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Serve Recommendations from the TensorFlow Model#
This notebook is created using the latest stable merlin-tensorflow container.
The last step is to deploy the saved model to production.
Launching and Starting the Triton Server#
We need to start the Triton Inference Server first. We can do that with the following command. You need to provide correct path for the models directory. Note that since we add --model-control-mode=explicit
flag the models will not be loaded yet, we will load our model below.
tritonserver --model-repository=path_to_models --backend-config=tensorflow,version=2 --model-control-mode=explicit
Note: The model-repository path is /workspace/nvt-examples/models/ensemble
. The model hasn’t been loaded, yet. Below, we will request the Triton server to load the saved Tensorflow model.
# External dependencies
import os
from time import time
# Get dataframe library - cudf or pandas
from merlin.core.dispatch import get_lib
df_lib = get_lib()
import tritonclient.grpc as grpcclient
import merlin.systems.triton as merlin_triton
import merlin.dtypes as md
from merlin.schema import ColumnSchema, Schema
We define our base directory, containing the data.
# path to preprocessed data
INPUT_DATA_DIR = os.environ.get(
"INPUT_DATA_DIR", os.path.expanduser("/workspace/nvt-examples/movielens/data/")
Let’s deactivate the warnings before sending requests.
import warnings
Loading the Tensorflow Model with Triton Inference Server#
At this stage, you should have launched the Triton Inference Server docker container with the instructions above.
Let’s connect to the Triton Inference Server. Use Triton’s ready endpoint to verify that the server and the models are ready for inference. Replace localhost with your host ip address.
import tritonhttpclient
triton_client = tritonhttpclient.InferenceServerClient(url="localhost:8000", verbose=True)
print("client created.")
except Exception as e:
print("channel creation failed: " + str(e))
client created.
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tritonhttpclient/__init__.py:31: DeprecationWarning: The package `tritonhttpclient` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use instead `tritonclient.http`
import warnings
We check if the server is alive.
GET /v2/health/live, headers None
<HTTPSocketPoolResponse status=200 headers={'content-length': '0', 'content-type': 'text/plain'}>
The HTTP request returns status 200 if Triton is ready and non-200 if it is not ready.
We check the available models in the repositories:
POST /v2/repository/index, headers None
<HTTPSocketPoolResponse status=200 headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '64'}>
[{'name': '0_predicttensorflowtriton'}, {'name': 'ensemble_model'}]
We load the 0_predicttensorflowtriton
POST /v2/repository/models/0_predicttensorflowtriton/load, headers None
<HTTPSocketPoolResponse status=200 headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '0'}>
Loaded model '0_predicttensorflowtriton'
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 1.86 ms, total: 1.86 ms
Wall time: 623 ms
Let’s now craft a request and obtain a response from the Triton Inference Server.
We will use the first 3 rows of userId
and movieId
as input. This is the transformed dataset that we used to train our model.
valid = df_lib.read_parquet(
os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "valid.parquet"), columns=["userId", "movieId"]
batch = valid[:3]
userId movieId
9098613 59266 553
2556225 17037 608
20514728 133412 40583
We now send the request.
request_schema = Schema([
ColumnSchema("userId", dtype=md.int64),
ColumnSchema("movieId", dtype=md.int64),
inputs = merlin_triton.convert_df_to_triton_input(request_schema, batch, grpcclient.InferInput)
outputs = [
for col in ["rating/binary_output"]
with grpcclient.InferenceServerClient("localhost:8001") as client:
response = client.infer("0_predicttensorflowtriton", inputs, request_id="1", outputs=outputs)
Let’s decode the request and see what information we receive.
print(response.as_numpy("rating/binary_output"), response.as_numpy("rating/binary_output").shape)
[0.6242866 ]
[0.6068166 ]] (3, 1)
The returned scores reflect the probability that a user of a given id will rate highly the movie referenced in the movieId