API Documentation#
TensorFlow Models#
Ranking Model Constructors#
Create a model using the architecture proposed in DCN V2: Improved Deep & Cross Network [1]. |
DeepFM-model architecture, which is the sum of the 1-dim output of a Factorization Machine [2] and a Deep Neural Network |
DLRM-model architecture. |
The Wide&Deep architecture [1] was proposed by Google in 2016 to balance between the ability of neural networks to generalize and capacity of linear models to memorize relevant feature interactions. |
Retrieval Model Constructors#
Block that can be used for prediction and evaluation but not for training |
Block for ItemRetrieval, which expects query/user and item embeddings as input and uses dot product to score the positive item (inputs["item"]) and also sampled negative items (during training). :param samplers: List of item samplers that provide negative samples when training=True :type samplers: List[ItemSampler], optional :param sampling_downscore_false_negatives: Identify false negatives (sampled item ids equal to the positive item and downscore them to the sampling_downscore_false_negatives_value), by default True :type sampling_downscore_false_negatives: bool, optional :param sampling_downscore_false_negatives_value: Value to be used to downscore false negatives when sampling_downscore_false_negatives=True, by default np.finfo(np.float32).min / 100.0 :type sampling_downscore_false_negatives_value: int, optional :param item_id_feature_name: Name of the column containing the item ids Defaults to item_id :type item_id_feature_name: str :param query_name: Identify query tower for query/user embeddings, by default 'query' :type query_name: str :param item_name: Identify item tower for item embeddings, by default'item' :type item_name: str :param cache_query: Add query embeddings to the context block, by default False :type cache_query: bool :param sampled_softmax_mode: Use sampled softmax for scoring, by default False :type sampled_softmax_mode: bool :param store_negative_ids: Returns negative items ids as part of the output, by default False :type store_negative_ids: bool. |
Builds a matrix factorization (MF) model. |
Builds a matrix factorization model. |
Builds the Two-tower architecture, as proposed in [1]. |
Builds the Two-tower architecture, as proposed in [1]. |
Build the Youtube-DNN retrieval model. |
Build the Youtube-DNN retrieval model. |
Input Block Constructors#
Creates a ParallelBlock with an EmbeddingTable for each categorical feature in the schema. |
Embedding table that is backed by a standard Keras Embedding Layer. |
Takes a 3D input tensor (batch size x seq. |
Apply L2-normalization to input tensors along a given axis |
The entry block of the model to process input features from a schema. |
The entry block of the model to process input features from a schema. |
Filters (keeps) only the continuous features. |
Input block for continuous features. |
Concatenates the continuous features and combines them using a layer |
Input block for embedding-lookups for categorical features. This module produces 3-D tensors, this is useful for sequential models like transformers. :param feature_config: This specifies what TableConfig to use for each feature. For shared embeddings, the same TableConfig can be used for multiple features. :type feature_config: Dict[str, FeatureConfig] :param item_id: The name of the feature that's used for the item_id. :type item_id: str, optional :param padding_idx: The symbol to use for padding. :type padding_idx: int :param pre: Transformations to apply on the inputs when the module is called (so before call). :type pre: Union[str, TabularTransformation, List[str], List[TabularTransformation]], optional :param post: Transformations to apply on the inputs after the module is called (so after call). :type post: Union[str, TabularTransformation, List[str], List[TabularTransformation]], optional :param aggregation: Aggregation to apply after processing the call-method to output a single Tensor. |
Model Building Block Constructors#
Builds the DLRM architecture, as proposed in the following `paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.00091.pdf`_ [1]_. |
A block that applies a multi-layer perceptron to the input. |
This block provides a way to create high-order feature interactions |
Builds the Two-tower architecture, as proposed in the following `paper https://doi.org/10.1145/3298689.3346996`_ [Xinyang19]. |
Returns a block for Matrix Factorization, which created the user and item embeddings based on the schema and computes the dot product between user and item L2-norm embeddings |
Implements the Factorization Machine, as introduced in [1]. |
Compute pairwise (2nd-order) feature interactions like defined in Factorized Machine [1]. |
Modeling Prediction Task Constructors#
The modeling prediction task classes are deprecated in favor of the prediction output classes.
Creates Multi-task prediction Blocks from schema |
Base-class for prediction tasks. |
Prediction task for binary classification. |
Prediction task for multi-class classification. |
Prediction task for regression-task. |
Prediction-task for item-retrieval. |
Modeling Prediction Output Constructors#
Creates model output(s) based on the columns tagged as target in the schema. |
Base-class for prediction blocks. |
Binary-classification prediction block. |
Categorical output |
Categorical output |
Regression prediction block |
Allows using columns (features or targets) as sample weights for a give ModelOutput. |
Model Pipeline Constructors#
The SequentialLayer represents a sequence of Keras layers. It is a Keras Layer that can be used instead of tf.keras.layers.Sequential, which is actually a Keras Model. In contrast to keras Sequential, this layer can be used as a pure Layer in tf.functions and when exporting SavedModels, without having to pre-declare input and output shapes. In turn, this layer is usable as a preprocessing layer for TF Agents Networks, and can be exported via PolicySaver. Usage::. |
Merge multiple layers or TabularModule's into a single output of TabularData. |
Multi-task prediction block. |
A block that applies a dense residual block to the input. |
Layer that's specialized for tabular-data by integrating many often used operations. |
Transformation that filters out certain features from TabularData." |
Layer to enable conditionally apply layers. |
Model Evaluation Constructors#
Block that can be used for top-k prediction & evaluation, initialized from a trained retrieval model |
Model Optimizer Constructors#
An optimizer that composes multiple individual optimizers. |
Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more efficiently. |
dataclass for a pair of optimizer and blocks that the optimizer should apply to. |
split embedding tables in ParallelBlock based on size threshold (first dimension of embedding tables), return a tuple of two lists, which contain large embeddings and small embeddings |
Transformation Block Constructors#
A preprocessing layer which encodes integer features. |
Layer to map values of a dictionary of tensors. |
Prepares scalar and list (multi-hot/sequential) features to be used with a Merlin model. |
Convert the features provided in the schema to sparse tensors. |
Convert the features provided in the schema to dense tensors. |
Transform columns to targets |
Transform the categorical encoded labels into a one-hot representation |
A transformation block which crosses categorical features using the "hashing trick". Conceptually, the transformation can be thought of as: hash(concatenation of features) % num_bins Example usage:: model_body = ParallelBlock( TabularBlock.from_schema(schema=cross_schema, pre=ml.HashedCross(cross_schema, num_bins = 1000)), is_input=True).connect(ml.MLPBlock([64, 32])) model = ml.Model(model_body, ml.BinaryClassificationTask("click")) :param schema: The Schema with the input features :type schema: Schema :param num_bins: Number of hash bins. :type num_bins: int :param output_mode: Specification for the output of the layer. Defaults to "one_hot". Values can be "int", or "one_hot", configuring the layer as follows: - "int": Return the integer bin indices directly. - "one_hot": Encodes each individual element in the input into an array with the same size as num_bins, containing a 1 at the input's bin index. :type output_mode: string :param sparse: Boolean. Only applicable to "one_hot" mode. If True, returns a SparseTensor instead of a dense Tensor. Defaults to False. :type sparse: bool :param output_name: Name of output feature, if not specified, default would be cross_<feature_name>_<feature_name>_<...> :type output_name: string :param infer_num_bins: If True, num_bins would be set as the multiplier of feature cadinalities, if the multiplier is bigger than max_num_bins, then it would be cliped by max_num_bins :type infer_num_bins: bool :param max_num_bins: Upper bound of num_bins, by default 100000. :type max_num_bins: int. |
Parallel block consists of HashedCross blocks for all combinations of schema with all levels |
Broadcast context features to match the timesteps of sequence features. |
Prepares sequential inputs and targets for next-item prediction. |
Prepares sequential inputs and targets for last-item prediction. |
Prepares sequential inputs and targets for random-item prediction. |
Creates targets to be equal to one of the sequential input features. |
This block copies one of the sequence input features to be the target feature. |
This block implements the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) training approach introduced in BERT (NLP) and later adapted to RecSys by BERT4Rec [1]. |
Expand dims of selected input tensors. Example:: inputs = { "cont_feat1": tf.random.uniform((NUM_ROWS,)), "cont_feat2": tf.random.uniform((NUM_ROWS,)), "multi_hot_categ_feat": tf.random.uniform( (NUM_ROWS, 4), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32 ), } expand_dims_op = tr.ExpandDims(expand_dims={"cont_feat2": 0, "multi_hot_categ_feat": 1}) expanded_inputs = expand_dims_op(inputs). |
Applies Stochastic replacement of sequence features |
Converts a Tensor to TabularData by converting it to a dictionary. |
Multi-Task Block Constructors#
Implements the Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts (MMoE) introduced in [1]. |
Implements the Customized Gate Control (CGC) proposed in [1]. |
Implements the Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE) model from [1], by stacking CGC blocks (CGCBlock). |
Data Loader Customization Constructor#
Override class to customize data loading for backward compatibility with older NVTabular releases. |
Aggregator for top-k metrics (TopkMetric) that is optimized to sort top-k predictions only once for all metrics. |
Provides in-batch sampling [1]_ for two-tower item retrieval models. |
Provides a popularity-based negative sampling for the softmax layer to ensure training efficiency when the catalog of items is very large. |
Extends tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy by making from_logits=True by default (in this case an optimized softmax activation is applied within this loss, you should not include softmax activation manually in the output layer). |
Extends tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy by making from_logits=True by default (in this case an optimized softmax activation is applied within this loss, you should not include softmax activation manually in the output layer). |
The Bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) pairwise loss [1]_ |
The BPR-max pairwise loss proposed in [1]_ |
Pairwise hinge loss, as described in [1]_: max(0, 1 + r_uj - r_ui)), where r_ui is the score of the positive item and r_uj the score of negative items. |
Pairwise log loss, as described in [1]_: log(1 + exp(r_uj - r_ui)), where r_ui is the score of the positive item and r_uj the score of negative items. |
The TOP pairwise loss proposed in [1]_ |
The TOP1-max pairwise loss proposed in [1]_ |
An adapted version of the TOP pairwise loss proposed in [1]_, but following the current GRU4Rec implementation [2]_. |
Schema Functions#
Filters out entries from input_dict, returns a dictionary where every entry corresponds to a column in the schema |
Provides a heristic (from Google) that suggests the embedding sizes as a function (forth root) of categorical features cardinalities, obtained from the schema. |
Provides a heuristic (from Google) that suggests the embedding dimension as a function (forth root) of the feature cardinality. |
Tensor Utilities#
Initializer that returns a tensor (e.g. |
Miscellaneous Utility Functions#
Analyses the feature map config and returns the name of the label feature (e.g. |
Analyses the feature map config and returns the name of the label feature (e.g. |
A context manager that prints the execution time of the block it manages |
Recursively finds size of objects |
Util function to load NVTabular Dataset from disk |
Registry Functions#
Default name for a class or function. |
Dict-like class for managing function registrations. |
Creates a help string for names_list grouped by prefix. |