API Documentation

Ensemble Graph Constructors

Ensemble(ops, schema[, label_columns])

Class that represents an entire ensemble consisting of multiple models that run sequentially in tritonserver initiated by an inference request.

Ensemble Operator Constructors


This operator takes a workflow and turns it into a ensemble operator so that we can execute feature engineering during ensemble on tritonserver.

tensorflow.PredictTensorflow(model_or_path, …)

TensorFlow Model Prediction Operator.


Given inputs of ID and prediction, this operator will sort all inputs in descending order.

session_filter.FilterCandidates(filter_out, …)

This operator takes the input column and filters out elements of that column based on the supplied criteria.

unroll_features.UnrollFeatures(item_id_col, …)

This operator takes a target column and joins the “unroll” columns to the target.