Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend
from tensorflow.python.tpu.tpu_embedding_v2_utils import FeatureConfig, TableConfig

from merlin_standard_lib import Schema
from merlin_standard_lib.schema.tag import TagsType
from merlin_standard_lib.utils.doc_utils import docstring_parameter
from merlin_standard_lib.utils.embedding_utils import get_embedding_sizes_from_schema

from ..tabular.base import (
from ..tabular.transformations import AsSparseFeatures
from ..typing import TabularData
from .base import InputBlock

# pylint has issues with TF array ops, so disable checks until fixed:
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter, unexpected-keyword-arg

    feature_config: Dict[str, FeatureConfig]
        This specifies what TableConfig to use for each feature. For shared embeddings, the same
        TableConfig can be used for multiple features.
    item_id: str, optional
        The name of the feature that's used for the item_id.

[docs]@docstring_parameter( tabular_module_parameters=TABULAR_MODULE_PARAMS_DOCSTRING, embedding_features_parameters=EMBEDDING_FEATURES_PARAMS_DOCSTRING, ) @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="transformers4rec") class EmbeddingFeatures(InputBlock): """Input block for embedding-lookups for categorical features. For multi-hot features, the embeddings will be aggregated into a single tensor using the mean. Parameters ---------- {embedding_features_parameters} {tabular_module_parameters} """ def __init__( self, feature_config: Dict[str, "FeatureConfig"], item_id: Optional[str] = None, pre: Optional[TabularTransformationType] = None, post: Optional[TabularTransformationType] = None, aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregationType] = None, schema: Optional[Schema] = None, name=None, add_default_pre=True, embedding_tables={}, **kwargs, ): if not item_id and schema and schema.select_by_tag(["item_id"]).column_names: item_id = schema.select_by_tag(["item_id"]).column_names[0] if add_default_pre: embedding_pre = [FilterFeatures(list(feature_config.keys())), AsSparseFeatures()] pre = [embedding_pre, pre] if pre else embedding_pre # type: ignore self.feature_config = feature_config self.item_id = item_id self.embedding_tables = embedding_tables super().__init__( pre=pre, post=post, aggregation=aggregation, name=name, schema=schema, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( # type: ignore cls, schema: Schema, embedding_dims: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, embedding_dim_default: Optional[int] = 64, infer_embedding_sizes: bool = False, infer_embedding_sizes_multiplier: float = 2.0, embeddings_initializers: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[Any], None]]] = None, combiner: Optional[str] = "mean", tags: Optional[TagsType] = None, item_id: Optional[str] = None, max_sequence_length: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Optional["EmbeddingFeatures"]: schema_copy = schema.copy() if tags: schema_copy = schema_copy.select_by_tag(tags) if not item_id and schema.select_by_tag(["item_id"]).column_names: item_id = schema.select_by_tag(["item_id"]).column_names[0] embedding_dims = embedding_dims or {} if infer_embedding_sizes: embedding_dims_infered = get_embedding_sizes_from_schema( schema, infer_embedding_sizes_multiplier ) embedding_dims = { **embedding_dims, **{k: v for k, v in embedding_dims_infered.items() if k not in embedding_dims}, } embeddings_initializers = embeddings_initializers or {} emb_config = {} cardinalities = schema.categorical_cardinalities() for key, cardinality in cardinalities.items(): embedding_size = embedding_dims.get(key, embedding_dim_default) embedding_initializer = embeddings_initializers.get(key, None) emb_config[key] = (cardinality, embedding_size, embedding_initializer) feature_config: Dict[str, FeatureConfig] = {} for name, (vocab_size, dim, emb_initilizer) in emb_config.items(): feature_config[name] = FeatureConfig( TableConfig( vocabulary_size=vocab_size, dim=dim, name=name, combiner=combiner, initializer=emb_initilizer, ) ) if not feature_config: return None output = cls( feature_config, item_id=item_id, schema=schema_copy, embedding_tables={}, **kwargs ) return output
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): tables: Dict[str, TableConfig] = {} for name, feature in self.feature_config.items(): table: TableConfig = feature.table if not in tables: tables[] = table for name, table in tables.items(): shape = (table.vocabulary_size, table.dim) if name not in self.embedding_tables: self.embedding_tables[name] = self.add_weight( name="{}/embedding_weights".format(name), trainable=True, initializer=table.initializer, shape=shape, ) super().build(input_shapes)
[docs] def call(self, inputs: TabularData, **kwargs) -> TabularData: embedded_outputs = {} for name, val in inputs.items(): embedded_outputs[name] = self.lookup_feature(name, val) # Store raw item ids for masking and/or negative sampling # This makes this module stateful. if self.item_id: self.item_seq = self.item_ids(inputs) return embedded_outputs
[docs] def compute_call_output_shape(self, input_shapes): batch_size = self.calculate_batch_size_from_input_shapes(input_shapes) output_shapes = {} for name, val in input_shapes.items(): output_shapes[name] = tf.TensorShape([batch_size, self.feature_config[name].table.dim]) return output_shapes
@property def item_embedding_table(self): assert self.item_id is not None return self.embedding_tables[self.item_id]
[docs] def item_ids(self, inputs) -> tf.Tensor: return inputs[self.item_id]
[docs] def lookup_feature(self, name, val, output_sequence=False): dtype = backend.dtype(val) if dtype != "int32" and dtype != "int64": val = tf.cast(val, "int32") table: TableConfig = self.feature_config[name].table table_var = self.embedding_tables[] if isinstance(val, tf.SparseTensor): out = tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(table_var, val, None, combiner=table.combiner) else: if output_sequence: out = tf.gather(table_var, tf.cast(val, tf.int32)) else: if len(val.shape) > 1: # TODO: Check if it is correct to retrieve only the 1st element # of second dim for non-sequential multi-hot categ features out = tf.gather(table_var, tf.cast(val, tf.int32)[:, 0]) else: out = tf.gather(table_var, tf.cast(val, tf.int32)) if self._dtype_policy.compute_dtype != self._dtype_policy.variable_dtype: # Instead of casting the variable as in most layers, cast the output, as # this is mathematically equivalent but is faster. out = tf.cast(out, self._dtype_policy.compute_dtype) return out
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super().get_config() feature_configs = {} for key, val in self.feature_config.items(): feature_config_dict = dict(, max_sequence_length=val.max_sequence_length) feature_config_dict["table"] = serialize_table_config(val.table) feature_configs[key] = feature_config_dict config["feature_config"] = feature_configs if self.item_id: config["item_id"] = self.item_id return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): # Deserialize feature_config feature_configs, table_configs = {}, {} for key, val in config["feature_config"].items(): feature_params = deepcopy(val) table_params = feature_params["table"] if "name" in table_configs: feature_params["table"] = table_configs["name"] else: table = deserialize_table_config(table_params) if table_configs[] = table feature_params["table"] = table feature_configs[key] = FeatureConfig(**feature_params) config["feature_config"] = feature_configs # Set `add_default_pre to False` since pre will be provided from the config config["add_default_pre"] = False return super().from_config(config)
[docs]def serialize_table_config(table_config: TableConfig) -> Dict[str, Any]: table = deepcopy(table_config.__dict__) if "initializer" in table: table["initializer"] = tf.keras.initializers.serialize(table["initializer"]) if "optimizer" in table: table["optimizer"] = tf.keras.optimizers.serialize(table["optimizer"]) return table
[docs]def deserialize_table_config(table_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> TableConfig: if "initializer" in table_params and table_params["initializer"]: table_params["initializer"] = tf.keras.initializers.deserialize(table_params["initializer"]) if "optimizer" in table_params and table_params["optimizer"]: table_params["optimizer"] = tf.keras.optimizers.deserialize(table_params["optimizer"]) table = TableConfig(**table_params) return table
[docs]def serialize_feature_config(feature_config: FeatureConfig) -> Dict[str, Any]: outputs = {} for key, val in feature_config.items(): feature_config_dict = dict(, max_sequence_length=val.max_sequence_length) feature_config_dict["table"] = serialize_table_config(feature_config_dict["table"]) outputs[key] = feature_config_dict return outputs