# Copyright 2022 NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================

Session-based Recommendation with XLNET

In this notebook we introduce the Transformers4Rec library for sequential and session-based recommendation. This notebook uses the PyTorch API. Transformers4Rec integrates with the popular HuggingFace’s Transformers and makes it possible to experiment with a cutting-edge implementation of the latest NLP Transformer architectures.

We demonstrate how to build a session-based recommendation model with the XLNET Transformer architecture. The XLNet architecture was designed to leverage the best of both auto-regressive language modeling and auto-encoding with its Permutation Language Modeling training method. In this example we will use XLNET with masked language modeling (MLM) training method, which showed very promising results in the experiments conducted in our ACM RecSys’21 paper.

In the previous notebook we went through our ETL pipeline with the NVTabular library, and created sequential features to be used in training a session-based recommendation model. In this notebook we will learn:

  • Accelerating data loading of parquet files with multiple features on PyTorch using NVTabular library

  • Training and evaluating a Transformer-based (XLNET-MLM) session-based recommendation model with multiple features

Build a DL model with Transformers4Rec library

Transformers4Rec supports multiple input features and provides configurable building blocks that can be easily combined for custom architectures:

  • TabularSequenceFeatures class that reads from schema and creates an input block. This input module combines different types of features (continuous, categorical & text) to a sequence.

  • MaskSequence to define masking schema and prepare the masked inputs and labels for the selected LM task.

  • TransformerBlock class that supports HuggingFace Transformers for session-based and sequential-based recommendation models.

  • SequentialBlock creates the body by mimicking torch.nn.sequential class. It is designed to define our model as a sequence of layers.

  • Head where we define the prediction task of the model.

  • NextItemPredictionTask is the class to support next item prediction task.

  • Trainer extends the Trainer class from HF transformers and manages the model training and evaluation.

You can check the full documentation of Transformers4Rec if needed.

Figure 1 illustrates Transformers4Rec meta-architecture and how each module/block interacts with each other.


Import required libraries

import os


import glob
import torch 

from transformers4rec import torch as tr
from transformers4rec.torch.ranking_metric import NDCGAt, AvgPrecisionAt, RecallAt
from transformers4rec.torch.utils.examples_utils import wipe_memory
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tqdm/auto.py:22: TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.html
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/__init__.py:89: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.12) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!
  warnings.warn("urllib3 ({}) or chardet ({}) doesn't match a supported "
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (NDCGAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (DCGAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (AvgPrecisionAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (PrecisionAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (RecallAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)

Transformers4Rec library relies on a schema object to automatically build all necessary layers to represent, normalize and aggregate input features. As you can see below, schema.pb is a protobuf file that contains metadata including statistics about features such as cardinality, min and max values and also tags features based on their characteristics and dtypes (e.g., categorical, continuous, list, integer).

Set the schema object

We create the schema object by reading the schema.pbtxt file generated by NVTabular pipeline in the previous, 01-ETL-with-NVTabular, notebook.

from merlin_standard_lib import Schema
SCHEMA_PATH = os.environ.get("INPUT_SCHEMA_PATH", "/workspace/data/processed_nvt/schema.pbtxt")
schema = Schema().from_proto_text(SCHEMA_PATH)
!head -20 $SCHEMA_PATH
feature {
  name: "session_id"
  type: INT
  int_domain {
    name: "session_id"
    max: 19875
    is_categorical: true
  annotation {
    tag: "categorical"
    extra_metadata {
      type_url: "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Struct"
      value: "\n\021\n\013num_buckets\022\002\010\000\n\033\n\016freq_threshold\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\n\025\n\010max_size\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\n\030\n\013start_index\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\n5\n\010cat_path\022)\032\'.//categories/unique.session_id.parquet\nG\n\017embedding_sizes\0224*2\n\030\n\013cardinality\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000i\323@\n\026\n\tdimension\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000\200y@\n\034\n\017dtype_item_size\022\t\021\000\000\000\000\000\000P@\n\r\n\007is_list\022\002 \000\n\017\n\tis_ragged\022\002 \000"
feature {
  name: "day-first"
  type: INT
  annotation {
# You can select a subset of features for training
schema = schema.select_by_name(['item_id-list', 

Define the sequential input module

Below we define our input block using the TabularSequenceFeatures class. The from_schema() method processes the schema and creates the necessary layers to represent features and aggregate them. It keeps only features tagged as categorical and continuous and supports data aggregation methods like concat and elementwise-sum. It also supports data augmentation techniques like stochastic swap noise. It outputs an interaction representation after combining all features and also the input mask according to the training task (more on this later).

The max_sequence_length argument defines the maximum sequence length of our sequential input, and if continuous_projection argument is set, all numerical features are concatenated and projected by an MLP block so that continuous features are represented by a vector of size defined by user, which is 64 in this example.

inputs = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(

The output of the TabularSequenceFeatures module is the sequence of interactions embedding vectors defined in the following steps:

    1. Create sequence inputs: If the schema contains non sequential features, expand each feature to a sequence by repeating the value as many times as the max_sequence_length value.

    1. Get a representation vector of categorical features: Project each sequential categorical feature using the related embedding table. The resulting tensor is of shape (bs, max_sequence_length, embed_dim).

    1. Project scalar values if continuous_projection is set : Apply an MLP layer with hidden size equal to continuous_projection vector size value. The resulting tensor is of shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length, continuous_projection).

    1. Aggregate the list of features vectors to represent each interaction in the sequence with one vector: For example, concat will concat all vectors based on the last dimension -1 and the resulting tensor will be of shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length, D) where D is the sum over all embedding dimensions and the value of continuous_projection.

    1. If masking schema is set (needed only for the NextItemPredictionTask training), the masked labels are derived from the sequence of raw item-ids and the sequence of interactions embeddings are processed to mask information about the masked positions.

Define the Transformer block

In the next cell, the whole model is build with a few lines of code. Here is a brief explanation of the main classes:

  • XLNetConfig - We have injected in the HF transformers config classes like XLNetConfigthe build() method that provides default configuration to Transformer architectures for session-based recommendation. Here we use it to instantiate and configure an XLNET architecture.

  • TransformerBlock class integrates with HF Transformers, which are made available as a sequence processing module for session-based and sequential-based recommendation models.

  • NextItemPredictionTask supports the next-item prediction task. We also support other predictions tasks, like classification and regression for the whole sequence.

# Define XLNetConfig class and set default parameters for HF XLNet config  
transformer_config = tr.XLNetConfig.build(
    d_model=64, n_head=4, n_layer=2, total_seq_length=20
# Define the model block including: inputs, masking, projection and transformer block.
body = tr.SequentialBlock(
    inputs, tr.MLPBlock([64]), tr.TransformerBlock(transformer_config, masking=inputs.masking)

# Define the evaluation top-N metrics and the cut-offs
metrics = [NDCGAt(top_ks=[20, 40], labels_onehot=True),  
           RecallAt(top_ks=[20, 40], labels_onehot=True)]

# Define a head related to next item prediction task 
head = tr.Head(

# Get the end-to-end Model class 
model = tr.Model(head)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (NDCGAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (DCGAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/prints.py:36: UserWarning: Torchmetrics v0.9 introduced a new argument class property called `full_state_update` that has
                not been set for this class (RecallAt). The property determines if `update` by
                default needs access to the full metric state. If this is not the case, significant speedups can be
                achieved and we recommend setting this to `False`.
                We provide an checking function
                `from torchmetrics.utilities import check_forward_full_state_property`
                that can be used to check if the `full_state_update=True` (old and potential slower behaviour,
                default for now) or if `full_state_update=False` can be used safely.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)

Note that we can easily define an RNN-based model inside the SequentialBlock instead of a Transformer-based model. You can explore this tutorial for a GRU-based model example.

Train the model

We use the NVTabular PyTorch Dataloader for optimized loading of multiple features from input parquet files. You can learn more about this data loader here.

Set Training arguments

from transformers4rec.config.trainer import T4RecTrainingArguments
from transformers4rec.torch import Trainer
# Set hyperparameters for training 
train_args = T4RecTrainingArguments(data_loader_engine='nvtabular', 
                                    dataloader_drop_last = True,
                                    gradient_accumulation_steps = 1,
                                    per_device_train_batch_size = 128, 
                                    per_device_eval_batch_size = 32,
                                    output_dir = "./tmp", 
                                    report_to = [],

Note that we add an argument data_loader_engine='nvtabular' to automatically load the features needed for training using the schema. The default value is nvtabular for optimized GPU-based data-loading. Optionally a PyarrowDataLoader (pyarrow) can also be used as a basic option, but it is slower and works only for small datasets, as the full data is loaded to CPU memory.

Daily Fine-Tuning: Training over a time window

Here we do daily fine-tuning meaning that we use the first day to train and second day to evaluate, then we use the second day data to train the model by resuming from the first step, and evaluate on the third day, so on and so forth.

We have extended the HuggingFace transformers Trainer class (PyTorch only) to support evaluation of RecSys metrics. In this example, the evaluation of the session-based recommendation model is performed using traditional Top-N ranking metrics such as Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG@20) and Hit Rate (HR@20). NDCG accounts for rank of the relevant item in the recommendation list and is a more fine-grained metric than HR, which only verifies whether the relevant item is among the top-n items. HR@n is equivalent to Recall@n when there is only one relevant item in the recommendation list.

# Instantiate the T4Rec Trainer, which manages training and evaluation for the PyTorch API
trainer = Trainer(

Define the output folder of the processed parquet files:

INPUT_DATA_DIR = os.environ.get("INPUT_DATA_DIR", "/workspace/data")
OUTPUT_DIR = os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR", f"{INPUT_DATA_DIR}/sessions_by_day")
start_time_window_index = 1
final_time_window_index = 8
#Iterating over days of one week
for time_index in range(start_time_window_index, final_time_window_index):
    # Set data 
    time_index_train = time_index
    time_index_eval = time_index + 1
    train_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f"{time_index_train}/train.parquet"))
    eval_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f"{time_index_eval}/valid.parquet"))
    # Train on day related to time_index 
    print("Launch training for day %s are:" %time_index)
    print('*'*20 + '\n')
    trainer.train_dataset_or_path = train_paths
    trainer.state.global_step +=1
    # Evaluate on the following day
    trainer.eval_dataset_or_path = eval_paths
    train_metrics = trainer.evaluate(metric_key_prefix='eval')
    print("Eval results for day %s are:\t" %time_index_eval)
    print('\n' + '*'*20 + '\n')
    for key in sorted(train_metrics.keys()):
        print(" %s = %s" % (key, str(train_metrics[key]))) 
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
Launch training for day 1 are:
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 5.804900

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
[6/6 00:12]
Eval results for day 2 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.9857892990112305
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.17793045938014984
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.2293066680431366
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.4895833432674408
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7395833730697632
 eval_runtime = 0.1585
 eval_samples_per_second = 1211.104
 eval_steps_per_second = 37.847
Launch training for day 2 are:
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.859800

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 3 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.595378398895264
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.18038052320480347
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.23606626689434052
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.4791666865348816
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.75
 eval_runtime = 0.1612
 eval_samples_per_second = 1190.843
 eval_steps_per_second = 37.214
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
Launch training for day 3 are:
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.569400

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 4 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.384099960327148
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.2163243591785431
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.26256000995635986
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.5364583730697632
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7604166865348816
 eval_runtime = 0.154
 eval_samples_per_second = 1246.411
 eval_steps_per_second = 38.95
Launch training for day 4 are:
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.507400

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 5 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.448643207550049
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.18624266982078552
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.22514502704143524
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.5364583730697632
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7239583730697632
 eval_runtime = 0.1597
 eval_samples_per_second = 1202.447
 eval_steps_per_second = 37.576
Launch training for day 5 are:
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1536
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 60
[60/60 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.484300

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 6 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.46337890625
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.18136751651763916
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.23689508438110352
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.4947916865348816
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.765625
 eval_runtime = 0.161
 eval_samples_per_second = 1192.384
 eval_steps_per_second = 37.262
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
Launch training for day 6 are:
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.458900

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 7 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.451930046081543
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.19292211532592773
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.237293541431427
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.5104166865348816
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7291666865348816
 eval_runtime = 0.1492
 eval_samples_per_second = 1286.892
 eval_steps_per_second = 40.215
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 1664
  Num Epochs = 5
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 128
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 128
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 65
Launch training for day 7 are:
[65/65 00:01, Epoch 5/5]
Step Training Loss
50 4.430300

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)
Eval results for day 8 are:	


 eval_/loss = 4.416452407836914
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.20186899602413177
 eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.2410435527563095
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.5520833730697632
 eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7447916865348816
 eval_runtime = 0.1614
 eval_samples_per_second = 1189.826
 eval_steps_per_second = 37.182
CPU times: user 50.8 s, sys: 731 ms, total: 51.6 s
Wall time: 15 s

Re-compute evaluation metrics of the validation data

eval_data_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f"{time_index_eval}/valid.parquet"))
# set new data from day 7
eval_metrics = trainer.evaluate(eval_dataset=eval_data_paths, metric_key_prefix='eval')
for key in sorted(eval_metrics.keys()):
    print("  %s = %s" % (key, str(eval_metrics[key])))
  eval_/loss = 4.416452407836914
  eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_20 = 0.20186899602413177
  eval_/next-item/ndcg_at_40 = 0.2410435527563095
  eval_/next-item/recall_at_20 = 0.5520833730697632
  eval_/next-item/recall_at_40 = 0.7447916865348816
  eval_runtime = 0.1455
  eval_samples_per_second = 1319.597
  eval_steps_per_second = 41.237

Save the model

Let’s save the model to be able to load it back at inference step. Using model.save(), we save the model as a pkl file in the given path.

model_path= os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR", f"{INPUT_DATA_DIR}/saved_model")

That’s it! You have just trained your session-based recommendation model using Transformers4Rec. Now you can move on to the next notebook 03-serving-session-based-model-torch-backend. Please shut down this kernel to free the GPU memory before you start the next one.

Tip: We can easily log and visualize model training and evaluation on Weights & Biases (W&B), TensorBoard, or NVIDIA DLLogger. By default, the HuggingFace transformers Trainer (which we extend) uses Weights & Biases (W&B) to log training and evaluation metrics, which provides nice visualization results and comparison between different runs.