Accelerated Training with PyTorch

Accelerated Training with PyTorch#

When training pipelines with PyTorch, the dataloader cannot prepare sequential batches fast enough, so the GPU is not fully utilized. To combat this issue, we’ve developed a highly customized tabular dataloader, TorchAsyncItr, to accelerate existing pipelines in PyTorch. The NVTabular dataloader is capable of:

  • removing bottlenecks from dataloading by processing large chunks of data at a time instead of item by item

  • processing datasets that don’t fit within the GPU or CPU memory by streaming from the disk

  • reading data directly into the GPU memory and removing CPU-GPU communication

  • preparing batch asynchronously into the GPU to avoid CPU-GPU communication

  • supporting commonly used formats such as parquet

  • integrating easily into existing PyTorch training pipelines by using a similar API as the native PyTorch dataloader

When TorchAsyncItr accelerates training with PyTorch, the following happens:

  1. The required libraries are imported.

    import torch
    from nvtabular.loader.torch import TorchAsyncItr, DLDataLoader
  2. The TorchAsyncItr iterator is initialized. The input is a NVTabular dataset that uses a list of file names. The NVTabular dataset is an abstraction layer that iterates over the full dataset in chunks. The dataset schema is defined in which cats are the column names for the categorical input features, conts are the column names for the continuous input features, and labels are the column names for the target. Each parameter should be formatted as a list of strings. The batch size is also specified.

    TRAIN_PATHS = glob.glob("./train/*.parquet")
    train_dataset = TorchAsyncItr(
  3. TorchAsyncItr is wrapped as DLDataLoader.

    train_loader = DLDataLoader(
  4. If a torch.nn.Module model was created, train_loader can be used in the same way as the PyTorch dataloader.

    model = get_model()
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
    for x_cat, x_cont, y in iter(dataloader):
       y_pred = model(x_cat, x_cont)
       loss = loss_func(y_pred, y)
  5. The TorchAsyncItr dataloader can be initialized for the validation dataset using the same structure.

You can find additional examples in our repository.