Accelerated Training with TensorFlow

Accelerated Training with TensorFlow#

When training pipelines with TensorFlow, the dataloader cannot prepare sequential batches fast enough, so the GPU is not fully utilized. To combat this issue, we’ve developed a highly customized tabular dataloader, KerasSequenceLoader, to accelerate existing pipelines in TensorFlow. In our experiments, we were able to achieve a speed-up 9 times as fast as the same training workflow that contains a NVTabular dataloader. The NVTabular dataloader is capable of:

  • removing bottlenecks from dataloading by processing large chunks of data at a time instead of item by item

  • processing datasets that don’t fit within the GPU or CPU memory by streaming from the disk

  • reading data directly into the GPU memory and removing CPU-GPU communication

  • preparing batch asynchronously into the GPU to avoid CPU-GPU communication

  • supporting commonly used formats such as parquet

  • integrating easily into existing TensorFlow training pipelines by using a similar API as the native TensorFlow dataloader since it works with tf.keras models

When KerasSequenceLoader accelerates training with TensorFlow, the following happens:

  1. The required libraries are imported. The dataloader loads and prepares batches directly in the GPU and requires some of the GPU memory. Before initializing TensorFlow, the amount of memory that is allocated to TensorFlow needs to be controlled as well as the remaining memory allocation that is allocated to the dataloader. The environment variable ‘TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION’ can be used to control the TensorFlow memory allocation.

import tensorflow as tf

# Control how much memory to give TensorFlow with this environment variable
# IMPORTANT: Do this before you initialize the TensorFlow runtime, otherwise
# it's too late and TensorFlow will claim all free GPU memory
os.environ['TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION'] = "8192" # explicit MB
os.environ['TF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION'] = "0.5" # fraction of free memory
from nvtabular.loader.tensorflow import KerasSequenceLoader,
  1. The data schema is defined with tf.feature_columns, the categorical input features (CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS) are fed through an embedding layer, and the continuous input (CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS) features are defined with numeric_column. The EMBEDDING_TABLE_SHAPES is a dictionary that contains cardinality and emb_size tuples for each categorical feature.

def make_categorical_embedding_column(name, dictionary_size, embedding_dim):
    return tf.feature_column.embedding_column(
       tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity(name, dictionary_size),

# instantiate the columns
categorical_columns = [
   make_categorical_embedding_column(name,*EMBEDDING_TABLE_SHAPES[name]) for name in CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS
continuous_columns = [
   tf.feature_column.numeric_column(name, (1,)) for name in CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS
  1. The NVTabular dataloader is initialized. The NVTabular dataloader supports a list of filenames and glob pattern as input, which it will load and iterate over. feature_columns defines the data structure, which uses the tf.feature_column structure that was previously defined. Thebatch_size, label_names (target columns), shuffle, and buffer_size are defined.

TRAIN_PATHS = glob.glob("./train/*.parquet")
train_dataset_tf = KerasSequenceLoader(
   TRAIN_PATHS, # you could also use a glob pattern
   feature_columns=categorical_columns + continuous_columns,
   buffer_size=0.06  # amount of data, as a fraction of GPU memory, to load at one time
  1. The TensorFlow Keras model ( tf.keras.Model) is defined if a neural network architecture is created in which inputs are the input tensors and output is the output tensors.

model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output)
model.compile('sgd', 'binary_crossentropy')
  1. The model is trained with using the NVTabular dataloader.

history =, epochs=5)

Note: If using the NVTabular dataloader for the validation dataset, a callback can be used for it.

valid_dataset_tf = KerasSequenceLoader(...)
validation_callback = KerasSequenceValidater(valid_dataset_tf)
history =, callbacks=[validation_callback], epochs=5)

You can find additional examples in our repository.