import gc
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
[docs]def list_files(startpath):
Util function to print the nested structure of a directory
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startpath):
level = root.replace(startpath, "").count(os.sep)
indent = " " * 4 * (level)
print("{}{}/".format(indent, os.path.basename(root)))
subindent = " " * 4 * (level + 1)
for f in files:
print("{}{}".format(subindent, f))
[docs]def visualize_response(batch, response, top_k, session_col="session_id"):
Util function to extract top-k encoded item-ids from logits
batch : cudf.DataFrame
the batch of raw data sent to triton server.
response: tritonclient.grpc.InferResult
the response returned by grpc client.
top_k: int
the `top_k` top items to retrieve from predictions.
sessions = batch[session_col].drop_duplicates().values
predictions = response.as_numpy("output")
top_preds = np.argpartition(predictions, -top_k, axis=1)[:, -top_k:]
for session, next_items in zip(sessions, top_preds):
"- Top-%s predictions for session `%s`: %s\n"
% (top_k, session, " || ".join([str(e) for e in next_items]))
[docs]def fit_and_evaluate(trainer, start_time_index, end_time_index, input_dir):
Util function for time-window based fine-tuning using the T4rec Trainer class.
Iteratively train using data of a given index and evaluate on the validation data
of the following index.
start_time_index: int
The start index for training, it should match the partitions of the data directory
end_time_index: int
The end index for training, it should match the partitions of the data directory
input_dir: str
The input directory where the parquet files were saved based on partition column
indexed_by_time_metrics: dict
The dictionary of ranking metrics: each item is the list of scores over time indices.
indexed_by_time_metrics = {}
for time_index in range(start_time_index, end_time_index + 1):
# 1. Set data
time_index_train = time_index
time_index_eval = time_index + 1
train_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, f"{time_index_train}/train.parquet"))
eval_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, f"{time_index_eval}/valid.parquet"))
# 2. Train on train data of time_index
print("\n***** Launch training for day %s: *****" % time_index)
trainer.train_dataset_or_path = train_paths
# 3. Evaluate on valid data of time_index+1
trainer.eval_dataset_or_path = eval_paths
eval_metrics = trainer.evaluate(metric_key_prefix="eval")
print("\n***** Evaluation results for day %s:*****\n" % time_index_eval)
for key in sorted(eval_metrics.keys()):
if "at_" in key:
print(" %s = %s" % (key.replace("_at_", "@"), str(eval_metrics[key])))
if "indexed_by_time_" + key.replace("_at_", "@") in indexed_by_time_metrics:
indexed_by_time_metrics["indexed_by_time_" + key.replace("_at_", "@")] += [
indexed_by_time_metrics["indexed_by_time_" + key.replace("_at_", "@")] = [
# free GPU for next day training
return indexed_by_time_metrics
[docs]def wipe_memory():