Demo model using Dense Embedding Layer

This file demonstrates how to build a DNN model with a dense embedding layer, where no intra-slot (feature-field) reduction will be conducted, with TensorFlow and SparseOperationKit.

You can find the source codes in sparse_operation_kit/documents/tutorials/DenseDemo/.


python modules: cupy, mpi4py, nvtx

model structure

This demo model is constructed with a dense embedding layer and 7 fully-connected layers, where the first 6 fully-connected layers have 1024 output units, and the last one has 1 output unit. avatar


Generate datasets

This commands will generate a dataset randomly. By default, its filename is data.file. You can specify the output filename by adding --filename=XXX when running this command.

$ python3 \
    --global_batch_size=65536 \
    --slot_num=100 \
    --nnz_per_slot=10 \

Split the whole dataset into multiple shards

When MPI is used, it is advantageous to let each CPU process have its own datareader, such that each datareader reads from a different data source. Therefore, the whole dataset is split.

The split files will be saved with name: save_prefix[split_id].file, for example, data_0.file, data_1.file. The samples in each shard are linearly arranged. For instance, assume the whole sample set is [s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7]. If split into 4 shards, then each shard is a subset consisting of two samples: [s0, s1], [s2, s3], [s4, s5], [s6, s7].

$ python3 \
    --filename="./data.file" \
    --split_num=8 \

Run this demo writen with TensorFlow

This is a model parallelism demo implemented by tf methods.

$ mpiexec -n 8 --allow-run-as-root \
    python3 \
    --data_filename="./data_" \
    --global_batch_size=65536 \
    --vocabulary_size=8192 \
    --slot_num=100 \
    --nnz_per_slot=10 \
    --num_dense_layers=6 \
    --embedding_vec_size=4 \
    --optimizer="adam" \

Run this demo writen with SOK + MirroredStrategy

$ python3 \
    --data_filename="./data.file" \
    --global_batch_size=65536 \
    --max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu=8192 \
    --slot_num=100 \
    --nnz_per_slot=10 \
    --num_dense_layers=6 \
    --embedding_vec_size=4 \

Run this demo writen with SOK + MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy + MPI

Add --oversubscribe to mpiexec if there is not enough slots.

$ mpiexec -n 8 --allow-run-as-root \
    python3 \
    --data_filename="./data_" \
    --global_batch_size=65536 \
    --max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu=8192 \
    --slot_num=100 \
    --nnz_per_slot=10 \
    --num_dense_layers=6 \
    --embedding_vec_size=4 \
    --data_splited=1 \

Run this demo writen with SOK + Horovod

$ horovodrun -np 8 -H localhost:8 \
    python3 \
    --data_filename_prefix="./data_" \
    --global_batch_size=65536 \
    --max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu=1024 \
    --slot_num=100 \
    --nnz_per_slot=10 \
    --num_dense_layers=6 \
    --embedding_vec_size=4 \