# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from tensorflow.python.tpu.tpu_embedding_v2_utils import FeatureConfig
def _addindent(s_, numSpaces):
s = s_.split("\n")
# don't do anything for single-line stuff
if len(s) == 1:
return s_
first = s.pop(0)
s = [(numSpaces * " ") + line for line in s]
s = "\n".join(s)
s = first + "\n" + s
return s
[docs]def dict_wrapper_repr(self):
child_lines = []
for key, child in dict(self).items():
if isinstance(child, FeatureConfig):
child = child.table
mod_str = repr(child)
mod_str = _addindent(mod_str, 2)
child_lines.append("(" + key + "): " + mod_str)
main_str = "Dict("
if child_lines:
main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(child_lines) + "\n"
main_str += ")"
return main_str
[docs]def list_wrapper_repr(self):
child_lines = []
for index, item in enumerate(self):
mod_str = repr(item)
mod_str = _addindent(mod_str, 2)
child_lines.append("(" + str(index) + "): " + mod_str)
main_str = "List("
if child_lines:
main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(child_lines) + "\n"
main_str += ")"
return main_str
def _layer_repr(self, track_children=True):
extra_lines = []
extra_repr = self.repr_extra() if getattr(self, "repr_extra", None) else None
# empty string will be split into list ['']
if extra_repr:
extra_lines = extra_repr.split("\n")
child_lines = []
if track_children:
to_remove = self.repr_ignore() if getattr(self, "repr_ignore", None) else []
children = [
x for x in self._self_unconditional_checkpoint_dependencies if x.name not in to_remove
to_add = self.repr_add() if getattr(self, "repr_add", None) else []
if to_add:
children = children + to_add
for key, child in children:
if not child:
mod_str = repr(child)
mod_str = _addindent(mod_str, 2)
child_lines.append("(" + key + "): " + mod_str)
lines = extra_lines + child_lines
name = self._get_name() if getattr(self, "_get_name", None) else self.__class__.__name__
main_str = name + "("
if lines:
# simple one-liner info, which most builtin Modules will use
if len(extra_lines) == 1 and not child_lines:
main_str += extra_lines[0]
main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n"
main_str += ")"
return main_str
[docs]def layer_repr(self):
return _layer_repr(self, track_children=True)
[docs]def layer_repr_no_children(self):
return _layer_repr(self, track_children=False)