# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import numba
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse
from merlin.core.compat import cuda, cupy, numpy
from merlin.core.dispatch import DataFrameType, annotate
from merlin.schema import Schema, Tags
from nvtabular.ops.operator import ColumnSelector, Operator
if cupy:
from cupyx.scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
[docs]class ColumnSimilarity(Operator):
"""Calculates the similarity between two columns using tf-idf, cosine or
inner product as the distance metric. For each row, this calculates the distance
between the two columns by looking up features for those columns in a sparse matrix,
and then computing the distance between the rows of the feature matrices.
Example usage::
# Read in the 'document_categories' file from the kaggle outbrains dataset and convert
# to a sparse matrix
df = cudf.read_csv("document_categories.csv.zip")
categories = cupyx.scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((cupy.ones(len(df)),
(df.document_id.values, df.category_id.values))
# compute a new column 'document_id_document_id_promo_sim' between the document_id and
# document_id_promo columns on tfidf distance on the categories matrix we just loaded up
sim_features = [["document_id", "document_id_promo"]] >> ColumnSimilarity(categories,
metric='tfidf', on_device=False)
workflow = nvt.Workflow(sim_features)
left_features : csr_matrix
Sparse feature matrix for the left column
right_features : csr_matrix, optional
Sparse feature matrix for the right column in each pair. If not given will use the
same feature matrix as for the left (for example when calculating document-document
on_device : bool
Whether to compute on the GPU or CPU. Computing on the GPU will be
faster, but requires that the left_features/right_features sparse matrices
fit into GPU memory.
[docs] def __init__(self, left_features, right_features=None, metric="tfidf", on_device=True):
super(ColumnSimilarity, self).__init__()
self.metric = metric
self.left_features = left_features
self.right_features = right_features
self.on_device = on_device
self._initialized = False
def _initialize_features(self):
if not self._initialized:
self.left_features = _convert_features(self.left_features, self.metric, self.on_device)
self.right_features = (
_convert_features(self.right_features, self.metric, self.on_device)
if self.right_features is not None
else self.left_features.copy()
self._initialized = True
transform.__doc__ = Operator.transform.__doc__
[docs] def compute_selector(
input_schema: Schema,
selector: ColumnSelector,
parents_selector: ColumnSelector,
dependencies_selector: ColumnSelector,
) -> ColumnSelector:
self._validate_matching_cols(input_schema, parents_selector, "computing input selector")
return parents_selector
[docs] def column_mapping(self, col_selector):
column_mapping = {}
for group in col_selector.grouped_names:
a, b = group
col_name = f"{a}_{b}_sim"
column_mapping[col_name] = [a, b]
return column_mapping
def output_tags(self):
return [Tags.CONTINUOUS]
def output_dtype(self):
return float
def row_wise_inner_product(a, a_features, b, b_features, on_device=True):
"""Computes the similarity between two columns, by computing the inner product
along two sparse feature matrices . Both a_features and b_features are
required to be in canonical CSR format.
a : array of int
Array of rowids to use in looking up a_features
a_features: CSR matrix
Sparse feature matrix
b : array of int
Array of rowids to use in looking up in b_features
b_features: CSR matrix
Sparse feature matrix
on_device: bool
Whether to compute on the GPU or CPU. Computing on the GPU will be
faster, but requires that the a_features/b_features sparse matrices
fit into GPU memory.
# run a JIT compiled version of this either on gpu/cpu with numba.
# note that numba doesn't handle sparse matrix types, so we're splitting
# out to the relevant cupy/numpy arrays for indptr/indices/data
if on_device:
threadsperblock = 32
blockspergrid = (a.size + (threadsperblock - 1)) // threadsperblock
output = cupy.zeros(len(a), dtype=a_features.data.dtype)
_row_wise_inner_product_gpu[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](
output = numpy.zeros(len(a), dtype=a_features.data.dtype)
return output
def _row_wise_inner_product_cpu(
a, a_indptr, a_indices, a_data, b, b_indptr, b_indices, b_data, output
# https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/2910
# pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
for i in numba.prange(len(a)):
output[i] = _inner_product_cpu(
a[i], a_indptr, a_indices, a_data, b[i], b_indptr, b_indices, b_data
if cuda:
def _row_wise_inner_product_gpu(
a, a_indptr, a_indices, a_data, b, b_indptr, b_indices, b_data, output
i = numba.cuda.grid(1)
if i < a.size:
output[i] = _inner_product_gpu(
a[i], a_indptr, a_indices, a_data, b[i], b_indptr, b_indices, b_data
def _inner_product(a, a_indptr, a_indices, a_data, b, b_indptr, b_indices, b_data):
# adapted from scipy:
# https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/312b706c1d98980ed140adae943d41f9f7dc08f5/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csr.h#L780-L854
a_pos, a_end = a_indptr[a], a_indptr[a + 1]
b_pos, b_end = b_indptr[b], b_indptr[b + 1]
similarity = 0.0
while a_pos < a_end and b_pos < b_end:
a_j = a_indices[a_pos]
b_j = b_indices[b_pos]
if a_j == b_j:
similarity += a_data[a_pos] * b_data[b_pos]
a_pos += 1
b_pos += 1
elif a_j < b_j:
a_pos += 1
b_pos += 1
return similarity
# JIT the _inner_product function to run on both CPU/GPU using numba
_inner_product_cpu = numba.njit(inline="always")(_inner_product)
_inner_product_gpu = numba.cuda.jit(device=True, inline=True)(_inner_product) if cuda else None
def _convert_features(features, metric, on_device):
if on_device:
# take a shallow copy to avoid mutating the input, but keep gpu
# memory as low as possible. (also convert to coo_matrix if passed
# a CSR etc)
features = coo_matrix(features)
if not isinstance(features, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix):
# convert to host first if the sparse matrix is on the device
if features.__class__.__module__.startswith("cupy"):
features = features.get()
# make sure we're a coo matrix
if not isinstance(features, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix):
features = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(features)
# Normalizes the matrix so that we can compute the distance metric
# with only the inner product
np = cupy if on_device else numpy
if metric == "tfidf":
features = _normalize(_tfidf_weight(features.copy(), np), np)
elif metric == "cosine":
features = _normalize(features.copy(), np)
elif metric != "inner":
raise ValueError(f"unknown distance metric {metric}")
# we need features in CSR format to do the row lookup
return features.tocsr()
def _tfidf_weight(X, np):
N = float(X.shape[0])
idf = np.log(N / np.bincount(X.col))
X.data = X.data * idf[X.col]
return X
def _normalize(X, np):
X.data = X.data / np.sqrt(np.bincount(X.row, X.data**2))[X.row]
return X