Source code for

import abc
import collections
import copy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload

import tensorflow as tf

from merlin.models.config.schema import SchemaMixin
from import Block, BlockType, right_shift_layer
from import TabularData, TensorOrTabularData
from import tf_utils
from merlin.models.utils import schema_utils
from merlin.models.utils.doc_utils import docstring_parameter
from merlin.models.utils.registry import Registry, RegistryMixin
from merlin.schema import Schema, Tags

tabular_aggregation_registry: Registry = Registry.class_registry("tf.tabular_aggregations")

class TabularAggregation(
    SchemaMixin, tf.keras.layers.Layer, RegistryMixin["TabularAggregation"], abc.ABC
    registry = tabular_aggregation_registry

    """Aggregation of `TabularData` that outputs a single `Tensor`"""

    def call(self, inputs: TabularData, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_seq_features_shapes(self, inputs_sizes: Dict[str, tf.TensorShape]):
        seq_features_shapes = dict()
        for fname, fshape in inputs_sizes.items():
            # Saves the shapes of sequential features
            if len(fshape) >= 3:
                seq_features_shapes[fname] = tuple(fshape[:2])

        sequence_length = 0
        if len(seq_features_shapes) > 0:
            if len(set(seq_features_shapes.values())) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "All sequential features must share the same shape in the first two dims "
                    "(batch_size, seq_length): {}".format(seq_features_shapes)

            sequence_length = list(seq_features_shapes.values())[0][1]

        return seq_features_shapes, sequence_length

    def _check_concat_shapes(self, inputs: TabularData):
        input_sizes = {k: v.shape for k, v in inputs.items()}
        if len(set([tuple(v[:-1]) for v in input_sizes.values()])) > 1:
            raise Exception(
                "All features dimensions except the last one must match: {}".format(input_sizes)

    def _get_agg_output_size(self, input_size, agg_dim, axis=-1):
        batch_size = tf_utils.calculate_batch_size_from_input_shapes(input_size)
        seq_features_shapes, sequence_length = self._get_seq_features_shapes(input_size)

        if len(seq_features_shapes) > 0:
            return batch_size, sequence_length, agg_dim

        return tf.TensorShape((batch_size, agg_dim))

    def get_values(self, inputs: TabularData) -> List[tf.Tensor]:
        values = []
        for value in inputs.values():
            if type(value) is dict:
                values.extend(self.get_values(value))  # type: ignore

        return values

TabularAggregationType = Union[str, TabularAggregation]

    pre: Union[str, TabularTransformation, List[str], List[TabularTransformation]], optional
        Transformations to apply on the inputs when the module is called (so **before** `call`).
    post: Union[str, TabularTransformation, List[str], List[TabularTransformation]], optional
        Transformations to apply on the inputs after the module is called (so **after** `call`).
    aggregation: Union[str, TabularAggregation], optional
        Aggregation to apply after processing the `call`-method to output a single Tensor.

        Next to providing a class that extends TabularAggregation, it's also possible to provide
        the name that the class is registered in the `tabular_aggregation_registry`. Out of the box
        this contains: "concat", "stack", "element-wise-sum" &
    schema: Optional[DatasetSchema]
        DatasetSchema containing the columns used in this block.
    name: Optional[str]
        Name of the layer.

[docs]@docstring_parameter(tabular_module_parameters=TABULAR_MODULE_PARAMS_DOCSTRING) @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class TabularBlock(Block): """Layer that's specialized for tabular-data by integrating many often used operations. Note, when extending this class, typically you want to overwrite the `compute_call_output_shape` method instead of the normal `compute_output_shape`. This because a Block can contain pre- and post-processing and the output-shapes are handled automatically in `compute_output_shape`. The output of `compute_call_output_shape` should be the shape that's outputted by the `call`-method. Parameters ---------- {tabular_module_parameters} """
[docs] def __init__( self, pre: Optional[BlockType] = None, post: Optional[BlockType] = None, aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregationType] = None, schema: Optional[Schema] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, is_input: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.input_size = None self.set_pre(pre) self.set_post(post) self.set_aggregation(aggregation) self._is_input = is_input if schema: self.set_schema(schema)
[docs] def select_by_tag(self, tags: Tags) -> Optional["TabularBlock"]: selected_schema = self.schema.select_by_tag(tags) if selected_schema: return TabularBlock(schema=selected_schema) return None
@property def is_input(self) -> bool: return self._is_input
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( cls, schema: Schema, tags=None, allow_none=True, **kwargs ) -> Optional["TabularBlock"]: """Instantiate a TabularLayer instance from a DatasetSchema. Parameters ---------- schema tags kwargs Returns ------- Optional[TabularModule] """ schema_copy = copy.copy(schema) if tags: schema_copy = schema_copy.select_by_tag(tags) if not schema_copy.column_names and not allow_none: raise ValueError(f"No features with tags: {tags} found") if not schema_copy.column_names: return None return cls.from_features(schema_copy.column_names, schema=schema_copy, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @docstring_parameter(tabular_module_parameters=TABULAR_MODULE_PARAMS_DOCSTRING, extra_padding=4) def from_features( cls, features: List[str], pre: Optional[BlockType] = None, post: Optional[BlockType] = None, aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregationType] = None, name=None, **kwargs, ) -> "TabularBlock": """ Initializes a TabularLayer instance where the contents of features will be filtered out Parameters ---------- features: List[str] A list of feature-names that will be used as the first pre-processing op to filter out all other features not in this list. {tabular_module_parameters} Returns ------- TabularModule """ pre = [Filter(features), pre] if pre else Filter(features) # type: ignore return cls(pre=pre, post=post, aggregation=aggregation, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def pre_call( self, inputs: TabularData, transformations: Optional[BlockType] = None ) -> TabularData: """Method that's typically called before the forward method for pre-processing. Parameters ---------- inputs: TabularData input-data, typically the output of the forward method. transformations: TabularTransformationsType, optional Returns ------- TabularData """ return self._maybe_apply_transformations( inputs, transformations=transformations or self.pre )
[docs] def call(self, inputs: TabularData, **kwargs) -> TabularData: return inputs
[docs] def post_call( self, inputs: TabularData, transformations: Optional[BlockType] = None, merge_with: Optional[Union["TabularBlock", List["TabularBlock"]]] = None, aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregationType] = None, ) -> TensorOrTabularData: """Method that's typically called after the forward method for post-processing. Parameters ---------- inputs: TabularData input-data, typically the output of the forward method. transformations: TabularTransformationType, optional Transformations to apply on the input data. merge_with: Union[TabularModule, List[TabularModule]], optional Other TabularModule's to call and merge the outputs with. aggregation: TabularAggregationType, optional Aggregation to aggregate the output to a single Tensor. Returns ------- TensorOrTabularData (Tensor when aggregation is set, else TabularData) """ _aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregation] = None if aggregation: _aggregation = TabularAggregation.parse(aggregation) _aggregation = _aggregation or getattr(self, "aggregation", None) outputs = inputs if merge_with: if not isinstance(merge_with, list): merge_with = [merge_with] for layer_or_tensor in merge_with: to_add = layer_or_tensor(inputs) if callable(layer_or_tensor) else layer_or_tensor outputs.update(to_add) outputs = self._maybe_apply_transformations( outputs, transformations=transformations or ) if _aggregation: if self.has_schema: _aggregation.set_schema(self.schema) return _aggregation(outputs) return outputs
def _maybe_apply_transformations( self, inputs: TabularData, transformations: Optional[BlockType] = None, ) -> TabularData: """Apply transformations to the inputs if these are defined. Parameters ---------- inputs transformations Returns ------- """ if transformations: _transformations = Block.parse(transformations) return _transformations(inputs) return inputs
[docs] def compute_call_output_shape(self, input_shapes): return input_shapes
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): if self.pre: input_shapes = self.pre.compute_output_shape(input_shapes) output_shapes = self._check_post_output_size(self.compute_call_output_shape(input_shapes)) return output_shapes
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): super().build(input_shapes) output_shapes = input_shapes if self.pre: output_shapes = self.pre.compute_output_shape(input_shapes) output_shapes = self.compute_call_output_shape(output_shapes) if isinstance(output_shapes, dict): if output_shapes = if self.aggregation: if self.has_schema: self.aggregation.set_schema(self.schema)
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super(TabularBlock, self).get_config() config = tf_utils.maybe_serialize_keras_objects( self, config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"] ) if self.has_schema: config["schema"] = schema_utils.schema_to_tensorflow_metadata_json(self.schema) return config
@property def is_tabular(self) -> bool: return True def __add__(self, other): from import ParallelBlock return ParallelBlock(self, other)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): config = tf_utils.maybe_deserialize_keras_objects(config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"]) if "schema" in config: config["schema"] = schema_utils.tensorflow_metadata_json_to_schema(config["schema"]) return super().from_config(config)
def _check_post_output_size(self, input_shapes): output_shapes = input_shapes if isinstance(output_shapes, dict): if output_shapes = if self.aggregation: schema = getattr(self, "_schema", None) self.aggregation.set_schema(schema) output_shapes = self.aggregation.compute_output_shape(output_shapes) return output_shapes
[docs] def apply_to_all(self, inputs, columns_to_filter=None): if columns_to_filter: inputs = Filter(columns_to_filter)(inputs) outputs = tf.nest.map_structure(self, inputs) return outputs
[docs] def set_schema(self, schema=None): self._maybe_set_schema(self.pre, schema) self._maybe_set_schema(, schema) self._maybe_set_schema(self.aggregation, schema) return super().set_schema(schema)
[docs] def set_pre(self, value: Optional[BlockType]): self._pre = Block.parse(value) if value else None
@property def pre(self) -> Optional[Block]: """ Returns ------- SequentialTabularTransformations, optional """ return self._pre @property def post(self) -> Optional[Block]: """ Returns ------- SequentialTabularTransformations, optional """ return self._post
[docs] def set_post(self, value: Optional[BlockType]): self._post = Block.parse(value) if value else None
@property def aggregation(self) -> Optional[TabularAggregation]: """ Returns ------- TabularAggregation, optional """ return self._aggregation
[docs] def set_aggregation(self, value: Optional[Union[str, TabularAggregation]]): """ Parameters ---------- value """ if value: self._aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregation] = TabularAggregation.parse(value) else: self._aggregation = None
[docs] def repr_ignore(self): return []
[docs] def repr_extra(self): return []
[docs] def repr_add(self): return []
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_batch_size_from_input_shapes(input_shapes): return tf_utils.calculate_batch_size_from_input_shapes(input_shapes)
def __rrshift__(self, other): return right_shift_layer(self, other)
[docs] def super(self): return super()
# This is done like this to avoid mypy crashing. def _tabular_call( # type: ignore self, inputs: TabularData, *args, pre: Optional[BlockType] = None, post: Optional[BlockType] = None, merge_with: Optional[Union["TabularBlock", List["TabularBlock"]]] = None, aggregation: Optional[TabularAggregationType] = None, **kwargs, ) -> TensorOrTabularData: """We overwrite the call method in order to be able to do pre- and post-processing. Parameters ---------- inputs: TabularData Input TabularData. pre: TabularTransformationsType, optional Transformations to apply before calling the forward method. If pre is None, this method will check if `self.pre` is set. post: TabularTransformationsType, optional Transformations to apply after calling the forward method. If post is None, this method will check if `` is set. merge_with: Union[TabularModule, List[TabularModule]] Other TabularModule's to call and merge the outputs with. aggregation: TabularAggregationType, optional Aggregation to aggregate the output to a single Tensor. Returns ------- TensorOrTabularData (Tensor when aggregation is set, else TabularData) """ inputs = self.pre_call(inputs, transformations=pre) # This will call the `call` method implemented by the super class. outputs = self.super().__call__(inputs, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if isinstance(outputs, dict): outputs = self.post_call( outputs, transformations=post, merge_with=merge_with, aggregation=aggregation ) return outputs TabularBlock.__call__ = _tabular_call # type: ignore
[docs]@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class Filter(TabularBlock): """Transformation that filters out certain features from `TabularData`." Parameters ---------- to_include: List[str] List of features to include in the result of calling the module pop: bool Boolean indicating whether to pop the features to exclude from the inputs dictionary. """ @overload def __init__( self, inputs: Sequence[str], name=None, pop=False, exclude=False, add_to_context: bool = False, **kwargs, ): ... @overload def __init__( self, inputs: Union[Schema, Tags], name=None, pop=False, exclude=False, add_to_context: bool = False, **kwargs, ): ...
[docs] def __init__( self, inputs, name=None, pop=False, exclude=False, add_to_context: bool = False, **kwargs ): if isinstance(inputs, Tags): self.feature_names = inputs else: self.feature_names = list(inputs.column_names) if isinstance(inputs, Schema) else inputs super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.exclude = exclude self.pop = pop self.add_to_context = add_to_context if isinstance(inputs, Schema): self.set_schema(schema=inputs)
[docs] def set_schema(self, schema=None): out = super().set_schema(schema) if isinstance(self.feature_names, Tags): self.feature_names = self.schema.select_by_tag(self.feature_names).column_names return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs: TabularData, **kwargs) -> TabularData: """Filter out features from inputs. Parameters ---------- inputs: TabularData Input dictionary containing features to filter. Returns Filtered TabularData that only contains the feature-names in `self.to_include`. ------- """ assert isinstance(inputs, dict), "Inputs needs to be a dict" outputs = {k: v for k, v in inputs.items() if self.check_feature(k)} if self.pop: for key in outputs.keys(): inputs.pop(key) if self.add_to_context: self.context.tensors.update(outputs) return {} return outputs
[docs] def compute_call_output_shape(self, input_shape): if self.add_to_context: return {} outputs = {k: v for k, v in input_shape.items() if self.check_feature(k)} return outputs
[docs] def check_feature(self, feature_name) -> bool: if self.exclude: return feature_name not in self.feature_names return feature_name in self.feature_names
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super().get_config() config["inputs"] = self.feature_names config["exclude"] = self.exclude config["pop"] = self.pop return config
[docs] def select_by_tag(self, tags: Tags) -> Optional["Filter"]: if isinstance(self.feature_names, Tags): schema = self.schema.select_by_tag(self.feature_names).select_by_tag(tags) elif isinstance(self.feature_names, collections.Sequence): schema = self.schema.select_by_name(self.feature_names).select_by_tag(tags) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected type {type(self.feature_names)} encountered in 'Filter.feature_names'." ) if not schema: return return Filter(schema)
[docs]@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class AsTabular(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Converts a Tensor to TabularData by converting it to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- output_name: str Name that should be used as the key in the output dictionary. name: str Name of the layer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, output_name: str, name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.output_name = output_name
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): return {self.output_name: inputs}
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return {self.output_name: input_shape}
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super(AsTabular, self).get_config() config["output_name"] = self.output_name return config
@property def is_tabular(self) -> bool: return True