Source code for transformers4rec.torch.utils.torch_utils

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import torch

from merlin_standard_lib import Schema
from merlin_standard_lib.utils.proto_utils import has_field

from ...config.schema import SchemaMixin
from ..typing import TabularData

[docs]class OutputSizeMixin(SchemaMixin, abc.ABC):
[docs] def build(self, input_size, schema=None, **kwargs): self.check_schema(schema=schema) self.input_size = input_size if schema and not getattr(self, "schema", None): self.schema = schema return self
[docs] def output_size(self, input_size=None): input_size = input_size or getattr(self, "input_size", None) if not input_size: # TODO: log warning here return None return self.forward_output_size(input_size)
[docs] def forward_output_size(self, input_size): raise NotImplementedError()
def __rrshift__(self, other): from ..block.base import right_shift_block return right_shift_block(self, other)
[docs]class LossMixin: """Mixin to use for a `torch.Module` that can calculate a loss."""
[docs] def compute_loss( self, inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData], targets: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData], compute_metrics: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the loss on a batch of data. Parameters ---------- inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData] TODO targets: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData] TODO compute_metrics: bool, default=True Boolean indicating whether or not to update the state of the metrics (if they are defined). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MetricsMixin: """Mixin to use for a `torch.Module` that can calculate metrics."""
[docs] def calculate_metrics( self, inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData], targets: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData], mode: str = "val", forward=True, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Calculate metrics on a batch of data, each metric is stateful and this updates the state. The state of each metric can be retrieved by calling the `compute_metrics` method. Parameters ---------- inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData] TODO targets: Union[torch.Tensor, TabularData] TODO forward: bool, default True mode: str, default="val" """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, mode: str = None) -> Dict[str, Union[float, torch.Tensor]]: """Returns the current state of each metric. The state is typically updated each batch by calling the `calculate_metrics` method. Parameters ---------- mode: str, default="val" Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[float, torch.Tensor]] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def reset_metrics(self): """Reset all metrics.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def requires_schema(module): module.REQUIRES_SCHEMA = True return module
[docs]def check_gpu(module): try: return next(module.parameters()).is_cuda except StopIteration: return False
[docs]def get_output_sizes_from_schema(schema: Schema, batch_size=-1, max_sequence_length=None): sizes = {} for feature in schema.feature: name = # Sequential or multi-hot feature if has_field(feature, "value_count"): sizes[name] = torch.Size( [ batch_size, max_sequence_length if max_sequence_length else feature.value_count.max, ] ) elif has_field(feature, "shape"): sizes[name] = torch.Size([batch_size] + [d.size for d in feature.shape.dim]) else: sizes[name] = torch.Size([batch_size]) return sizes
[docs]def calculate_batch_size_from_input_size(input_size): if isinstance(input_size, dict): input_size = [i for i in input_size.values() if isinstance(i, torch.Size)][0] return input_size[0]
[docs]def check_inputs(ks, scores, labels): if len(ks.shape) > 1: raise ValueError("ks should be a 1-dimensional tensor") if len(scores.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("scores must be a 2-dimensional tensor") if len(labels.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("labels must be a 2-dimensional tensor") if scores.shape != labels.shape: raise ValueError("scores and labels must be the same shape") return (, device=scores.device), scores, labels, # .to(dtype=torch.float32, device=scores.device), )
[docs]def extract_topk(ks, scores, labels): max_k = int(max(ks)) topk_scores, topk_indices = torch.topk(scores, max_k) topk_labels = torch.gather(labels, 1, topk_indices) return topk_scores, topk_indices, topk_labels
[docs]def create_output_placeholder(scores, ks): return torch.zeros(scores.shape[0], len(ks)).to(device=scores.device, dtype=torch.float32)
[docs]def tranform_label_to_onehot(labels, vocab_size): return one_hot_1d(labels.reshape(-1).to(torch.int64), vocab_size, dtype=torch.float32).detach()
[docs]def one_hot_1d( labels: torch.Tensor, num_classes: int, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.float32, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Coverts a 1d label tensor to one-hot representation Args: labels (torch.Tensor) : tensor with labels of shape :math:`(N, H, W)`, where N is batch size. Each value is an integer representing correct classification. num_classes (int): number of classes in labels. device (Optional[torch.device]): the desired device of returned tensor. Default: if None, uses the current device for the default tensor type (see torch.set_default_tensor_type()). device will be the CPU for CPU tensor types and the current CUDA device for CUDA tensor types. dtype (Optional[torch.dtype]): the desired data type of returned tensor. Default: torch.float32 Returns: torch.Tensor: the labels in one hot tensor. Examples:: >>> labels = torch.LongTensor([0, 1, 2, 0]) >>> one_hot_1d(labels, num_classes=3) tensor([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], ]) """ if not torch.is_tensor(labels): raise TypeError("Input labels type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(type(labels))) if not len(labels.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Expected tensor should have 1 dim. Got: {}".format(labels.shape)) if not labels.dtype == torch.int64: raise ValueError( "labels must be of the same dtype torch.int64. Got: {}".format(labels.dtype) ) if num_classes < 1: raise ValueError( "The number of classes must be bigger than one." " Got: {}".format(num_classes) ) if device is None: device = labels.device labels_size = labels.shape[0] one_hot = torch.zeros(labels_size, num_classes, device=device, dtype=dtype) return one_hot.scatter_(1, labels.unsqueeze(-1), 1.0)
[docs]class LambdaModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, lambda_fn): super().__init__() import types assert isinstance(lambda_fn, types.LambdaType) self.lambda_fn = lambda_fn
[docs] def forward(self, x): return self.lambda_fn(x)
[docs]@dataclass class MappingTransformerMasking: from transformers4rec.torch.masking import ( CausalLanguageModeling, MaskedLanguageModeling, PermutationLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling, ) DEFAULT_MASKING = [ CausalLanguageModeling, MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling, PermutationLanguageModeling, ] BertConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] ConvBertConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] DebertaConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] DistilBertConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] GPT2Config = [CausalLanguageModeling] LongformerConfig = [CausalLanguageModeling, MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] MegatronBertConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] MPNetConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] RobertaConfig = [MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] RoFormerConfig = [CausalLanguageModeling, MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling] TransfoXLConfig = [CausalLanguageModeling] XLNetConfig = [ CausalLanguageModeling, MaskedLanguageModeling, ReplacementLanguageModeling, PermutationLanguageModeling, ]