Source code for nvtabular.ops.join_groupby

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dask.delayed import Delayed

import nvtabular as nvt
from merlin.core.dispatch import DataFrameType, arange, concat_columns, read_parquet_dispatch
from merlin.schema import Schema
from nvtabular.ops import categorify as nvt_cat
from nvtabular.ops.operator import ColumnSelector, Operator
from nvtabular.ops.stat_operator import StatOperator

    "count": np.int32,
    "std": np.float32,
    "var": np.float32,
    "mean": np.float32,

[docs]class JoinGroupby(StatOperator): """ One of the ways to create new features is to calculate the basic statistics of the data that is grouped by categorical features. This operator groups the data by the given categorical feature(s) and calculates the desired statistics of requested continuous features (along with the count of rows in each group). The aggregated statistics are merged with the data (by joining on the desired categorical columns). Example usage:: # Use JoinGroupby to define a NVTabular workflow groupby_features = ['cat1', 'cat2', 'cat3'] >> ops.JoinGroupby( out_path=str(tmpdir), stats=['sum','count'], cont_cols=['num1'] ) processor = nvtabular.Workflow(groupby_features) Parameters ----------- cont_cols : list of str or WorkflowNode The continuous columns to calculate statistics for (for each unique group in each column in `columns`). stats : list of str, default [] List of statistics to calculate for each unique group. Note that "count" corresponds to the group itself, while all other statistics correspond to a specific continuous column. Supported statistics include ["count", "sum", "mean", "std", "var"]. tree_width : dict or int, optional Tree width of the hash-based groupby reduction for each categorical column. High-cardinality columns may require a large `tree_width`, while low-cardinality columns can likely use `tree_width=1`. If passing a dict, each key and value should correspond to the column name and width, respectively. The default value is 8 for all columns. cat_cache: ToDo Describe TEXT out_path : str, optional Root directory where groupby statistics will be written out in parquet format. on_host : bool, default True Whether to convert cudf data to pandas between tasks in the hash-based groupby reduction. The extra host <-> device data movement can reduce performance. However, using `on_host=True` typically improves stability (by avoiding device-level memory pressure). name_sep : str, default "_" String separator to use between concatenated column names for multi-column groups. """
[docs] def __init__( self, cont_cols=None, stats=("count",), tree_width=None, cat_cache="host", out_path=None, on_host=True, name_sep="_", ): super().__init__() self.storage_name = {} self.name_sep = name_sep self.stats = stats self.tree_width = tree_width self.out_path = out_path or "./" self.on_host = on_host self.cat_cache = cat_cache self.categories = {} self._cont_names = None if isinstance(cont_cols, nvt.WorkflowNode): self.cont_cols = cont_cols elif isinstance(cont_cols, ColumnSelector): self.cont_cols = self._cont_names = cont_cols else: self.cont_cols = self._cont_names = ColumnSelector(cont_cols) supported_ops = ["count", "sum", "mean", "std", "var", "min", "max"] for op in self.stats: if op not in supported_ops: raise ValueError(op + " operation is not supported.")
@property def cont_names(self): if self._cont_names: return self._cont_names elif self.cont_cols.output_schema: return self.cont_cols.output_columns else: raise RuntimeError( "Can't compute continuous columns used by `JoinGroupby` " "until `Workflow` is fit to dataset or schema." )
[docs] def fit(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, ddf: dd.DataFrame): for group in col_selector.subgroups: if len(group.names) > 1: name = nvt_cat._make_name(*group.names, sep=self.name_sep) for col in group.names: self.storage_name[col] = name # Check metadata type to reset on_host and cat_cache if the # underlying ddf is already a pandas-backed collection if isinstance(ddf._meta, pd.DataFrame): self.on_host = False # Cannot use "device" caching if the data is pandas-backed self.cat_cache = "host" if self.cat_cache == "device" else self.cat_cache dsk, key = nvt_cat._category_stats( ddf, nvt_cat.FitOptions( col_selector, self.cont_names, self.stats, self.out_path, 0, self.tree_width, self.on_host, concat_groups=False, name_sep=self.name_sep, ), ) return Delayed(key, dsk)
[docs] def fit_finalize(self, dask_stats): for col in dask_stats: self.categories[col] = dask_stats[col]
[docs] def transform(self, col_selector: ColumnSelector, df: DataFrameType) -> DataFrameType: new_df = type(df)() tmp = "__tmp__" # Temporary column for sorting df[tmp] = arange(len(df), like_df=df, dtype="int32") cat_names = [] multi_col_group = {} for col_name in col_selector.grouped_names: if isinstance(col_name, (list, tuple)): name = nvt_cat._make_name(*col_name, sep=self.name_sep) if name not in cat_names and all(col in df.columns for col in col_name): cat_names.append(name) multi_col_group[name] = col_name elif col_name in df.columns: cat_names.append(col_name) _read_pq_func = read_parquet_dispatch(df) for name in cat_names: new_part = type(df)() storage_name = self.storage_name.get(name, name) name = multi_col_group.get(name, name) path = self.categories[storage_name] selection_l = list(name) if isinstance(name, tuple) else [name] selection_r = list(name) if isinstance(name, tuple) else [storage_name] stat_df = nvt_cat._read_groupby_stat_df( path, storage_name, self.cat_cache, _read_pq_func ) tran_df = df[selection_l + [tmp]].merge( stat_df, left_on=selection_l, right_on=selection_r, how="left" ) tran_df = tran_df.sort_values(tmp) tran_df.drop(columns=selection_l + [tmp], inplace=True) new_cols = [c for c in tran_df.columns if c not in new_df.columns] new_part = tran_df[new_cols].reset_index(drop=True) for col in new_part.columns: for agg in list(AGG_DTYPES.keys()): if col.endswith(f"{self.name_sep}{agg}"): new_dtype = AGG_DTYPES.get(agg, new_part[col].dtype) new_part[col] = new_part[col].astype(new_dtype) new_df = concat_columns([new_df, new_part]) df.drop(columns=[tmp], inplace=True) return new_df
@property def dependencies(self): return self.cont_cols
[docs] def compute_selector( self, input_schema: Schema, selector: ColumnSelector, parents_selector: ColumnSelector, dependencies_selector: ColumnSelector, ) -> ColumnSelector: self._validate_matching_cols(input_schema, parents_selector, "computing input selector") return parents_selector
[docs] def column_mapping(self, col_selector): column_mapping = {} for group in col_selector.grouped_names: if isinstance(group, (tuple, list)): name = nvt_cat._make_name(*group, sep=self.name_sep) group = [*group] else: name = group group = [group] for cont in self.cont_names.names: for stat in self.stats: if stat == "count": column_mapping[f"{name}_{stat}"] = [*group] else: column_mapping[f"{name}_{cont}_{stat}"] = [cont, *group] return column_mapping
def _compute_dtype(self, col_schema, input_schema): new_schema = super()._compute_dtype(col_schema, input_schema) dtype = new_schema.dtype is_list = new_schema.is_list for agg in list(AGG_DTYPES.keys()): if"{self.name_sep}{agg}"): dtype = AGG_DTYPES.get(agg, dtype) is_list = False break return col_schema.with_dtype(dtype, is_list=is_list, is_ragged=is_list)
[docs] def set_storage_path(self, new_path, copy=False): self.categories = nvt_cat._copy_storage(self.categories, self.out_path, new_path, copy) self.out_path = new_path
[docs] def clear(self): self.categories = {} self.storage_name = {}
transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__ fit.__doc__ = fit_finalize.__doc__ = StatOperator.fit_finalize.__doc__