Source code for transformers4rec.config.transformer

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import transformers
from merlin.models.utils.doc_utils import docstring_parameter
from merlin.models.utils.registry import Registry

transformer_registry: Registry = Registry("transformers")

        d_model: int
            The  hidden dimension of the transformer layer.
        n_head: int
            The number of attention heads in each transformer layer.
        n_layer: int
            The number of transformer layers to stack.
        total_seq_length: int
            The maximum sequence length.
        hidden_act: str, optional
            The activation function in the hidden layers.
            By default 'gelu'
        initializer_range: float, optional
            The standard deviation of the `truncated_normal_initializer`
            for initializing all transformer's weights parameters.
            By default 0.01
        layer_norm_eps: float, optional
            The epsilon used by the layer normalization layers.
            By default 0.03
        dropout: float, optional
            The dropout probability. By default 0.3
        pad_token: int, optional
            The padding token ID. By default 0
        log_attention_weights: bool, optional
            Whether to log attention weights. By default False

[docs]class T4RecConfig: """A class responsible for setting the configuration of the transformers class from Hugging Face and returning the corresponding T4Rec model. """
[docs] def to_huggingface_torch_model(self): """ Instantiate a Hugging Face transformer model based on the configuration parameters of the class. Returns ------- transformers.PreTrainedModel The Hugging Face transformer model. """ model_cls = transformers.MODEL_MAPPING[self.transformers_config_cls] return model_cls(self)
[docs] def to_torch_model( self, input_features, *prediction_task, task_blocks=None, task_weights=None, loss_reduction="mean", **kwargs ): """Links the Hugging Face transformer model to the given input block and prediction tasks, and returns a T4Rec model. Parameters ---------- input_features: torch4rec.TabularSequenceFeatures The sequential block that represents the input features and defines the masking strategy for training and evaluation. prediction_task: torch4rec.PredictionTask One or multiple prediction tasks. task_blocks: list, optional List of task-specific blocks that we apply on top of the HF transformer's output. task_weights: list, optional List of the weights to use for combining the tasks losses. loss_reduction: str, optional The reduction to apply to the prediction losses, possible values are: 'none': no reduction will be applied, 'mean': the weighted mean of the output is taken, 'sum': the output will be summed. By default: 'mean'. Returns ------- torch4rec.Model The T4Rec torch model. Raises ------ ValueError If input block or prediction task is of the wrong type. """ from .. import torch as torch4rec if not isinstance(input_features, torch4rec.TabularSequenceFeatures): raise ValueError("`input_features` must an instance of SequentialTabularFeatures") if not all(isinstance(t, torch4rec.PredictionTask) for t in prediction_task): raise ValueError( "`task` is of the wrong type, please provide one or multiple " "instance(s) of PredictionTask" ) body = torch4rec.SequentialBlock( input_features, torch4rec.TransformerBlock(self, masking=input_features.masking) ) return torch4rec.Head( body, *prediction_task, task_blocks=task_blocks, task_weights=task_weights, loss_reduction=loss_reduction, ).to_model(**kwargs)
@property def transformers_config_cls(self): return self.__class__.__bases__[1]
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("reformer") class ReformerConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.ReformerConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.ReformerConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for Reformer layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, axial_pos_shape_first_dim=4, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of ReformerConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} axial_pos_shape_first_dim: int, optional The first dimension of the axial position encodings. During training, the product of the position dims has to be equal to the sequence length. Returns ------- ReformerConfig An instance of ReformerConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, attention_head_size=d_model, attn_layers=["local", "lsh"] * (n_layer // 2) if n_layer > 2 else ["local"], num_hidden_layers=n_layer, feed_forward_size=d_model * 4, num_attention_heads=n_head, hidden_act=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, hidden_dropout_prob=dropout, lsh_attention_probs_dropout_prob=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, max_position_embeddings=total_seq_length, axial_pos_embds_dim=[ d_model // 2, d_model // 2, ], axial_pos_shape=[ axial_pos_shape_first_dim, total_seq_length // axial_pos_shape_first_dim, ], vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("gtp2") @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) class GPT2Config(T4RecConfig, transformers.GPT2Config): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.GPT2Config from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for GPT2 layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of GPT2Config with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- GPT2Config An instance of GPT2Config. """ return cls( n_embd=d_model, n_inner=d_model * 4, n_layer=n_layer, n_head=n_head, activation_function=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, resid_pdrop=dropout, embd_pdrop=dropout, attn_pdrop=dropout, n_positions=total_seq_length, n_ctx=total_seq_length, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("longformer") class LongformerConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.LongformerConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.LongformerConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for LongformerConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of LongformerConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- LongformerConfig An instance of LongformerConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, num_hidden_layers=n_layer, num_attention_heads=n_head, hidden_act=hidden_act, attention_window=total_seq_length, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, dropout=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("electra") class ElectraConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.ElectraConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.ElectraConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for ElectraConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of ElectraConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- ElectraConfig An instance of ElectraConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, embedding_size=d_model, num_hidden_layers=n_layer, num_attention_heads=n_head, intermediate_size=d_model * 4, hidden_act=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, hidden_dropout_prob=dropout, max_position_embeddings=total_seq_length, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("albert") class AlbertConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.AlbertConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.AlbertConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for AlbertConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of AlbertConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- AlbertConfig An instance of AlbertConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, num_attention_heads=n_head, num_hidden_layers=n_layer, hidden_act=hidden_act, intermediate_size=d_model * 4, hidden_dropout_prob=dropout, attention_probs_dropout_prob=dropout, max_position_embeddings=total_seq_length, embedding_size=d_model, # should be same as dimension of the input to ALBERT initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("xlnet") @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) class XLNetConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.XLNetConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.XLNetConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for XLNetConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length=None, attn_type="bi", hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, mem_len=1, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of XLNetConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} mem_len: int, The number of tokens to be cached. Pre-computed key/value pairs from a previous forward pass are stored and won't be re-computed. This parameter is especially useful for long sequence modeling where different batches may truncate the entire sequence. Tasks like user-aware recommendation could benefit from this feature. By default, this parameter is set to 1, which means no caching is used. Returns ------- XLNetConfig An instance of XLNetConfig. """ return cls( d_model=d_model, d_inner=d_model * 4, n_layer=n_layer, n_head=n_head, attn_type=attn_type, ff_activation=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, dropout=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, mem_len=mem_len, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("bert") class BertConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.BertConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.BertConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for BertConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of BertConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- BertConfig An instance of BertConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, num_hidden_layers=n_layer, num_attention_heads=n_head, hidden_act=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, dropout=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, max_position_embeddings=total_seq_length, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("roberta") class RobertaConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.RobertaConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers.RobertaConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for RobertaConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of RobertaConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- RobertaConfig An instance of RobertaConfig. """ # To account for target positions at inference mode, we extend the maximum sequence length. total_seq_length = total_seq_length + 2 return cls( hidden_size=d_model, num_hidden_layers=n_layer, num_attention_heads=n_head, hidden_act=hidden_act, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, dropout=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, max_position_embeddings=total_seq_length, vocab_size=1, **kwargs, )
[docs]@transformer_registry.register("transfo-xl") class TransfoXLConfig(T4RecConfig, transformers.TransfoXLConfig): """Subclass of T4RecConfig and transformers. TransfoXLConfig from Hugging Face. It handles configuration for TransfoXLConfig layers in the context of T4Rec models. """
[docs] @docstring_parameter(transformer_cfg_parameters=TRANSFORMER_CONFIG_PARAMETER_DOCSTRING) @classmethod def build( cls, d_model, n_head, n_layer, total_seq_length, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.01, layer_norm_eps=0.03, dropout=0.3, pad_token=0, log_attention_weights=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates an instance of TransfoXLConfig with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- {transformer_cfg_parameters} Returns ------- TransfoXLConfig An instance of TransfoXLConfig. """ return cls( d_model=d_model, d_embed=d_model, n_layer=n_layer, n_head=n_head, d_inner=d_model * 4, hidden_act=hidden_act, untie_r=True, attn_type=0, initializer_range=initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps, dropout=dropout, pad_token_id=pad_token, output_attentions=log_attention_weights, vocab_size=1, # As the input_embeds will be fed in the forward function, limits the memory reserved by the internal input embedding table, which will not be used mem_len=1, # We do not use mems, because we feed the full sequence to the Transformer models and not sliding segments (which is useful for the long sequences in NLP. As setting mem_len to 0 leads to NaN in loss, we set it to one, to minimize the computing overhead) div_val=1, # Disables adaptative input (embeddings), because the embeddings are managed by TabularFeatures **kwargs, )