Source code for transformers4rec.torch.model.prediction_task

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import logging
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional

import torch
import torchmetrics as tm

from ..block.base import Block, BuildableBlock, SequentialBlock
from ..block.mlp import MLPBlock
from ..ranking_metric import AvgPrecisionAt, NDCGAt, RecallAt
from ..utils.torch_utils import LambdaModule
from .base import BlockType, PredictionTask

LOG = logging.getLogger("transformers4rec")

[docs]class BinaryClassificationPrepareBlock(BuildableBlock):
[docs] def build(self, input_size) -> SequentialBlock: return SequentialBlock( torch.nn.Linear(input_size[-1], 1, bias=False), torch.nn.Sigmoid(), LambdaModule(lambda x: x.view(-1)), output_size=[ None, ], )
[docs]class BinaryClassificationTask(PredictionTask): DEFAULT_LOSS = torch.nn.BCELoss() DEFAULT_METRICS = ( tm.Precision(num_classes=2), tm.Recall(num_classes=2), tm.Accuracy(), # TODO: Fix this: tm.AUC() ) def __init__( self, target_name: Optional[str] = None, task_name: Optional[str] = None, task_block: Optional[BlockType] = None, loss=DEFAULT_LOSS, metrics=DEFAULT_METRICS, summary_type="first", ): super().__init__( loss=loss, metrics=metrics, target_name=target_name, task_name=task_name, summary_type=summary_type, task_block=task_block, pre=BinaryClassificationPrepareBlock(), forward_to_prediction_fn=lambda x: torch.round(x).int(), )
[docs]class RegressionPrepareBlock(BuildableBlock):
[docs] def build(self, input_size) -> SequentialBlock: return SequentialBlock( torch.nn.Linear(input_size[-1], 1), LambdaModule(lambda x: x.view(-1)), output_size=[ None, ], )
[docs]class RegressionTask(PredictionTask): DEFAULT_LOSS = torch.nn.MSELoss() DEFAULT_METRICS = (tm.regression.MeanSquaredError(),) def __init__( self, target_name: Optional[str] = None, task_name: Optional[str] = None, task_block: Optional[BlockType] = None, loss=DEFAULT_LOSS, metrics=DEFAULT_METRICS, summary_type="first", ): super().__init__( loss=loss, metrics=metrics, target_name=target_name, task_name=task_name, summary_type=summary_type, task_block=task_block, pre=RegressionPrepareBlock(), )
[docs]class NextItemPredictionTask(PredictionTask): """Next-item prediction task. Parameters ---------- loss: torch.nn.Module Loss function to use. Defaults to NLLLos. metrics: Iterable[torchmetrics.Metric] List of ranking metrics to use for evaluation. task_block: Module to transform input tensor before computing predictions. task_name: str, optional Name of the prediction task, if not provided a name will be automatically constructed based on the target-name & class-name. weight_tying: bool The item id embedding table weights are shared with the prediction network layer. softmax_temperature: float Softmax temperature, used to reduce model overconfidence, so that softmax(logits / T). Value 1.0 reduces to regular softmax. padding_idx: int pad token id. target_dim: int vocabulary size of item ids hf_format: bool Output the dictionary of outputs needed by RecSysTrainer, if set to False, return the predictions tensor. """ DEFAULT_METRICS = ( # default metrics suppose labels are int encoded NDCGAt(top_ks=[10, 20], labels_onehot=True), AvgPrecisionAt(top_ks=[10, 20], labels_onehot=True), RecallAt(top_ks=[10, 20], labels_onehot=True), ) def __init__( self, loss: torch.nn.Module = torch.nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=0), metrics: Iterable[tm.Metric] = DEFAULT_METRICS, task_block: Optional[BlockType] = None, task_name: str = "next-item", weight_tying: bool = False, softmax_temperature: float = 1, padding_idx: int = 0, target_dim: int = None, hf_format=False, ): super().__init__(loss=loss, metrics=metrics, task_block=task_block, task_name=task_name) self.softmax_temperature = softmax_temperature self.weight_tying = weight_tying self.padding_idx = padding_idx self.target_dim = target_dim self.hf_format = hf_format self.item_embedding_table = None self.masking = None
[docs] def build(self, body, input_size, device=None, inputs=None, task_block=None, pre=None): """Build method, this is called by the `Head`.""" if not len(input_size) == 3 or isinstance(input_size, dict): raise ValueError( "NextItemPredictionTask needs a 3-dim vector as input, found:" f"{input_size}" ) # Retrieve the embedding module to get the name of itemid col and its related table if not inputs: inputs = body.inputs if not getattr(inputs, "item_id", None): raise ValueError( "For Item Prediction task a categorical_module " "including an item_id column is required." ) self.embeddings = inputs.categorical_module if not self.target_dim: self.target_dim = self.embeddings.item_embedding_table.num_embeddings if self.weight_tying: self.item_embedding_table = self.embeddings.item_embedding_table item_dim = self.item_embedding_table.weight.shape[1] if input_size[-1] != item_dim and not task_block: LOG.warning( f"Projecting inputs of NextItemPredictionTask to'{item_dim}' " f"As weight tying requires the input dimension '{input_size[-1]}' " f"to be equal to the item-id embedding dimension '{item_dim}'" ) # project input tensors to same dimension as item-id embeddings task_block = MLPBlock([item_dim]) # Retrieve the masking if used in the model block self.masking = inputs.masking if self.masking: self.padding_idx = self.masking.padding_idx pre = NextItemPredictionPrepareBlock( target_dim=self.target_dim, weight_tying=self.weight_tying, item_embedding_table=self.item_embedding_table, softmax_temperature=self.softmax_temperature, ) super().build( body, input_size, device=device, inputs=inputs, task_block=task_block, pre=pre )
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, **kwargs): if isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): inputs = inputs[0] x = inputs.float() if self.task_block: x = self.task_block(x) # type: ignore # Retrieve labels either from masking or input module if self.masking: labels = self.masking.masked_targets else: labels = self.embeddings.item_seq # remove padded items trg_flat = labels.flatten() non_pad_mask = trg_flat != self.padding_idx labels_all = torch.masked_select(trg_flat, non_pad_mask) x = self.remove_pad_3d(x, non_pad_mask) # Compute predictions probs x = self.pre(x) # type: ignore # prepare outputs for HF trainer if self.hf_format: loss = self.loss(x, labels_all) return { "loss": loss, "labels": labels_all, "predictions": x, "pred_metadata": {}, "model_outputs": [], } # TODO: Add model_outputs and metadata return x
[docs] def remove_pad_3d(self, inp_tensor, non_pad_mask): # inp_tensor: (n_batch x seqlen x emb_dim) inp_tensor = inp_tensor.flatten(end_dim=1) inp_tensor_fl = torch.masked_select( inp_tensor, non_pad_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(inp_tensor) ) out_tensor = inp_tensor_fl.view(-1, inp_tensor.size(1)) return out_tensor
[docs] def calculate_metrics( # type: ignore self, predictions, targets, mode="val", forward=True, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: if isinstance(targets, dict) and self.target_name: targets = targets[self.target_name] outputs = {} if forward: predictions = self(predictions) if self.hf_format: targets = predictions["labels"] predictions = predictions["predictions"] predictions = self.forward_to_prediction_fn(predictions) for metric in self.metrics: outputs[self.metric_name(metric)] = metric(predictions, targets) return outputs
[docs] def compute_metrics(self): metrics = { self.metric_name(metric): metric.compute() for metric in self.metrics if getattr(metric, "top_ks", None) } # Explode metrics for each cut-off # TODO make result generic: # To accept a mix of ranking metrics and others not requiring top_ks ? topks = {self.metric_name(metric): metric.top_ks for metric in self.metrics} results = {} for name, metric in metrics.items(): for measure, k in zip(metric, topks[name]): results[f"{name}_{k}"] = measure return results
[docs]class NextItemPredictionPrepareBlock(BuildableBlock): def __init__( self, target_dim: int, weight_tying: bool = False, item_embedding_table: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, softmax_temperature: float = 0, ): super().__init__() self.target_dim = target_dim self.weight_tying = weight_tying self.item_embedding_table = item_embedding_table self.softmax_temperature = softmax_temperature
[docs] def build(self, input_size) -> Block: return Block( _NextItemPredictionTask( input_size, self.target_dim, self.weight_tying, self.item_embedding_table, self.softmax_temperature, ), [-1, self.target_dim], )
class _NextItemPredictionTask(torch.nn.Module): """Predict the interacted item-id probabilities. - During inference, the task consists of predicting the next item. - During training, the class supports the following Language modeling tasks: Causal LM, Masked LM, Permutation LM and Replacement Token Detection Parameters: ----------- input_size: int Input size of this module. target_dim: int Dimension of the target. weight_tying: bool The item id embedding table weights are shared with the prediction network layer. item_embedding_table: torch.nn.Module Module that's used to store the embedding table for the item. softmax_temperature: float Softmax temperature, used to reduce model overconfidence, so that softmax(logits / T). Value 1.0 reduces to regular softmax. """ def __init__( self, input_size: int, target_dim: int, weight_tying: bool = False, item_embedding_table: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, softmax_temperature: float = 0, ): super().__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.target_dim = target_dim self.weight_tying = weight_tying self.item_embedding_table = item_embedding_table self.softmax_temperature = softmax_temperature self.log_softmax = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(dim=-1) if self.weight_tying: self.output_layer_bias = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.target_dim)) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.output_layer_bias) else: self.output_layer = torch.nn.Linear( self.input_size[-1], self.target_dim # type: ignore ) def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if self.weight_tying: logits = torch.nn.functional.linear( inputs, weight=self.item_embedding_table.weight, # type: ignore bias=self.output_layer_bias, ) else: logits = self.output_layer(inputs) if self.softmax_temperature: # Softmax temperature to reduce model overconfidence # and better calibrate probs and accuracy logits = torch.div(logits, self.softmax_temperature) predictions = self.log_softmax(logits) return predictions def _get_name(self) -> str: return "NextItemPredictionTask"