Source code for transformers4rec.torch.utils.data_utils

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import warnings
from abc import ABC

import numpy as np
import torch
from merlin.dataloader.torch import Loader
from merlin.models.utils.misc_utils import validate_dataset
from merlin.models.utils.registry import Registry
from merlin.schema import Tags
from import DataLoader as PyTorchDataLoader
from import Dataset, IterableDataset

from merlin_standard_lib import Schema
from transformers4rec.torch.utils.padding import pad_batch

from ...utils import dependencies

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

dataloader_registry: Registry = Registry("torch.dataloader_loader")

[docs]class T4RecDataLoader(ABC): """ Base Helper class to build dataloader from the schema with properties required by T4Rec Trainer class. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( self, schema: Schema, paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, **kwargs ): # Build the data-loader from the schema raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_dataset(self, paths_or_dataset): # set the dataset from paths # or from provided dataset raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, class_or_str): return dataloader_registry.parse(class_or_str)
if dependencies.is_pyarrow_available(): import pyarrow.parquet as pq
[docs] @dataloader_registry.register_with_multiple_names("pyarrow_builder", "pyarrow") class PyarrowDataLoader(T4RecDataLoader, PyTorchDataLoader): def __init__( self, paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, cols_to_read=None, target_names=None, shuffle=False, shuffle_buffer_size=0, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False, **kwargs, ): T4RecDataLoader.__init__(self) warnings.warn( "The `pyarrow` data loader is deprecated and should be replaced " "by `merlin_dataloader`", DeprecationWarning, ) self.paths_or_dataset = paths_or_dataset self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.shuffle_buffer_size = shuffle_buffer_size self.num_workers = num_workers self.pin_memory = pin_memory self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length self.drop_last = drop_last self.set_dataset(cols_to_read=cols_to_read, target_names=target_names) PyTorchDataLoader.__init__( self, self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, drop_last=self.drop_last, num_workers=self.num_workers, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, ) # set _batch_size attribute needed by HF trainer self._batch_size = self.batch_size
[docs] def set_dataset(self, cols_to_read, target_names): """ set the Parquet dataset Parameters ---------- cols_to_read: str The list of features names to load """ if isinstance(self.paths_or_dataset, ParquetDataset): dataset = self.paths_or_dataset dataset = ParquetDataset( self.paths_or_dataset, cols_to_read, seq_features_len_pad_trim=self.max_sequence_length, target_names=target_names, ) if self.shuffle and self.shuffle_buffer_size > 0: dataset = ShuffleDataset(dataset, buffer_size=self.shuffle_buffer_size) self.dataset = dataset
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( cls, schema, paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, continuous_features=None, categorical_features=None, targets=None, shuffle=False, shuffle_buffer_size=0, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True, **kwargs, ): """ Instantiates ``PyarrowDataLoader`` from a ``DatasetSchema``. Parameters ---------- schema: DatasetSchema Dataset schema paths_or_dataset: Union[str, Dataset] Path to paquet data of Dataset object. batch_size: int batch size of Dataloader. max_sequence_length: int The maximum length of list features. """ categorical_features = ( categorical_features or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.CATEGORICAL).column_names ) continuous_features = ( continuous_features or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.CONTINUOUS).column_names ) targets = targets or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.TARGET).column_names cols_to_read = categorical_features + continuous_features + targets return cls( paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, cols_to_read=cols_to_read, target_names=targets, shuffle=shuffle, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=pin_memory, **kwargs, )
[docs]class DLDataLoader(PyTorchDataLoader): """ This class is an extension of the torch dataloader. It is required to support the FastAI framework. Setting the batch size directly to DLDataLoader makes it 3x slower. So we set as an alternative attribute and use it within T4Rec Trainer during evaluation # TODO : run experiments with new merlin-dataloader """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if "batch_size" in kwargs: self._batch_size = kwargs.pop("batch_size") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def device(self): return torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset)
[docs]@dataloader_registry.register_with_multiple_names( "merlin_dataloader", "merlin", "nvtabular_dataloader", "nvtabular" ) class MerlinDataLoader(T4RecDataLoader, DLDataLoader): """ This class extends the [Merlin data loader] ( The data input requires a or a path to the data files. It also sets the dataset's schema with the necessary properties to prepare the input list features as dense tensors (i.e. padded to the specified `max_sequence_length`). The dense representation is required by the Transformers4Rec input modules. Parameters ---------- paths_or_dataset: Union[str,] The dataset to load. batch_size: int The size of each batch to supply to the model. max_sequence_length: int The maximum sequence length to use for padding list columns. By default, `0` is used as the padding index. cats : List[str], optional The list of categorical columns in the dataset. By default None. conts: List[str], optional The list of continuous columns in the dataset. By default None. labels : List[str], optional The list of label columns in the dataset. By default None. shuffle : bool, optional Enable/disable shuffling of dataset. By default False. parts_per_chunk : int, optional The number of partitions from the iterator, an Merlin Dataset, to concatenate into a "chunk". By default 1. device : int, optional The device id of the selected GPU By default None. sparse_names : [str], optional List with column names of columns that should be represented as sparse tensors. By default None. sparse_max : Dict[str, int], optional A dictionary of key: column_name + value: integer representing the max sequence length for a list column. By default None. sparse_as_dense : bool, optional Boolean value to activate transforming sparse tensors to dense ones. By default None. drop_last: bool, optional Whether or not to drop the last batch in an epoch. This is useful when you need to guarantee that each batch contains exactly `batch_size` rows - since the last batch will usually contain fewer rows. seed_fn: callable Function used to initialize random state parts_per_chunk: int Number of dataset partitions with size dictated by `buffer_size` to load and concatenate asynchronously. More partitions leads to better epoch-level randomness but can negatively impact throughput global_size: int, optional When doing distributed training, this indicates the number of total processes that are training the model. global_rank: int, optional When doing distributed training, this indicates the local rank for the current process. schema: Schema, optional The `Schema` with the input features. reader_kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to the object, when the path to data files is provided in `paths_or_dataset` argument. row_groups_per_part: bool, optional If true, preserve the group partitions when loading the dataset from parquet files. collate_fn: Callable, optional A processing function to collect and prepare the list samples (tuple of (input, target) Tensor(s)) returned by the Merlin DataLoader. """ def __init__( self, paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, conts=None, cats=None, labels=None, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0], engine=None, buffer_size=0.1, reader_kwargs=None, shuffle=False, seed_fn=None, parts_per_chunk=1, device=None, global_size=None, global_rank=None, sparse_names=None, sparse_max=None, sparse_as_dense=True, drop_last=False, schema=None, row_groups_per_part=True, **kwargs, ): T4RecDataLoader.__init__(self) self.paths_or_dataset = paths_or_dataset self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length self.drop_last = drop_last reader_kwargs = reader_kwargs or {} reader_kwargs["row_groups_per_part"] = row_groups_per_part self.set_dataset(buffer_size, engine, reader_kwargs) if (global_rank is not None) and (self.dataset.npartitions < global_size): logger.warning( "UserWarning: User is advised to repartition the parquet file before training " "so npartitions>=global_size. Cudf or pandas can be used for repartitioning " "eg. pdf.to_parquet('file.parquet',row_group_size=N_ROWS/NPARTITIONS) for pandas " "or gdf.to_parquet('file.parquet',row_group_size_rows=N_ROWS/NPARTITIONS) for cudf " "so that npartitions=nr_rows/row_group_size. Also ensure npartitions is divisible " "by number of GPUs to be used (eg. 2 or 4 partitions, if 2 GPUs will be used)." ) self.dataset = self.dataset.repartition(npartitions=global_size) if (global_rank is not None) and (self.dataset.npartitions % global_size != 0): logger.warning( f"UserWarning: User is advised to set the number of partitions" f" ({self.dataset.npartitions}) divisible by the number of available" f" GPUs ({global_size}). This will divide the work equally among GPUs" " for DDP training and ensure optimal performance." ) self.dataset.schema = self._augment_schema( self.dataset.schema, cats=cats, conts=conts, labels=labels ) loader = Loader( self.dataset, self.batch_size, shuffle, seed_fn=seed_fn, parts_per_chunk=parts_per_chunk, device=device, global_size=global_size, global_rank=global_rank, drop_last=drop_last, ).map(self._get_pad_fn(sparse_max)) DLDataLoader.__init__( self, loader, collate_fn=collate_fn, batch_size=self.batch_size, drop_last=self.drop_last, ) self.schema = schema self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length @staticmethod def _get_pad_fn(padding_lengths): def pad_fn(x, y): new_x = pad_batch(x, padding_lengths) if y is not None and isinstance(y, dict): new_y = pad_batch(y, padding_lengths) else: new_y = y return new_x, new_y return pad_fn @staticmethod def _augment_schema( schema, cats=None, conts=None, labels=None, ): cats = cats or [] conts = conts or [] labels = labels or [] schema = schema.select_by_name(conts + cats + labels) labels = [labels] if isinstance(labels, str) else labels for label in labels: schema[label] = schema[label].with_tags(Tags.TARGET) for label in cats: schema[label] = schema[label].with_tags(Tags.CATEGORICAL) for label in conts: schema[label] = schema[label].with_tags(Tags.CONTINUOUS) return schema
[docs] def set_dataset(self, buffer_size, engine, reader_kwargs): dataset = validate_dataset( self.paths_or_dataset, self.batch_size, buffer_size, engine, reader_kwargs, ) self.dataset = dataset
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( cls, schema: Schema, paths_or_dataset, batch_size, max_sequence_length, continuous_features=None, categorical_features=None, targets=None, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0], shuffle=True, buffer_size=0.06, parts_per_chunk=1, sparse_names=None, sparse_max=None, **kwargs, ): """ Instantitates `MerlinDataLoader` from a ``DatasetSchema``. Parameters ---------- schema: DatasetSchema Dataset schema paths_or_dataset: Union[str, Dataset] Path to paquet data of Dataset object. batch_size: int batch size of Dataloader. max_sequence_length: int The maximum length of list features. """ categorical_features = ( categorical_features or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.CATEGORICAL).column_names ) continuous_features = ( continuous_features or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.CONTINUOUS).column_names ) targets = targets or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.TARGET).column_names schema = schema.select_by_name(categorical_features + continuous_features + targets) sparse_names = sparse_names or schema.select_by_tag(Tags.LIST).column_names sparse_max = sparse_max or {name: max_sequence_length for name in sparse_names} loader = cls( paths_or_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, max_sequence_length=max_sequence_length, labels=targets, cats=categorical_features, conts=continuous_features, collate_fn=collate_fn, engine="parquet", shuffle=shuffle, buffer_size=buffer_size, # how many batches to load at once parts_per_chunk=parts_per_chunk, sparse_names=sparse_names, sparse_max=sparse_max, schema=schema, **kwargs, ) return loader
[docs]class ParquetDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, parquet_file, cols_to_read, target_names, seq_features_len_pad_trim): self.cols_to_read = cols_to_read self.target_names = target_names = pq.ParquetDataset(parquet_file).read(columns=self.cols_to_read).to_pandas() self.seq_features_len_pad_trim = seq_features_len_pad_trim def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, index): df =[index] input_features = list(set(self.cols_to_read).difference(self.target_names)) inputs = {col: self.pad_seq_column_if_needed(df[col]) for col in input_features} targets = {col: self.pad_seq_column_if_needed(df[col]) for col in self.target_names} return inputs, targets
[docs] def pad_seq_column_if_needed(self, values): if type(values) is np.ndarray: values = values[: self.seq_features_len_pad_trim] if len(values) < self.seq_features_len_pad_trim: placeholder = np.zeros(self.seq_features_len_pad_trim, dtype=values.dtype) placeholder[: len(values)] = values values = placeholder if isinstance(values[0], np.floating) and values.dtype is not np.float32: values = values.astype(np.float32) if isinstance(values[0], np.integer) and values.dtype is not np.int64: values = values.astype(np.int64) return values
[docs]class ShuffleDataset(IterableDataset): def __init__(self, dataset, buffer_size): super().__init__() self.dataset = dataset self.buffer_size = buffer_size def __iter__(self):"[SHUFFLE] INITIALIZING BUFFER_SIZE: {}".format(self.buffer_size)) raise StopIteration() # TODO define The shuffle method for pyarrow dataloader def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset)