Merlin Systems Example Notebook

This Jupyter notebook example demonstrates how to deploy a ranking model to Triton Inference Server. As a prerequisite, the model must be trained and saved with Merlin Models. See the Exporting Ranking Models file or browse the examples directory of the Merlin Models repository.

Running the Example Notebook

Docker containers are available from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud. Access the catalog of containers at

Use the following container to run the example notebook:

  • Merlin TensorFlow Inference

To run the example notebooks using Docker containers, perform the following steps:

  1. If you haven’t already created a Docker volume to share models and datasets between containers, create the volume by running the following command:

    docker volume create merlin-examples

Note that the saved dlrm model, NVT workflow and processed synthetic parquet files should be stored in the merlin-examples folder so that they can be mounted to the inference container.

  1. Pull and start the container by running the following command:

    docker run --gpus all --rm -it \
      -p 8888:8888 -p 8797:8787 -p 8796:8786 --ipc=host \
      -v merlin-examples:/workspace/data \
      <docker container> /bin/bash

    The container opens a shell when the run command execution is completed. Your shell prompt should look similar to the following example:

  2. Start the JupyterLab server by running the following command:

    jupyter-lab --allow-root --ip=''

    View the messages in your terminal to identify the URL for JupyterLab. The messages in your terminal show similar lines to the following example:

    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
  3. Open a browser and use the URL provided in the messages by JupyterLab.

  4. After you log in to JupyterLab, navigate to the /systems/examples directory to try out the example notebooks.