---------- input_schema : Schema The input schema to use Returns ------- Workflow This workflow where each node in the graph has a fitted schema """ self.graph.construct_schema(input_schema) return self
@property def input_dtypes(self): return self.graph.input_dtypes @property def input_schema(self): return self.graph.input_schema @property def output_schema(self): return self.graph.output_schema @property def output_dtypes(self): return self.graph.output_dtypes @property def output_node(self): return self.graph.output_node def _input_columns(self): return self.graph._input_columns()
[docs] def remove_inputs(self, input_cols) -> "Workflow": """Removes input columns from the workflow. This is useful for the case of inference where you might need to remove label columns from the processed set. Parameters ---------- input_cols : list of str List of column names to Returns ------- Workflow This workflow with the input columns removed from it See Also -------- merlin.dag.Graph.remove_inputs """ self.graph.remove_inputs(input_cols) return self
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: Dataset) -> "Workflow": """Calculates statistics for this workflow on the input dataset Parameters ----------- dataset: Dataset The input dataset to calculate statistics for. If there is a train/test split this data should be the training dataset only. Returns ------- Workflow This Workflow with statistics calculated on it """ self.clear_stats() if not self.graph.output_schema: self.graph.construct_schema(dataset.schema) ddf = dataset.to_ddf(columns=self._input_columns()) # Get a dictionary mapping all StatOperators we need to fit to a set of any dependent # StatOperators (having StatOperators that depend on the output of other StatOperators # means that will have multiple phases in the fit cycle here) stat_op_nodes = { node: Graph.get_nodes_by_op_type(node.parents_with_dependencies, StatOperator) for node in Graph.get_nodes_by_op_type([self.graph.output_node], StatOperator) } while stat_op_nodes: # get all the StatOperators that we can currently call fit on (no outstanding # dependencies) current_phase = [ node for node, dependencies in stat_op_nodes.items() if not dependencies ] if not current_phase: # this shouldn't happen, but lets not infinite loop just in case raise RuntimeError("failed to find dependency-free StatOperator to fit"), current_phase) # Remove all the operators we processed in this phase, and remove # from the dependencies of other ops too for node in current_phase: stat_op_nodes.pop(node) for dependencies in stat_op_nodes.values(): dependencies.difference_update(current_phase) # This captures the output dtypes of operators like LambdaOp where # the dtype can't be determined without running the transform self._transform_impl(dataset, capture_dtypes=True).sample_dtypes() self.graph.construct_schema(dataset.schema, preserve_dtypes=True) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Dataset: """Convenience method to both fit the workflow and transform the dataset in a single call. Equivalent to calling ```` followed by ``workflow.transform(dataset)`` Parameters ----------- dataset: Dataset Input dataset to calculate statistics on, and transform results Returns ------- Dataset Transformed Dataset with the workflow graph applied to it See Also -------- fit transform """ return self.transform(dataset)
def _transform_impl(self, dataset: Dataset, capture_dtypes=False): if not self.graph.output_schema: self.graph.construct_schema(dataset.schema) ddf = dataset.to_ddf(columns=self._input_columns()) return Dataset( self.executor.transform( ddf, self.output_node, self.output_dtypes, capture_dtypes=capture_dtypes ), cpu=dataset.cpu, base_dataset=dataset.base_dataset, schema=self.output_schema, )
[docs] def save(self, path): """Save this workflow to disk Parameters ---------- path: str The path to save the workflow to """ # avoid a circular import getting the version from nvtabular import __version__ as nvt_version fs = fsspec.get_fs_token_paths(path)[0] fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # point all stat ops to store intermediate output (parquet etc) at the path # this lets us easily bundle for stat in Graph.get_nodes_by_op_type([self.output_node], StatOperator): stat.op.set_storage_path(path, copy=True) # generate a file of all versions used to generate this bundle lib = cudf if cudf else pd with[path, "metadata.json"]), "w") as o: json.dump( { "versions": { "nvtabular": nvt_version, lib.__name__: lib.__version__, "python": sys.version, }, "generated_timestamp": int(time.time()), }, o, ) # dump out the full workflow (graph/stats/operators etc) using cloudpickle with[path, "workflow.pkl"]), "wb") as o: cloudpickle.dump(self, o)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path, client=None) -> "Workflow": """Load up a saved workflow object from disk Parameters ---------- path: str The path to load the workflow from client: distributed.Client, optional The Dask distributed client to use for multi-gpu processing and multi-node processing Returns ------- Workflow The Workflow loaded from disk """ # avoid a circular import getting the version from nvtabular import __version__ as nvt_version fs = fsspec.get_fs_token_paths(path)[0] # check version information from the metadata blob, and warn if we have a mismatch meta = json.load([path, "metadata.json"]))) def parse_version(version): return version.split(".")[:2] def check_version(stored, current, name): if parse_version(stored) != parse_version(current): warnings.warn( f"Loading workflow generated with {name} version {stored} " f"- but we are running {name} {current}. This might cause issues" ) # make sure we don't have any major/minor version conflicts between the stored worklflow # and the current environment lib = cudf if cudf else pd versions = meta["versions"] check_version(versions["nvtabular"], nvt_version, "nvtabular") check_version(versions["python"], sys.version, "python") if lib.__name__ in versions: check_version(versions[lib.__name__], lib.__version__, lib.__name__) else: expected = "GPU" if "cudf" in versions else "CPU" warnings.warn(f"Loading workflow generated on {expected}") # load up the workflow object di workflow = cloudpickle.load([path, "workflow.pkl"]), "rb")) workflow.client = client # we might have been copied since saving, update all the stat ops # with the new path to their storage locations for stat in Graph.get_nodes_by_op_type([workflow.output_node], StatOperator): stat.op.set_storage_path(path, copy=False) return workflow
[docs] def clear_stats(self): """Removes calculated statistics from each node in the workflow graph See Also -------- nvtabular.ops.stat_operator.StatOperator.clear """ for stat in Graph.get_nodes_by_op_type([self.graph.output_node], StatOperator): stat.op.clear()