
Checking the Schema of the Parquet File#

NVTabular expects that all input parquet files have the same schema, which includes column types and the nullable (not null) option. If you encounter the error

RuntimeError: Schemas are inconsistent, try using to_parquet(..., schema="infer"),
or pass an explicit pyarrow schema. Such as to_parquet(..., schema={"column1": pa.string()})

when you load the dataset as shown below, one of your parquet files might have a different schema:

ds = nvt.Dataset(PATH, engine="parquet", part_size="1000MB")

The easiest way to fix this is to load your dataset with dask_cudf and save it again using the parquet format ( dask_cudf.read_parquet("INPUT_FOLDER").to_parquet("OUTPUT_FOLDER")), so that the parquet file is standardized and the _metadata file is generated.

If you want to identify which parquet files contain columns with different schemas, you can run one of these scripts:

These scripts check for schema consistency and generate only the _metadata file instead of converting all the parquet files. If the schema is inconsistent across all files, the script will raise an exception. For additional information, see this issue.

Reducing Memory Consumption for NVTabular Workflows#

NVTabular is designed to scale to larger than GPU or host memory datasets. In our experiments, we are able to scale to 1.3TB of uncompressed click logs. However, some workflows can result in OOM errors cudaErrorMemoryAllocation out of memory, which can be addressed by small configuration changes.

Setting the Row Group Size for the Parquet Files#

You can use most Data Frame frameworks to set the row group size (number of rows) for your parquet files. In the following Pandas and cuDF examples, the row_group_size is the number of rows that will be stored in each row group (internal structure within the parquet file):

pandas_df.to_parquet("/file/path", engine="pyarrow", row_group_size=10000)
cudf_df.to_parquet("/file/path", engine="pyarrow", row_group_size=10000)

The row group memory size of the parquet files should be smaller than the part_size that you set for the NVTabular dataset such as nvt.Dataset(TRAIN_DIR, engine="parquet", part_size="1000MB"). To determine how much memory a row group will hold, you can slice your dataframe to a specific number of rows and use the following function to get the memory usage in bytes. You can then set the row_group_size (number of rows) accordingly when you save the parquet file. A row group memory size that is close to 128MB is recommended.

def _memory_usage(df):
    """this function is a workaround for obtaining memory usage lists
    in cudf0.16. This can be deleted and replaced with `df.memory_usage(deep= True, index=True).sum()`
    when using cudf 0.17, which has been fixed as noted on"""
    size = 0
    for col in df._data.columns:
        if cudf.api.types.is_list_dtype(col.dtype):
            for child in col.base_children:
                size += child.__sizeof__()
            size += col._memory_usage(deep=True)
    size += df.index.memory_usage(deep=True)
    return size

Initializing a Dask CUDA Cluster#

Even if you only have a single GPU to work with, it is best practice to use a distributed Dask-CUDA cluster to execute memory-intensive NVTabular workflows. If there is no distributed client object passed to an NVTabular Workflow, it will fall back on Dask’s single-threaded “synchronous” scheduler at computation time. The primary advantage of using a Dask-CUDA cluster is that the Dask-CUDA workers enable GPU-aware memory spilling. In our experience, many OOM errors can be resolved by initializing a dask-CUDA cluster with an appropriate device_memory_limit setting, and by passing a corresponding client to NVTabular. It is easy to deploy a single-machine dask-CUDA cluster using LocalCUDACluster.

from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster
from dask.distributed import Client

import nvtabular as nvt

cluster = LocalCUDACluster(
    n_workers=1,                        # Number of GPU workers
    device_memory_limit="24GB",         # GPU->CPU spill threshold (~75% of GPU memory)
    rmm_pool_size="28GB",               # Memory pool size on each worker
    local_directory="/nvme/scratch/",   # Fast directory for disk spilling
client = Client(cluster)

features = ['col'] >> nvt.ops.Normalize()

workflow = nvt.Workflow(features, client=client)


String Column Error#

If you run into a problem an error that states the size of your string column is too large, like:

Exception: RuntimeError('cuDF failure at: /opt/conda/envs/rapids/conda-bld/libcudf_1618503955512/work/cpp/src/copying/ Total number of concatenated rows exceeds size_type range')

This is usually caused by string columns in parquet files. If you encounter this error, to fix it you need to decrease the size of the partitions of your dataset. If, after decreasing the size of the partitions, you get a warning about picking a partition size smaller than the row group size, you will need to reformat the dataset with a smaller row group size (refer to #1). There is a 2GB max size for concatenated string columns in cudf currently, for details refer to this.

Special Considerations for TensorFlow 2.7 and Lower#

The example notebooks in the repository are developed and tested with the latest Merlin containers that are available from the NGC Catalog. If you run the example notebooks in an environment that has a different version of TensorFlow, you might experience an out-of-memory condition that requires you to perform additional configuration. The version of TensorFlow in each Merlin container is available from the support matrix in the Merlin documentation.

TensorFlow 2.8 uses cuda_malloc_async as the default GPU memory allocation function. TensorFlow specifies the function in the TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR environment variable.

In the 2.7 release, the setting was available as an experimental feature and was not activated by default. In releases 2.6 and lower, the setting is not available at all.

If the cuda_malloc_async function is not available or not specified, TensorFlow reserves all GPU memory. In these cases, you can limit the amount of memory used by TensorFlow with the TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION environment variable.

If you experience an out-of-memory issue with an older TensorFlow version, try specifying the cuda_malloc_async function as the GPU memory allocation function or set the TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION environment variable.

For example, for TensorFlow 2.7, use code like the following example:

import os
os.environ["TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR"] = "cuda_malloc_async"

For TensorFlow 2.6 and lower, use code like the following example:

import os
os.environ["TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION"] = "0.5"

Specify a value between 0 and 1. The value indicates the percentage of GPU memory to allocate to TensorFlow.

Reducing Memory Consumption for NVTabular Dataloaders#

NVTabular dataloaders are designed to read data from disk directly into the GPU and prepare the batch. We see this process as really efficient, as the NVTabular dataloaders avoid any CPU-GPU communication and the data will be only processed by the GPU. On the other hand, the dataloader will require GPU memory to hold the data. In some cases, this can cause OOM errors to use NVTabular dataloader on the GPU and train a neural network on the GPU. We can adjust the GPU consumption of the NVTabular dataloader with following configurations.

1. Row Group Size for the Parquet Files#

It is important that the input parquet files are correctly configured. If you use NVTabular ETL to transform your data, then NVTabular will use the best configuration by default. If you do not use NVTabular ETL, you can take a look on the section above Reducing Memory Consumption for NVTabular Workflows.

2. Setting part_size in nvt.Dataset#

The class nvt.Dataset abstracts the dataset to a common object. It will read the data from disk into chunks. The parameter part_size defines the desired size of each dask partition. You can reduce the GPU memory consumption of the NVTabular dataloader by changing the parameter. This can effect the speed how fast NVTabular dataloader can read the data, but it should not be significant in comparison to updating the neural network parameters. You can try out different values, such as 100MB, 300MB or 1000MB.


train_loader = TorchAsyncItr(
    nvt.Dataset(train_files, part_size="300MB"),


train_loader = KerasSequenceLoader(
    nvt.Dataset(train_files, part_size="300MB"),