Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.backend import random_bernoulli

from import combinators
from import Block, BlockType, PredictionOutput
from import TabularBlock
from import PrepareFeatures
from import TabularData
from import tf_utils
from merlin.models.utils import schema_utils
from merlin.models.utils.dependencies import is_transformers_available
from merlin.schema import ColumnSchema, Schema, Tags

class RemovePad3D(Block):
    Flatten the sequence of labels and filter out non-targets positions

        padding_idx: int
            The padding index value.
            Defaults to 0.
        targets: tf.Tensor
            The flattened vector of true targets positions
        flatten_predictions: tf.Tensor
            If the predictions are 3-D vectors (sequential task),
            flatten the predictions vectors to keep only the ones related to target positions.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.padding_idx = 0

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape

    def call_outputs(
        self, outputs: PredictionOutput, training=True, **kwargs
    ) -> "PredictionOutput":
        targets, predictions = outputs.targets, outputs.predictions
        targets = tf.reshape(targets, (-1,))
        non_pad_mask = targets != self.padding_idx
        targets = tf.boolean_mask(targets, non_pad_mask)

        assert isinstance(predictions, tf.Tensor), "Predictions must be a tensor"

        if len(tuple(predictions.get_shape())) == 3:
            predictions = tf.reshape(predictions, (-1, predictions.shape[-1]))
            predictions = tf.boolean_mask(
                predictions, tf.broadcast_to(tf.expand_dims(non_pad_mask, 1), tf.shape(predictions))

        return outputs.copy_with_updates(predictions=predictions, targets=targets)

class SequenceTransform(TabularBlock):
    """Base class for preparing sequential inputs and targets.

    schema : Schema
        The schema with the sequential columns to be truncated
    target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema]
        The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target
    pre : Optional[BlockType], optional
        A block that is called before this method call().
        P.s. The PrepareFeatures() block is applied to convert
        the tuple representation of sequential features to RaggedTensors,
        so that the tensors sequences can be shifted/truncated
    transformer:  Optional[TransformerBlock]
        The transformer block that leverages the group of sequences returned
        by the given SequenceTransform, by default None.

    def __init__(
        schema: Schema,
        target: Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema],
        pre: Optional[BlockType] = None,
        _pre = PrepareFeatures(schema)
        if pre:
            _pre = _pre.connect(pre)
        super().__init__(pre=_pre, schema=schema, **kwargs) = target
        self.target_name = self._get_target(target)
        self.transformer = transformer

    def _get_target(self, target):
        if (
            (isinstance(target, str) and target not in self.schema.column_names)
            or (isinstance(target, Tags) and len(self.schema.select_by_tag(target)) > 0)
            or (isinstance(target, ColumnSchema) and target not in self.schema)
            raise ValueError("The target column needs to be part of the sequential schema")

        target_name = target
        if isinstance(target, ColumnSchema):
            target_name =
        if isinstance(target, Tags):
            if len(self.schema.select_by_tag(target)) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Only 1 column should the Tag ({target}) provided for target, but"
                    f"the following columns have that tag: "
            target_name = self.schema.select_by_tag(target).column_names[0]
        return target_name

    def call(
        self, inputs: TabularData, targets=None, training=False, testing=False, **kwargs
    ) -> Tuple:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _check_seq_inputs_targets(self, inputs: TabularData):
        if self.target_name not in inputs:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The inputs provided does contain the target column ({self.target_name})"

        target_shape = inputs[self.target_name].get_shape().as_list()
        if len(target_shape) < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The sequential target column ({self.target_name}) cannot be a 1D tensor,"
                f" but the shape is {target_shape}"
        if target_shape[1] == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The 2nd dim of the target column ({self.target_name}) should be greater"
                " than 1, so that the sequential input can be shifted as target"

        seq_inputs_shapes = {
            col: inputs[col].get_shape().as_list() for col in self.schema.column_names

        seq_shapes = list(seq_inputs_shapes.values())
        if not all(x[:2] == seq_shapes[0][:2] for x in seq_shapes):
            raise ValueError(
                "The sequential inputs must have the first two dims equal, but they "
                f"are different: {seq_inputs_shapes}"

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        new_input_shapes = dict()
        for k, v in input_shape.items():
            new_input_shapes[k] = v
            if k in self.schema.column_names:
                # If it is a list/sparse feature (in tuple representation), uses the offset as shape
                if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[1], tf.TensorShape):
                    new_input_shapes[k] = tf.TensorShape([v[1][0], None])
                    new_input_shapes[k] = v

        return new_input_shapes

    def get_config(self):
        """Returns the config of the layer as a Python dictionary."""
        config = super().get_config()
        config["target"] =

        return config

    def from_config(cls, config):
        """Creates layer from its config. Returning the instance."""
        config = tf_utils.maybe_deserialize_keras_objects(config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"])
        config["schema"] = schema_utils.tensorflow_metadata_json_to_schema(config["schema"])
        schema = config.pop("schema")
        target = config.pop("target")
        return cls(schema, target, **config)

    def configure_for_train(self):
        """Method called by the to set additional model's
        configuration before calling keras parent class `fit()`

    def configure_for_test(self):
        """Method called by the model.evaluate() to check any custom model's
        configuration before calling keras parent class `evaluate()`

[docs]@Block.registry.register_with_multiple_names("seq_predict_next") @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin_models") class SequencePredictNext(SequenceTransform): """Prepares sequential inputs and targets for next-item prediction. The target is extracted from the shifted sequence of item ids and the sequential input features are truncated in the last position. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The schema with the sequential columns to be truncated target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target pre : Optional[BlockType], optional A block that is called before this method call(). P.s. The PrepareFeatures() is called automatically before the pre to convert the list features representation """
[docs] def call( self, inputs: TabularData, targets=None, training=False, testing=False, **kwargs ) -> Tuple: self._check_seq_inputs_targets(inputs) # Shifts the target column to be the next item of corresponding input column new_target = inputs[self.target_name][:, 1:] if targets is None: targets = dict({self.target_name: new_target}) elif isinstance(targets, dict): targets[self.target_name] = new_target else: raise ValueError("Targets should be None or a dict of tensors") new_inputs = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: # Removes the last item of the sequence, as it belongs to the target new_inputs[k] = v[:, :-1] else: new_inputs[k] = v return (new_inputs, targets)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): new_input_shapes = dict() for k, v in input_shape.items(): new_input_shapes[k] = v if k in self.schema.column_names: # If it is a list/sparse feature (in tuple representation), uses the offset as shape if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[1], tf.TensorShape): new_input_shapes[k] = tf.TensorShape([v[1][0], None]) else: # Reducing 1 position of the seq length new_input_shapes[k] = tf.TensorShape([v[0], v[1] - 1]) return new_input_shapes
[docs] def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): new_item_id_seq = inputs[self.target_name][:, :-1] target_mask = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths( values=tf.ones_like(new_item_id_seq.flat_values, dtype=tf.bool), row_lengths=new_item_id_seq.row_lengths(), ) self.target_mask = tf.squeeze(target_mask, axis=-1) targets_mask = dict({self.target_name: self.target_mask}) inputs_mask = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: inputs_mask[k] = self.target_mask else: inputs_mask[k] = None return (inputs_mask, targets_mask)
[docs] def configure_for_train(self): """Method called by the to set the specialized `masking_post` and `masking_pre` needed by the TransformerBlock to align with the SequencePredictNext outputs. """ if self.transformer is not None: if not is_transformers_available(): raise ImportError("HuggingFace library `transformers` is required") from import ( TransformerInferenceHiddenState, TransformerOutputToRagged, ) # set the tansformer block with the correct masking block self.transformer.masking_post = combinators.SequentialBlock( [TransformerOutputToRagged(), TransformerInferenceHiddenState()] ) self.transformer.masking_pre = combinators.SequentialBlock( [SequenceCausalLastInference(), ExtractMaskFromTargets()] )
[docs] def configure_for_test(self): """Method called by the model.evaluate() to check that the `masking_post` and `masking_pre` set in the TransformerBlock are aligned with the evaluation strategy of SequencePredictNext """ if self.transformer is not None: if self.transformer.masking_pre is None: raise ValueError( "To evaluate using `SequencePredictNext`, ensure that your TransformerBlock has" " `masking_pre` set as" " `combinators.SequentialBlock(" " [SequenceCausalLastInference(), ExtractMaskFromTargets()]" ")`." " You can automatically set `masking_pre` by passing `SequencePredictNext`" " as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method: " "`, pre=SequencePredictNext(...))`." ) if any( isinstance(layer, ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings) for layer in self.transformer.masking_pre.layers ): ValueError( "You cannot use `ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings` as `masking_pre`" " of your TransformerBlock with the `SequencePredictNext`" " evaluation strategy. Please ensure that your Transformer" " model has been trained with `SequencePredictNext`" " by passing it as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method: " "`, pre=SequencePredictNext(...))`." )
[docs]@Block.registry.register_with_multiple_names("seq_predict_last") @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin_models") class SequencePredictLast(SequenceTransform): """Prepares sequential inputs and targets for last-item prediction. The target is extracted from the last element of sequence of item ids and the sequential input features are truncated before the last position. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The schema with the sequential columns to be truncated target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target pre : Optional[BlockType], optional A block that is called before this method call(). P.s. The PrepareFeatures() is called automatically before the pre to convert the list features representation """
[docs] @tf.function def call( self, inputs: TabularData, targets=None, training=False, testing=False, **kwargs ) -> Tuple: self._check_seq_inputs_targets(inputs) # Shifts the target column to be the next item of corresponding input column new_target = tf.squeeze(inputs[self.target_name][:, -1:], axis=1) if targets is None: targets = dict({self.target_name: new_target}) elif isinstance(targets, dict): targets[self.target_name] = new_target else: raise ValueError("Targets should be None or a dict of tensors") new_inputs = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: # Removes the last item of the sequence, as it belongs to the target new_inputs[k] = v[:, :-1] else: new_inputs[k] = v return (new_inputs, targets)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): new_input_shapes = dict() for k, v in input_shape.items(): new_input_shapes[k] = v if k in self.schema.column_names: # If it is a list/sparse feature (in tuple representation), uses the offset as shape if isinstance(v, tuple) and isinstance(v[1], tf.TensorShape): new_input_shapes[k] = tf.TensorShape([v[1][0], None]) else: # Reducing 1 position of the seq length new_input_shapes[k] = tf.TensorShape([v[0], v[1] - 1]) return new_input_shapes
[docs] def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): new_item_id_seq = inputs[self.target_name][:, :-1] self.target_mask = self._generate_target_mask(new_item_id_seq) inputs_mask = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: inputs_mask[k] = self.target_mask else: inputs_mask[k] = None return (inputs_mask, self.target_mask)
def _generate_target_mask(self, ids_seq: tf.RaggedTensor) -> tf.RaggedTensor: """Returns a bool ragged tensor with the last positions of the sequence masked Parameters ---------- ids_seq : tf.RaggedTensor Sequence of ids, which are used to infer how many values each sequence contains Returns ------- tf.RaggedTensor Mask tensor, with True at the last positions """ row_lengths = ids_seq.row_lengths(1) max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) targets_mask = tf.ragged.boolean_mask( tf.cast(tf.one_hot(row_lengths - 1, max_seq_length), tf.bool), padding_mask ) return targets_mask
[docs]@Block.registry.register_with_multiple_names("seq_predict_random") @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin_models") class SequencePredictRandom(SequenceTransform): """Prepares sequential inputs and targets for random-item prediction. A random element in the sequence (except the first one) is selected as target and all elements before the selected target as used as input features. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The schema with the sequential columns to be truncated target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target pre : Optional[BlockType], optional A block that is called before this method call(). P.s. The PrepareFeatures() is called automatically before the pre to convert the list features representation """
[docs] def call( self, inputs: TabularData, targets=None, training=False, testing=False, **kwargs ) -> Tuple: self._check_seq_inputs_targets(inputs) batch_size = inputs[self.target_name].nrows() seq_length = inputs[self.target_name].row_lengths(1) max_length = tf.reduce_max(seq_length) random_targets_indices = tf.expand_dims( tf.cast( tf.math.floor( ( tf.random.uniform( shape=[batch_size], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=tf.float32 ) * tf.cast(seq_length - 1, tf.float32) ) + 1 ), tf.int32, ), 1, ) positions_matrix = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, max_length, dtype=tf.int32), 0), [batch_size, 1] ) self.random_mask = positions_matrix < random_targets_indices target_mask = positions_matrix == random_targets_indices new_target = tf.squeeze( tf.ragged.boolean_mask(inputs[self.target_name], target_mask), axis=1 ) if targets is None: targets = dict({self.target_name: new_target}) elif isinstance(targets, dict): targets[self.target_name] = new_target else: raise ValueError("Targets should be None or a dict of tensors") new_inputs = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: new_inputs[k] = tf.ragged.boolean_mask(v, self.random_mask) else: new_inputs[k] = v return (new_inputs, targets)
[docs] def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): new_item_id_seq = tf.ragged.boolean_mask(inputs[self.target_name], self.random_mask) self.target_mask = self._generate_target_mask(new_item_id_seq) inputs_mask = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: inputs_mask[k] = self.target_mask else: inputs_mask[k] = None return (inputs_mask, self.target_mask)
def _generate_target_mask(self, ids_seq: tf.RaggedTensor) -> tf.RaggedTensor: """Returns a bool ragged tensor with the last positions of the sequence masked Parameters ---------- ids_seq : tf.RaggedTensor Sequence of ids, which are used to infer how many values each sequence contains Returns ------- tf.RaggedTensor Mask tensor, with True at the last positions """ row_lengths = ids_seq.row_lengths(1) max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) targets_mask = tf.ragged.boolean_mask( tf.cast(tf.one_hot(row_lengths - 1, max_seq_length), tf.bool), padding_mask ) return targets_mask
[docs]@Block.registry.register_with_multiple_names("seq_target_as_input") @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin_models") class SequenceTargetAsInput(SequenceTransform): """Creates targets to be equal to one of the sequential input features. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The schema with the sequential columns to be truncated target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target pre : Optional[BlockType], optional A block that is called before this method call(). P.s. The PrepareFeatures() is called automatically before the pre to convert the list features representation """
[docs] @tf.function def call( self, inputs: TabularData, targets=None, training=False, testing=False, **kwargs ) -> Tuple: self._check_seq_inputs_targets(inputs) new_target = tf.identity(inputs[self.target_name]) if targets is None: targets = dict({self.target_name: new_target}) elif isinstance(targets, dict): targets[self.target_name] = new_target else: raise ValueError("Targets should be None or a dict of tensors") return (inputs, targets)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): config = tf_utils.maybe_deserialize_keras_objects(config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"]) schema = schema_utils.tensorflow_metadata_json_to_schema(config.pop("schema")) target = config.pop("target") return cls(schema, target, **config)
[docs]@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class SequenceMaskRandom(SequenceTargetAsInput): """This block implements the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) training approach introduced in BERT (NLP) and later adapted to RecSys by BERT4Rec [1]. Given an input tf.RaggedTensor with sequences of embeddings and the corresponding sequence of item ids, some positions are randomly selected (masked) to be the targets for prediction. The targets are output being the same as the input ids sequence. The target masks are returned by using Keras Masking (._keras_mask), which is set by the compute_mask() method. Note: The SequenceMaskRandom is meant to be used as a `pre` of, e.g., pre=SequenceMaskRandom(...)). Note: Typically during model.evaluate() you want to evaluate the model to predict the last position of the sequence, as it mimics the next-item predicion task. In that case, you should use model.evaluate(..., pre=SequenceMaskLast(...)) instead of SequenceMaskRandom(...). References ---------- .. [1] Sun, Fei, et al. "BERT4Rec: Sequential recommendation with bidirectional encoder representations from transformer." Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on information and knowledge management. 2019. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The input schema, that will be used to discover the name of the item id column target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target masking_prob : float, optional Probability of an item to be selected (masked) as a label of the given sequence. Note: We enforce that at least one item is masked for each sequence, so that it is useful for training, by default 0.2 """
[docs] def __init__( self, schema: Schema, target: Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema], masking_prob: float = 0.2, **kwargs, ): self.masking_prob = masking_prob super().__init__(schema, target, **kwargs)
[docs] @tf.function def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): """Selects (masks) some positions of the targets to be predicted. This method is called by Keras after call() and returns the targets mask that will be assigned to the input tensors and targets, being accessible by tensor._keras_mask """ item_id_seq = inputs[self.target_name] self.target_mask = self._generate_target_mask(item_id_seq) inputs_mask = dict() for k in inputs: if k in self.schema.column_names: inputs_mask[k] = self.target_mask else: inputs_mask[k] = None targets_mask = dict({self.target_name: self.target_mask}) return (inputs_mask, targets_mask)
def _generate_target_mask(self, ids_seq: tf.RaggedTensor) -> tf.RaggedTensor: """Generates a target mask according to the defined probability and to the constraints for Masked Language Modeling training (i.e., each sequence might have between 1 and length-1 masked positions.) Parameters ---------- ids_seq : tf.RaggedTensor Sequence of ids, which are used to infer how many values each sequence contains Returns ------- tf.RaggedTensor Mask tensor, with True at the positions where targets were selected to be predicted """ row_lengths = ids_seq.row_lengths(1) assertion_min_seq_length = tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(row_lengths > 1), [row_lengths]) with tf.control_dependencies([assertion_min_seq_length]): # Targets are masked according to a probability target_mask_by_prob = self._get_masked_by_prob(row_lengths, prob=self.masking_prob) # Exactly one target is masked per row one_target_mask = self._get_one_masked(row_lengths) # For sequences (rows) with either all or none elements sampled (masked) as targets # as those sequences would be invalid for training # the row mask is replaced by a row mask that contains exactly one masked target replacement_cond = tf.logical_or( tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(target_mask_by_prob, axis=1)), tf.reduce_all(target_mask_by_prob, axis=1), ) target_mask = tf.where( tf.expand_dims(replacement_cond, -1), one_target_mask, target_mask_by_prob ) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) target_mask_ragged = tf.ragged.boolean_mask(target_mask, padding_mask) return target_mask_ragged @staticmethod def _get_masked_by_prob(row_lengths: tf.Tensor, prob: float) -> tf.Tensor: """Generates a dense mask boolean tensor with True values for randomly selected targets """ max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) batch_size = tf.shape(row_lengths)[0] output = tf.cast(random_bernoulli([batch_size, max_seq_length], p=prob), tf.bool) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) # Ignoring masked items in the padding positions output = tf.logical_and(output, padding_mask) return output @staticmethod def _get_one_masked(row_lengths: tf.Tensor): """Generates a dense mask boolean tensor where for each tensor (row) there is exactly one True value (selected target) """ max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) random_targets_indices = tf.cast( tf.math.floor( ( tf.random.uniform( shape=tf.shape(row_lengths), minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=tf.float32 ) * tf.cast(row_lengths, tf.float32) ) ), tf.int32, ) one_target_mask = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(random_targets_indices, max_seq_length), tf.bool) return one_target_mask
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super().get_config() config["masking_prob"] = self.masking_prob return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): config = tf_utils.maybe_deserialize_keras_objects(config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"]) schema = schema_utils.tensorflow_metadata_json_to_schema(config.pop("schema")) target = config.pop("target") masking_prob = config.pop("masking_prob") return cls(schema, target, masking_prob, **config)
[docs] def configure_for_train(self): """Method called by the to set the specialized `masking_post` and `masking_pre` needed by the TransformerBlock to align with the SequencePredictNext outputs. """ if self.transformer is not None: if not is_transformers_available(): raise ImportError("HuggingFace library `transformers` is required") from import ( TransformerInferenceHiddenState, TransformerOutputToRagged, ) # set the tansformer block with the correct masking blocks self.transformer.masking_post = combinators.SequentialBlock( [TransformerOutputToRagged(), TransformerInferenceHiddenState()] ) self.transformer.masking_pre = combinators.SequentialBlock( [SequenceMaskLastInference(), ExtractMaskFromTargets(), ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings()] )
[docs] def configure_for_test(self): """Method called by the model.evaluate() to check that the `masking_pre` set in the TransformerBlock is aligned with the evaluation strategy of SequenceMaskRandom """ if self.transformer is not None: if self.transformer.masking_pre is None: raise ValueError( "To evaluate using `SequenceMaskRandom`, ensure that your TransformerBlock has" " `masking_pre` set as" " `combinators.SequentialBlock(" " [" " SequenceMaskLastInference()," " ExtractMaskFromTargets()," " ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings()" " ]" ")`" " You can automatically set `masking_pre` by passing `SequenceMaskRandom`" " as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method:" " `, pre=SequenceMaskRandom(...))`." ) if not any( isinstance(layer, ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings) for layer in self.transformer.masking_pre.layers ): ValueError( " The block `ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings` must be part of the `masking_pre`" " of your TransformerBlock to be able to use `SequenceMaskRandom`" " evaluation strategy." " Please ensure that your Transformer model has been trained with" " `SequenceMaskRandom` or `SequenceMaskLast`" " by passing it as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method: " "`, pre=SequenceMaskRandom(...))`." )
[docs]@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class SequenceMaskLast(SequenceTargetAsInput): """This block copies one of the sequence input features to be the target feature. The last item of the target (and corresponding sequences) is selected (masked) to be predicted The input and target masks are returned by using Keras Masking (._keras_mask), which is set by the compute_mask() method. Parameters ---------- schema : Schema The input schema, that will be used to discover the name of the item id column target : Union[str, Tags, ColumnSchema] The sequential input column that will be used to extract the target """
[docs] def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): """Selects (masks) the last position of the sequential targets to be predicted. This method is called by Keras after call() and returns the targets mask that will be assigned to the input tensors and targets, being accessible by tensor._keras_mask """ item_id_seq = inputs[self.target_name] self.target_mask = self._generate_target_mask(item_id_seq) inputs_mask = dict() for k, v in inputs.items(): if k in self.schema.column_names: inputs_mask[k] = self.target_mask else: inputs_mask[k] = None return (inputs_mask, self.target_mask)
def _generate_target_mask(self, ids_seq: tf.RaggedTensor) -> tf.RaggedTensor: """Returns a bool ragged tensor with the last positions of the sequence masked Parameters ---------- ids_seq : tf.RaggedTensor Sequence of ids, which are used to infer how many values each sequence contains Returns ------- tf.RaggedTensor Mask tensor, with True at the last positions """ row_lengths = ids_seq.row_lengths(1) max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) assertion_min_seq_length = tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(row_lengths > 1), [row_lengths]) with tf.control_dependencies([assertion_min_seq_length]): padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) targets_mask = tf.ragged.boolean_mask( tf.cast(tf.one_hot(row_lengths - 1, max_seq_length), tf.bool), padding_mask ) return targets_mask
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): config = tf_utils.maybe_deserialize_keras_objects(config, ["pre", "post", "aggregation"]) schema = schema_utils.tensorflow_metadata_json_to_schema(config.pop("schema")) target = config.pop("target") return cls(schema, target, **config)
[docs] def configure_for_train(self): """Method called by the to set the specialized `masking_post` and `masking_pre` needed by the TransformerBlock to align with the SequencePredictNext outputs. """ if self.transformer is not None: if not is_transformers_available(): raise ImportError("HuggingFace library `transformers` is required") from import ( TransformerInferenceHiddenState, TransformerOutputToRagged, ) # set the tansformer block with the correct masking blocks self.transformer.masking_post = combinators.SequentialBlock( [TransformerOutputToRagged(), TransformerInferenceHiddenState()] ) self.transformer.masking_pre = combinators.SequentialBlock( [SequenceMaskLastInference(), ExtractMaskFromTargets(), ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings()] )
[docs] def configure_for_test(self): """Method called by the model.evaluate() to check that the `masking_pre` set in the TransformerBlock is aligned with the evaluation strategy of SequenceMaskRandom """ if self.transformer is not None: if self.transformer.masking_pre is None: raise ValueError( "To evaluate using `SequenceMaskLast`, ensure that your TransformerBlock has" " `masking_pre` set as" " `combinators.SequentialBlock(" " [" " SequenceMaskLastInference()," " ExtractMaskFromTargets()," " ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings()" " ]" ")`" " You can automatically set `masking_pre` by passing `SequenceMaskRandom`" " or `SequenceMaskLast` as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method:" " `, pre=SequenceMaskRandom(...))`." ) if not any( isinstance(layer, ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings) for layer in self.transformer.masking_pre.layers ): ValueError( "The block `ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings` must be part of the `masking_pre`" " of your TransformerBlock to be able to use `SequenceMaskRandom`" " evaluation strategy." " Please ensure that your Transformer model has been trained with" " `SequenceMaskRandom` or `SequenceMaskLast`" " by passing it as the `pre` argument to the `fit` method: " "`, pre=SequenceMaskLast(...))`." )
@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class SequenceMaskLastInference(Block): def call(self, inputs, training=False, testing=False): self.inference_mode = not training and not testing if self.inference_mode: # Extending sequences in one position by copying the last embedding repeat = inputs[:, -1:, :] # repeat = tf.expand_dims(repeat, 1) inputs = tf.concat([inputs, repeat], axis=1) return inputs def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): """Selects (masks) the next position after the last valid (non-padded) position of the sequential targets to be predicted. This method is called by Keras after call() and returns the mask that is going to be assigned to the input tensors, being accessible by tensor._keras_mask """ targets_mask = None if self.inference_mode: if isinstance(inputs, tf.RaggedTensor): row_lengths = inputs.row_lengths(1) + 1 max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) targets_mask = tf.ragged.boolean_mask( tf.cast(tf.one_hot(row_lengths - 1, max_seq_length), tf.bool), padding_mask ) return targets_mask
[docs]@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings(Block): """Takes a 3D input tensor (batch size x seq. length x embedding dim) and replaces by a dummy trainable single embedding at the positions to be masked. This is useful to be used when PredictMasked() transformation is used in the fit()/eval() methods, which randomly selects some targets to be predicted and uses Keras Masking to cascade the `_keras_mask`. By replacing input embeddings at masked positions we avoid target leakage when training models with Masked Language Modeling (BERT-like). To support masked training approach in Transformer-based model, SequenceMaskRandom and SequenceLastRandom implements `configure_for_train` method that sets `ReplaceMaskedEmbeddings` as part of the `masking_pre` of the transformer block. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.supports_masking = True
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): self.hidden_size = input_shape[-1] if self.hidden_size is None: raise ValueError("The last dim of inputs cannot be None") # Create a trainable embedding to replace masked interactions initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.001) self.masked_embedding = tf.Variable(initializer(shape=[self.hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)) return super().build(input_shape)
[docs] def call( self, inputs: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor], ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor]: """If the sequence of input embeddings is masked (with `tensor._keras_mask` defined), replaces the input embeddings for masked elements Parameters ---------- inputs : Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor] A tensor with sequences of vectors. Needs to be 3D (batch_size, sequence_length, embeddings dim). If inputs._keras_mask is defined uses it to infer the mask Returns ------- Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor] returns a tensor with the masked inputs replaced by the dummy embedding """ outputs = inputs if getattr(inputs, "_keras_mask", None) is not None: # Replaces the embeddings at masked positions by a dummy trainable embedding outputs = self._replace_masked_embeddings(inputs, inputs._keras_mask) return outputs
def _replace_masked_embeddings( self, inputs: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor], mask: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor] ) -> tf.RaggedTensor: """ Replaces in the inputs tensors the values masked as targets by a common trainable embedding """ tf.Assert( tf_utils.check_inputs_mask_compatible_shape(inputs, mask), [ "The inputs and mask need to be compatible: have the same dtype " "(tf.Tensor or tf.RaggedTensor) and the tf.rank(mask) == tf.rank(inputs)-1" ], ) if isinstance(mask, tf.RaggedTensor): mask = mask.with_row_splits_dtype(inputs.row_splits.dtype) output = tf.where( tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(mask, -1), tf.bool), tf.cast(self.masked_embedding, dtype=inputs.dtype), inputs, ) return output
@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class ExtractMaskFromTargets(Block): """ Recovers the mask information for the inputs from the mask information stored in the targets. This block looks for the Keras mask (`._keras_mask`) in the following order: 1. Checks if the input tensor has a mask. 2. Checks if there is a single target and if it has a mask. 3. If there are multiple targets (dictionary), returns the mask of the target that matches the first two dimensions of the input. This is useful to use when the mask information for the inputs may be lost in previous non-mask-aware Merlin blocks. """ def call( self, inputs: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor], targets: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor, TabularData]] = None, ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor]: mask = self._infer_mask_from_inputs_or_targets(inputs, targets) inputs._keras_mask = mask return inputs def _infer_mask_from_inputs_or_targets( self, inputs: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor], targets: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor]] = None, ): mask = None if getattr(inputs, "_keras_mask", None) is not None: mask = inputs._keras_mask elif targets is not None: if isinstance(targets, dict): if len(targets) == 1: single_target = list(targets.values())[0] if getattr(single_target, "_keras_mask", None) is not None: mask = single_target._keras_mask elif len(targets) > 1: # If there is more than 1 target, checks if only one # target matches the shape sequence of the inputs for _, v in targets.items(): if getattr( v, "_keras_mask", None ) is not None and tf_utils.check_inputs_mask_compatible_shape( inputs, v._keras_mask ): if mask is None: mask = v._keras_mask else: raise ValueError( "It is not possible to infer the mask " "from the targets because there are more than " "one target with the expected shape that matches " "the inputs shape (batch_size x seq_length)" ) elif getattr(targets, "_keras_mask", None) is not None: mask = targets._keras_mask return mask @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="merlin.models") class SequenceCausalLastInference(Block): def call(self, inputs, training=False, testing=False): self.inference_mode = not training and not testing return inputs def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): """Selects (masks) the last non padded position of the input sequence to be predicted. This method is called by Keras after call() and returns the mask that is going to be assigned to the input tensors, being accessible by tensor._keras_mask """ if self.inference_mode: if isinstance(inputs, tf.RaggedTensor): row_lengths = inputs.row_lengths(1) max_seq_length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(row_lengths), tf.int32) padding_mask = tf.sequence_mask(row_lengths) mask = tf.ragged.boolean_mask( tf.cast(tf.one_hot(row_lengths - 1, max_seq_length), tf.bool), padding_mask ) return mask